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Xaaji Xunjuf

S/land:aviation oficials in Turkey to implemented agreed joint airspac managment

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By Goth Mohamed Goth


Press Release




Somaliland Minister of Civil Aviation and Air Transport Hon Mahmoud Hashi Abdi accompanied two ministerial legal experts flew out of the country today headed to Ankara, Turkey to discuss the issue Air Traffic Control management with SFG officials.


In a Press Statement released today by the Director General in the Ministry of Civil Aviation and Air Transport Mr. Omer Abdillahi Aden stated as Follows


The Minister of Civil Aviation Air Transport Hon Mahmoud Hashi Abdi and accompanied by Mr. Said Mahdi Ileeye(Saqirro) and Mr. Mahmoud Bihi Taarwale both who are part of the Ministry’s legal team by in accordance with article 8. The parties agreed to appoint an ad-hoc technical committee composed of 4 members, ( two from each party) to prepare the terms of reference of the Air Traffic Control Board. The Technical Committee work will be supervised by the respective two Ministers.


The Minister of Civil Aviation and Air Transport Shall brief the nation of the outcomes of the proposed upcoming in the coming days.


Signed By


Mr. Omer Abdillahi Aden


Director General


Somaliland Ministry of Civil Aviation and Air Transport

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Ad you gave up on your land




We are just getting what belongs to us until we formally disintegrate. Millions of dollars I need to keep you under my boot.



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This is very important the AIRSPACE of Somalia and Somaliland will be controlled from hargeisa a joint airspace management control in hargeisa. Somaliland said it clearly over and over again that SL airspace will never be controlled from Mogadishu, this is the most practical solution for both sides and to share the revenues. Since the UN in kenya no longer controls it.


Somalia rising what is more important is that Somalia and Somaliland will never be united, with or with out recognition, Reconogtion is a political acknowledgement it doesn't change the situation on the ground. And ur pirate enclave will be between a rock and a hard place Mogadishu will reject your federalism and Somaliland will breath on your neck.



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This is just dreams of the terrorist infested enclave, noone will dare speak on the matter of Somalia airspace until all federal entities are in place and every administration is given control of it's airspace. With Bosaso and Garowe airports being finalized it's in the race for Somalia airspace.

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Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland oo ka shiraya maamulka hawada, Abriil 01, 2014 (HOL) — Wada hadal u dhexeeya Dowladda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland ayaa maanta ka fumray magaalada ugu weyn ahna xarunta ganacsiga dalka Turkiga ee Istanbul.


Wadahadalkan oo daba socda heshiis horay labada dhinac u dhex maray, waxaa arrimaha looga arrinsan doono ugu muhiimsan maamulka hawada Soomaaliya oo horay Dowladda Federaalka ah iyo Somaliland ay heshiis hordhac ah uga gaareen.


Ergooyinka ka kala socda labada dhinac waxaa kala hoggaaminaya Wasiirka Duulista Hawada Soomaaliya Siciid Jaamac Qoor-sheel iyo dhiggiisa dhinaca Somaliland Maxamuud Cali Xaashi.


Wasiirka Duulista Hawada Soomaaliya Siciid Jaamac Qoor-sheel oo warbaahinta la hadlay, ayaa sheegay in arrimaha ugu badan ee shirkan diiradda lagu saari doonaa ay yihiin kuwo farsamo oo ku aadan qaabka ugu fudud ee maamulka hawada Soomaaliya loo soo wareejin karo, kaddibna ay Dowladda Federaalka iyo Somaliland isula agaasimi lahaayeen.


Burburkii dowladdii dhexe ee Soomaaliya kaddib, wuxuu maamulka hawada Soomaaliya si toos ah u hoos tegayey hay'adda Qaramada Midoobay u qaabilsan duulimaadyada rayidka ah ee magaceeda loo soo gaabiyo (ICAO).


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