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Somalis: The Trouble with This Homogenous Society

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Xaaji Xun, You are Somalidiid . That cant be denied. Even Djibouti does not like you. They think you are xabashis pretending to be Somalis. If Djibouti liked Somalidiidka, they would recognize you kkkk


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Somalia rising djiboti and somaliland share closer ties then anyone everyone know that's. Just because they send an army south doesn't mean they are closer to Somalia.


And also somaliarising I'll give you another lesson in logic seeing there seems to be anti logic serum in the water of Bari and Lascanod.


The somalididds are the ones who hijacked an elected government, lost us a war against Ethiopia because of stupidity, declared war on the somali people and the Had their teeth kicked in...


Saxib your lot are the original somalididds. The only Somalis to have ever raised an Ethiopian flag on somali soil was you defeated lot, the only people who marched into mugdisho on the back of Ethiopian tanks was your defeated lot.


The only Somalis in history to openly invite Kenya to invade Somalia was your lot even historically your lot gave your women to colonisers such as the British according to the British themselves.


Saxib the defeated lot are the original somalididds.

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The Somalidiidka are those who wish to break Soomaaliya. Laakiin taas lagaama geeli doona wallahi. We will fight you till Akhiro happens.

And when HAG joins the war, the secessionist rats are finished.


SomaliaRising Aka SNMdiid.



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After everything I stated as how your people are the original somalididds you haven't refuted anything I said.


So you except your lot are the original somalididds history shows it. So I am a somalididds because i don't wanna be a part of Somalia hahaha...


Saxib can you blame me imagine Sharing a country with people like you hahaha...



You have a history of somalididd why would I want to share a country with a people who gave their women to colonialist like the British and in particular your very own las canod folk. Why would I want to share a country with people who will be used by Ethiopia, Kenya and even invade using Ethiopia to kill Somalis.


I would rather not share a country with these somalididds aka defeated lot.


Somaliland existed before Somalia even existed and because of that our will will always prevail. Ethier way somaliarising your finished Saxib las canod and all that kiss it goodbye.


Enjoy refugee life.

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FIRST OF ALL WE HAVE TO TALK LIKE CIVILISED MEN. My philosophy is to call every somali or muslim as walal. XAAJI XUUNJUF i don't know how you analyze history but let me show you in another view (LINGUISTIC). The somali language is one of the richest of all languages in Africa with different dialects and rich vocabulary, such language couldn't just come from thin air and the most scholars of the world say that the somali language is on of the main factors that tell us the somali men have same history.

CIDANSULTAN i don't know how you can call yourself a name that the coloniser gave you, and man please do respect history and dn't lie about it so that you may defend your ideologi. On the issue of somalidid all somalis are somalidid it's not a matter that a certian group are somalidid but all somalis are somalidid. Do not blame each other.

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Mr sadiiq that is all correct with one exception Italian Somalia and British Somaliland were all names given to us by the Colonialist , Somalia is not less of a colonial name than Somaliland. When the 2 agreed to unite they agreed to unite under the name of the Somali republic not Somalia republic not Somaliland republic but the Somali republic. The rest i agree the Somali language is rich

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Xaaji Xun, You are Somalidiid . That cant be denied. Even Djibouti does not like you. They think you are xabashis pretending to be Somalis. If Djibouti liked Somalidiidka, they would recognize you kkkk


And SL cares about Djibouti because????


Djiboutis national language is French and Arabic how Somali is that :D


And by the rate it goes now the Koonfurians will be speaking Luganda and in the central regions a mix of French and Amharic.

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