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You Know Your a Moron When....

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You know your a moron when you ask where the "any key" is!!!


You Know your a moron when someone calls you on the cell phone and you say "how did you know where I am?"


How do you know when a moron has been making chocolate chip cookies? There are M&M shells on the floor!


You know your a moron when you trip over the cordless phone!


How did the moron try to kill a fish? He tried to drown it!


Why did the moron drive his truck off the bridge? He wanted to check his airbrakes!


Why can't a moron dial 911? They can't find the 11 on the phone!


How did the moron try to kill a bird? He threw it off a cliff!


Why was the moron hitting his head against the wall? Because it felt so good when he stopped !


How do you drown a moron? Put scratch-n-sniff stickers at the bottom of the pool!


Why did the moron tiptoe past the medicine cabinet? He didn't want to wake the sleeping pills!


How many morons does it take to screw in a light bulb? to hold the bulb, and 2 to turn the chair!


Why did it take the moron an hour to eat breakfast? Because the orange juice carton said Concentrate!


What do you do if a moron throws a grenade at you? Pull the pin and throw it back!


How do you confuse a moron? Put him in a round room and tell him to sit in the corner!


If a moron & an idiot fell off a building, who would land first? The idiot...the moron would stop and ask for directions!


How can you tell when a moron has been using the computer? There is white-out all over the screen!


What did the moron say when he saw cheerios? Oh Look, Doughnut seeds!


How do you keep a moron in suspense? I'll tell you tomorrow!


Why can't a moron make kool-aid? Because they can't fit 8 cups of water into that little pack!


Why did the moron get fired from the M&M factory?Because he threw away all the W's!

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