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SNM thugs arrest Doctor in North Somalia

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Dhakhtar laga hor-joogsaday Baaritaan uu ku sameyn lahaa dad Bukaan ah

Jimco, Maarso 28, 2014 (HOL) — Booliiska Somaliland ayaa shalay xabsiga u taxaabay Dr:Cali Macow oo hawlgal caafimaad ka waday magaaladda Hargeysa taas oo ilaa dhawr kun oo qof isku diiwaangeliyeen si loo baadho.


Dadweynahan oo iskag kala yimid dhamaan dhulka soomaalidu degto,ayaa saf dheer u gallay sidii ay ula kulmi lahaayeen digtoorka, haseyeeshee isagoo ku gudda jiray hawlihiisii caafimaad ayaa xaruntii uu dadka ku dabiibayey ee Xabiibi Xanaan ciidanku ka soo kaxeeyeen, kuwaas su’aalo ka waydiinaya aqoontiisa caafimaad.


Dr. Macow oo maalmihii u dambeeyey la xayeysiinayey inuu dalka imanayo, ayaa shalay markii uu dalka yimid ciidanku xoog ku galeen goobtii uu wax ku baadhayey, isla markaana albaabadda u laabay xaruntii caafimaad ee ay dadku iska diiwaangelinayeen.


Wakiilka digtoor Macow ayaa sheegtay inay rusqadda imaanshiiyaha ka qaadatay wasiirka Caafimaadka Xaglo toosiye, isla markaana si sharci ah ku yimid, haseyeeshee aanay garanayn sababta shaki looga qaaday imaantinkiisa.


Wakiilka digtoor Macow Intisaar Maxamed Cali Qoys oo ka hadlaysay qaabkii sharci ee uu dhakhtarku ku yimid Hargeysa ayaa tidhi “Waxaan ahay Wakiilka Dr. Cali Macow Aways, Horta markii ugu horresay ee aanu imanaynay Somaliland waxaanu la soo xidhiidhnay Wasaarada Caafimaadka Somaliland, oo ogolaatay imaanshiyaha Dr.Macow inuu Somaliland yimaado, oo uu ka fuliyo hawlo Caafimaad,”

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SNM is more than desperate. i was talking to a friend of mine in nairobi and he was saying this is corruption at the highest level. police were paid by fake doctors in hargeisa to stop the operation of this somali doctor because they want no competition. it is the fact niyoow and nobody is being fooled.

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Great news , Somaliland doesn't want doctors from Somalia, well done the security forces of Somaliland, arrest them and deport them..






The people of Somaliland are 100% behind you


Long live


Marba dakhtar bay no soo dirayan odhanayan dadka so baadha ambu dadka muda oo dila. these kind of doctors from Somalia are dodgy.

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