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somaliland complaining and crying to SFG about Puntland

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How pathetic, waryaada back up your talk (we are strong this and that, abdeweli will be maxbuus) with action, by doing your shit, because Puntland is coming one way or the other,and we SFG if your smart to know already choose a side,..... A hint, the side is not with Somalidiids :D

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President Hassan should offer to mediate between the two sides like he did when he'd said he'd be willing to mediate between Russian and Ukraine over the Crimea :D


All jokes aside, why would the SFG come to the aid to an administration that supports a terrorist group? Silly Marfashalnders!

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SNM want to be saved by HAG? Not this time!

Where was the talk of Habaarqueen Xaajiyad Xun that they would conquer Garowe :D

Also CidanSNM said snm will capture mudug too kkkk

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Defeated lot I don't know what parallel unverse you inhabit but today we sit at the crumbling gates of bosaso and garowe we are not under threat. The somaliland army is a few miles away from both your desert tuulos.


Yet in your parallel demension somaliland is under threat ????


You work that one out.




The sfg is nothing it exists in name only and somaliland doesn't need permission for entering its territory.


Te simple but effect formula can solve our little problem put up or sh?t up simple.


You can't fight, you screem and moan every time somaliland comes closer you talk Alshabab this and that...


Walahi as a man I would be embarrassed of that but hey that's the historical difference between us landers and you.



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Somalia dieing: all somaliland has to do is cut the road between garowe and bosaso take garowe and bomb the bosaso port and ARM the hag in Galkacyo.


I never said anything about mudug.


Your land belongs to me however hag to them is their land.


We have no animosity with them.


But you: we own you.

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Puntland is Somalia and Somaliland and Somalia are in dialogue , the Pirates are under Somalia so their juristiction comes under Somalia, unless puntland is a separate country its only politcally correct to deal with them practically there is no SFG that can hold Puntland but they are part of it thus their government and SL only deals with their government as for cabdi cawar he lost he didnt dare to step a foot into eastern sanaag. after Somaliland mobilized its troops. This is a fact the piratess resorted SL supports shabaab but in reality they could not face SL so they had to cry to the international community.

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Deeq A.   

Nomads, let us respect the rules of the website and avoid personal insults. Calling others names will not enhance your argument in any way.

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