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Darkness in parts of Hargeisa, Republic of Soomaaliya

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Xaafado ka tirsan Hargeysa oo aanay Koronto ka jirin iyo Dadka oo Cabanaya

Khamiis, Abriil 10, 2014 (HOL) — Xaafadaha dhinaca Koonfureed ee magaalada Hargeysa ku yaalla ayaa ka cabanaya koronto la’aan kaddib markii ay cilladi ku timid martoorradii korontada siin jirtay oo ay leedahay maamulka Somaliland.


Maamulka Somaliland ayaa waxay leedahay xarun ay korontada ka siiso dadka magaalada ku nool qaarkood, inkastoo ay jiraan shirkado kale oo korontada bixiya, waxaana xarunta koronto bixinta Hargeysa ay dansan tahay toddobaadkii labaad.


“Waxaanu ka cabanaynaa korontada oo 12 maalmood naga maqan, innagu waxaan daggan-nahay xaafadaha ku teedsan saldhigga dhexe illaa Sheekh Madar, koronto la’aanta ayaana ah dhibaatada ugu weyn ee xilligan na haysata,” ayuu yiri Faysal Maxamed Xasan.


Sidoo kale, ruuxan ka mid ah shacabka Hargeysa ayaa sheegay inaysan koronto kale gashan karin illaa ay warqado ruqsad ah ka helaan xarunta koronto bixinta maamulka, isagoo xusay inay dowladda ka codsanayaan inay si dhaqso ah ku hagaajiso.


Wasiirka howlaha guud ee Maamulka Somaliland, C/risaaq Khaliif Axmed oo BBC-da la hadlay ayaa sheegay in cillad ay ku timid matoorradii korontada siin jiray magaalada, balse ay wadaan howllo lagu hagaajinayo matooralada, loona heli lahaa matoorro cusub.


“Matoorro cusub oo dibadda ka imaanaya ayaan sugaynaa; kuwaasoo lagu wado in caawa ay magaalada soo galaan, waana arrin adag in hal mar ay matoorrada oo dhami ay fariistaan, balse sida ugu dhaqsiyaha badan ayaan korontada ku sii dayn doonnaa,” ayuu yiri wasiirka.


Xaafadaha ay korontada siiyaan shirkadaha gaarka loo leeyahay ayaa ka weyn kuwa ay maamulku siiso, taasoo sababtay in cabashada koronto la’aanta ay ku eg-tahay Koonfurta magaalada Hargeysa.



Let there be light in Second capital city of Soomaaliya!

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Electricity has been a problem for quiet some time and energy is needed another reason to support the grand Renaissance dam of Ethiopia, the region will have cheap electricity.



Having said that Somalia has more pressing issues Somalia rising dont you have to worry about UN agencies leaving Garowe and they being gunned down there, not that long ago and if you care about south central Somalia there was a blast in Mogadishu yesterday.


This should be your first priority

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it's a very sad situation Hargeisa the capital of somaliland is still struggling with basic social amneties such as water and electricity 20 years on, it paints a grim picture what other rural areas must be enduring. Alot of money waa given by the EU to somaliland for water investments in hargeisa, i've yet to see one drop of water added since siyad barre.


I am very satisfied with Puntland in this aspect, it has really covered it's water,electricity needs early on in the state's history, all major cities such as Bosaso, Garowe, Galkayo have sufficient water and electricity and are being expanded on for additional capacity to bring IDP settlement up to standard, it has also covered those needs 80% in secondary towns such as Burtinle, Qardho and is working on bringing remote rural towns up to standard now with the 'off the road' initiave starting to take shape in the state.

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I think a major coal-fired power plant will be constructed in Somaliland by a Chinese company if everything goes well. Electricity is ridiculously priced in Hargeisa.

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