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Xaaji Xunjuf

Professor Samatar a new strategy for Somaliland to achieve its recognition

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Prof Axmed I. Samatar oo ku baaqay in waddo cusub loo maro aqoonisga Somaliland


Isniin, Maarso 24, 2014 (HOL) - Prof. Axmed I. Samatar ayaa wuxuu bishan 22keedi ka qayb-galay kulan ay soo qabanqaabiyeen jaaliyadda Somaliland ee ku nool magaalada Ottawa. Kulankaas ayuu Prof Samatar kaga hadlay qodobo ay ugu mudnaayeen wadadii loo mari karo aqoonsiga Somaliland. Kulankaas waxaa goob-joog ka ahaa Guddoomiye ku-xigeenka 1aad ee Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland Baashe Maxamed Faarax oo dhawaan ka yimid Somaliland kana warbixiye xaladda guud ee Somaliland.


Prof. Samatar ayaa ugu horeyntii wuxuu sheegay inaan wali Somaliland aysan helin wax aqoonsi in ka badan 23 sanno sidaa daraadeedna loo baahanyahay in la maro waddo ka duwan tii horay loo hayey; wuxuuna halkaas ku soo bandhiga ujeedada ay Somaliland ka leedahay in ay hesho aqoonsi caalami ah. Prof. Samatar ayaa wuxuu tilmaan ka bixiyey sababaha ay Somaliland uga goosatay Soomaaliya, kuwaasoo ay ka mid yihiin caddaadlo daro, musuqmaasuq, karti-la’aan, hoggaan-xumo iyo nabad la’aan.


Prof. Samatar ayaa waxaa hadaladiisa ka mid ah “Waa in adduunka laga dhaadhiciyo sababaha ay Somaliland u dooneyso aqoonsi, isla markaasna loo qoondeeyaa miisaanayd aan ka yareyn $10 million sannadkiiba taas oo gaar ah ololaha gooni isutaaga Somaliland, sidoo kalana la helo dad aqoon iyo xirfadba u leh in ay gaarsiiyaan shaqsiyaadka iyo dowladaha ku haboon sababaha ay Somaliland u dooneyso aqoonsi.”


Prof Samatar oo hadalkiisii sii wada ayaa waxaa uu tibaaxay in Somaliland ay heshay muftaaxii dowladnimo gaartayna siyaasad deggen, dimoqaraadiyad iyo dhismaha kaabayaashii dhaqaalaha,, taasoo laga arki karo jiritaanka raad dowladnimo.




Prof. Samatar ayaa wuxuu ka digay in aan Somaliland noqonin meel xukunku gacanta u galo koox gaar ah ama qabiil gooni ah, wuxuuna ku baaqay in sida kaliyah ay Somaliland horumar ku gaari kartaa uu yahay wadajirka iyo ka wada qayb-galka maamulka dowladnimo.


Mar uu Prof. Samatar ka hadlayey dhibaatada uu QAADKU ku hayo Somaliland, ayuu sheegay in badeeco dhan ilaa $450 million ay dowladda Itoobiya u soo dhoofiso Somaliland, ilaa $300 million oo ka mid ah badeecaddaas ay ku baxdaa jaadka laga cuno Somaliland; arrintaas uu Samatar ku tilmaamay dhiig-bax dhaqaale, wuxuuna ku taliyey in la yareeyo qayilaadda si dhaqaalah ku baxa Qaadka loogu leexiyo dhismaha Somaliland.


Ugu dambeyntii wuxuu Prof. Samatar halkaa ku xusay allaha u naxariistee fannaanka weyn ee Maxamed Suleymaan Tubeec isagoo sheegay sida uu uga xunyahay inaan Somaliland fulin dardaarankii Maxamed Suleyman oo ahaa in lagu aaso deegaanka magaalada Berbera. Wuxuu intaa ku daray in sababta AUN Maxamed Suleynaan Xamar loogu duugay ay ugu weyneyd gurmadkii dhaqaale ee Xamar looga fidiyey intuu marxuumku ku xanuunsaa dalka Jarmalka, halka Somaliland aysna xilba iska saarin daryeelkiisa caafimaad. Prof. Samatar ayaa halkaas ka qaaday hees ka mid ah heesihii uu caanka ku ahaa boqorka cudka ee Maxamed Suleymaan oo lagu magacaabo “CIDNA EERSAN MAAYEE".




Prof. Samatar oo horay uga mid ahaa xisbiga HIIL QARAN, magaca xisbigaasna isugu sharaxay doorashadii madaxweyninimada Soomaaliya ee sannadkii 2012, ayaa waxaa dadka qaarkiis u arkaan in uu wali hamigiisa siyaasadeed ka dhex-raadinayo u doodidda qadiyadda Somaliland iyo cambaareynta Dowladda Federalka ee Somaliya.


Axmed Gure, Hiiraan Online

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10 million dollar budget for Somaliland recognition pursuit i think its a good idea to boost And find new strategies hire Foreign Firms perhaps and new lobby groups and create new ways to achieve the Long awaited Diplomatic recognition for SL. Somaliland Foreign ministry should have a separate recognition department. Good on Professor samatar history will remember him as nin ictraafka Somaliland wax ka raadiyey.

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whatever happened to Mohamed Rashid (ex-Ucid Vice President and scholar), the minister of recognition (head of the SL recognition committee)?


i wonder if he's still in hospital? good man, he was. capable.



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Ahmed Samatar is an opportunist to the highest degree. Wallahi I can't stand this snake. First he runs for Federal Elections in 2012 and now he wants to play the political field in Somaliland.

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When Ahmed Samatar was for more than 20 years campaiging for somalia and its politics he was a good man educated, but when he goes home and works for the independence of republic of Somaliland nothing but bad words for him by southernes and their press. One word for them =hypocrites, they hate him for standing up for Somaliland .Shamefull people leave the man alone. We know you people dont have principles so stop with hating and character assassination.

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I know professor very well he is far from an opportunist, he was actually one of the most honest and ethical unionist in all of Somalia, the Koonfurians do not like him because he does not fit in their Maffia character. Professor samatar in 2005 he even hated to use the word Somaliland and always referred as reer woqooyiga. But he saw the corruption the deception the dishonesty the betrayal in Somalia, and that there is no room for a Somalilander in Somalia and that he does not stand a chance governing Somalia , because people will view him as a man from Somaliland. And if you want tit for tat nin xiiniyaha laga ma taabto. ma sidaasad garateen , than i will join my kin in hargeisa he said. And we will break up this diseased republic god willing and he said it him self that Somalilanders will no longer wait for the left overs of the Koonfurians. May allah protect you from the evil eye of the Koonfurians our dearest professor.

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Somaliland:Its Time to Explore New Avenues which will lead to International Recognition- Prof Ahmed Samater



Above Prof. Ahmed I Samater Addressing Somaliland Diaspora in Ottawa


By Goth Mohamed Goth


Ottawa-Prof. Ahmed I Samater has this week addressed Somaliland Diaspora living in the city of Ottawa, Canada where he was invited as a guest of honor in a one meeting whose theme was “Somaliland Sovereignty and the making of a successful future” intended to discuss and identifying the main challenges facing the country quest for International Recognition and to find suitable avenues of pursuing recognition from the international community, 23 years after the country broke away from the rest of Somalia.


The deputy speaker of Somaliland National Assembly Hon Baashe Mohamed Farah who is currently in Ottawa, Canada briefed the diaspora on the current situation in Somaliland and of the strides made in the country


Prof Ahmed Samater speaking at the event said, “Tyranny, inequality and social injustices were the main reasons which prompted the disgruntlement of Somaliland citizens hence the decision to withdrawal and revoke the union on the basis of self – determination and regain independence.


The academician cum politician went on to say, “It’s now 23 years since the union with Somalia was dissolved but still Somaliland has not attained its rightful place in the among nations is due to Somaliland inability to persistently lobby for its recognition in the international arena is another challenge, therefore, to attain recognition depends on how Somaliland will deal with the matter in the right way and by selecting the right people for the task and how it will employ the right approaches through budget allocations of a least $10 Million for lobbying campaigns which will likely lead to international recognition.


Prof Ahmed Samater added, “Although Somaliland has fulfilled the criteria of statehood, there is more to be done in order to attain International recognition, there are many factors challenging its quest for recognition both locally and internationally and it’s this impediments we must deal with in the first place.


“To must make sure that the problems, challenges and threats presently facing the nation are identified and addressed such as the issue of equal representation of all clans living in Somaliland at all levels of government and to make sure that the mistakes of the past aren’t repeated we need to put the most suitable and sustainable solutions which are contemplated, presented and agreed upon all,” he said.


The politician addressing the forum also touched on the issue of unequal trade worth $450 Million that exist between Ethiopia and Somaliland of which neighboring Ethiopia exports $300 Million of the in form of Khat which has being having adverse effects on the local economy because Khat chewing persons are said to use more than half of their domestic budgets on khat, but few perceived this as a waste of resources not to forget its impact on the health of Somaliland citizens

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Professor Samatar a new strategy for Somaliland to achieve its recognition :



Professorka waa shaqo doon fariid ah. Kuma jaangoyn hal figure ee wuxuu doorbiday mid socota oo sanadle ah.


Sheekadan waxa ku xigta, madax ha la iigga dhigo maamulka Miisaaniyadan yar ee $10 million sanadkiiba, bahasha aniga ayaa keenaya :)

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Lol@ "a new strategy to achieve recognition"


Might as well seek a different "strategy", because the old one of supporting terrorism hasn't worked :D


Good luck to the prof.

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Lol@ "a new strategy to achieve recognition"


Might as well seek a different "strategy", because the old one of supporting terrorism hasn't worked


Good luck to the prof.




the joke is over now.'s the structure of a joke. it’s all about the punchline. you need to say it with all the detail you can, keep your audience wondering and before they know it, deliver that last line with sweet timing and get out of there.

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the joke is over now.'s the structure of a joke. it’s all about the punchline. you need to say it with all the detail you can, keep your audience wondering and before they know it, deliver that last line with sweet timing and get out of there.


Ok, lemme give it another try. Because I gots a good joke.


Silaanyo likes his terrorists like he likes his diapers......


...always strapped and ready to suffer a serious and dangerous explosion.



Now how do you like that for a punch line, Mr. Alphy? ;)

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