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UN agencies fleeing the Garowe clan enclave

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Qaramada Midoobay (UN)-Ayaa Bilaabay In Ay Shaqaalahooda Kala Baxaan Puntland Una Soo Daad Gureeyaan Casimada Somaliland


Writen by Qaran News | Published: Apr 9th, 2014 at 04:23 PM

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Hargysa,(Qaran news)Qaramada Midoobay ayaa bilowday inay shaqaalaheeda ku sugan magaalooyinka Garowe iyo Bosaso ee maamul goboleedka Puntland ee Somaliya u soo daad gurayso dhinaca caasimadda Somaliland ee Hargeysa, ka dib markii Isniintii magaalada Gaalkacayo uu askari Puntland ka tirsani ku toogtay laba sarkaal oo u shaqaynayay Qaramada Midoobay, kuwaas oo ka ambobaxay magaalada Hargeysa.


Ilo xogogaala ayaa Geeska Afrika u xaqiijiyay inuu labadii maalmood ee u dambeeyay shir u socday madaxda ugu saraysa Qaramada Midoobay ee qaabilsan Somaliland iyo Somaliya, waxaanay aakhirkii ku go’aansadeen in shaqaalaha Qaramada Midoobay ee ku sugan Puntland lala baxo, lana geeyo magaalada Hargeysa ee caasimadda Somaliland. Waxa ay sida uu warku sheegay go’aansadeen in dhulka Puntland lagu reebo oo keliya shaqaale kooban oo hawlaha xafiisyada sii wadda.


Geesta kale, kulan ay soo qaban qaabisay wasaaradda deegaanka iyo duurjoogta Puntland oo shalay ka dhacay magaalada Garowe oo uu ka qayb galay madaxweyne-xigeenka Puntland, ayaa waxa gebi ahaanba aan ka soo qayb gelin shaqaalaha ajaanibka ah ee Qaramada Midoobay u jooga Puntland, kuwaas oo kulanka lagu casuumay, waxaanay shaqaalaha Qaramada Midoobay inta laga daad-guraynayo Puntland go’aansadeen inaanay dibadda uga bixin xarumahooda, maadaama oo cidda saraakiisha Qaramada Midoobay Galkacayo ku toogatay ay tahay ciidamadii loogu tallo galay inay amniga sugaan.


Arrimahan ayaa yimid, ka dib markii Isniintii si toos ah gudaha madaarka Galkacayo ee Puntland loogu toogtay laba sarkaal oo ka tirsan shaqaalaha hay’adda UNODC ee Qaramada Midoobay, kuwaas oo ka tagay magaalada Hargeysa oo ay laba habeen u hoydeen. Wakhtiga dilku dhacay waxa duleedka magaalada marayay madaxweynaha Puntland oo Galkacayo ku soo jeeday, waxaana arrinta sii adkaysay markii la ogaaday inuu labada nin toogtay askari ka tirsanaa ciidanka maamul goboleedka Puntland. Maydka labada nin ayaa shalay loo qaaday wadanka Kenya, waxaanay u kala dhasheen Ingiriiska iyo Faransiiska.


Ammaanka Puntland ayaa aad u dabcay tan iyo markii uu bishii January talada Puntland la wareegay Cabdweli Maxamed Cali Gaas oo dadka yaqaanaa ay ku tilmaamaan nin aan awood adag oo maamul lahayn



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even though you are buubuunin stories that man no sense, but wouldn't the move (if true) mean the UN is just moving to another region part of Somalia. haha.

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Mooge did you get a Kenyan visa stamp so you can stay in Kenya or are you writing from a cell.


More UN agencies are moving to Somaliland more hard currency entering the system more taxes taking it back then that money goes back into making sure all Mooge and his lot can do is moan.





Mooge: are you not a Kenyan ???

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That was quick. We all know that the UN is slow in its response so this sudden flurry of activity is dubious at best. Somalia is practically a UN colony there is no way they will leave any region.

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Mooge Cabdi cawar is messing things up in Puntland i told you so 3 months in office a commander in galgala killed he smiling with Mogadishu and UN officials gunned down.

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There is an effective law and order in Puntland, criminals will be tried and prosecuted and sent to prison, as far as statistics is concerned there is more murders in NYC then Puntland. What needs to be understood regarding Puntland is firstly this is the largest region in Somalia in terms of land,sea, and people and is surrounded by alot of instability in the southern border, it's only natural it flows to Puntland since we play an active role in pacifying somalia. A good example of this can be seen in Kenya, once they got involved in Somalia, kenya security has been jepordized, it's no different for Puntland however we will not be scared away by the south and we will play our role in stabilizing the nation like other states such as kenya,ethiopia,djibouti.


Puntland is and will always be the role model somalia follows



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This is a sad news. The UN is acting irrationally by evacuating all their staff from Puntland just because two of its employees were gunned down by a madman. No place on earth is risk free, neither Somaliland nor the western nations those victims were born in. As the ditoor suggested, there are probably more murders and accidents in London or New York every year than in Somaliland and Puntland combined. So the UN should have just re-enforces its existing security measures and not dashed for the exit like a frightened mouse.

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Tallaabo, the men were killed by a mentally distrubed guy. somalidu way istaana. nin walba reerkiisa yaqana. the guy was a sleepless maniac high on qat and hallucinating. he was treated before quran ba lagu akhriyey and but he was still sick. he snapped and this is an accident. the guy will face justice.

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