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Xaaji Xunjuf

If Xunjuf was asked to solve the Somali stalemate

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<citeput forth href="
Xunjuf/" rel="nofollow">@Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite>

Doctor i wonder how the world works u called Somaliland the alcoholic man of the Somalis, now how is that so when Somaliland is the best functioning part of the former defunct Somali republic a country that held several elections and is moving forward with good governance a thriving private sector peace stability justice system a parliament that works an elected parliament, i mean if Somaliland is the drunkard i wonder what Somalia is a crackhead who is being drugged by black gangsters (AU troops)


Poor analogy I made Xaaji. I know it sounds insulting and I apologize for that. The reason why I put forth this story was to emphasize that Somalilanders will never choose to get along with Somalia even though we're family....and Somalilanders stance and attitude could even damage Somalia in the long run so it's best to let them go separate ways.


If someone's entire existence and political actions are based on mocking Somalia and attempting to distance yourself from "Koonfurians", then that's the type of attitude that can poison any country and it'd be best to separate yourself from such negativity

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if Somalia stops claiming Somaliland on paper than there is no need to distance our selves heck we could even do so much together the same way the European union cooperated but hey the southerners are not the brightest. Do you see Djibouti distancing themsevles from Somalai there is no need because Somalia doesn't claim it.once Somalia and Somaliland restore relations as two sovereign equal nations than the sky is not the limit we will go beyond the type cooperation could flourish the entire Somali peninsula the borders between Somalia and Somaliland will become mere political borders but not practical borders. And step by step a genuine union based on common interest could have been established, for the sake of both Somalia and Somaliland. But as long as people in the south want Unity where they dictate and try to under mine Somaliland and come with notions such as nalka hargeisa xamara laga daara nooh and unity based on hatred jealousy and corruption. No unity can be ever accepted or be achieved the ball is always in the court of the koonfurians. The Longer koonfurians claim SL on paper the harder the voice for separation becomes stronger and stronger, and if it goes that way for another decade or 2 i doubt we will ever even unite in the model of the Europeans.

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But as long as people in the south want Unity where they dictate and try to under mine Somaliland and come with notions such as nalka hargeisa xamara laga daara nooh and unity based on hatred jealousy and corruption. No unity can be ever accepted or be achieved the ball is always in the court of the koonfurians.



the Notion that Xamar hates or envy's Hargeisa is a joke - It was the People of Mogadishu who freed you From Siad Barre regime, The Soldiers that deserted that made it possible to Defeat Siad Barre regime were from the South - While SNM was hiding in Bush's it was Ali Mahadi the leader of USC that ordered SNA to Lay down their Weapon so that SNM Milities can enter the cities and towns .


caasi baa noqoteen


The Southern Clans have no Land dispute with SNM Faction - In Reality the Idea of separation should be dispute between the Northern Clans who share borders . SSC - Awadal - Makhir - Puntland - Hargeysa etc ......................




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The SNM had destroyed the back of the Somali Army in what was then the north. SNM liberated Somaliland before the southern xamaris could free themselves from the slavery they were living in.


The SNM funded and created the vision to topple the regime.


Here is Adideed stating the same thing with his very mouth...



If it were not for the SNM the southerners would still be living in slavery.


Do you honoustly believe that a people who could not create a government or state could single handedly overthrough the regime.


The regime was destroyed they merely tipped it over.

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When it comes to the pirates and neo siadists...they blong to Somaliland.




because of the legality of the anglo-italian treaty, Anglo Ethiopian and Anglo French Treaty..of which both Somalia and Djibouti are based on.


There is no defeated lot clan when it comes to national borders.


Another reason is because we can make it happen....through the barrel of the Gun to enforce that legality.

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why are you leaders crowning The Leader of USC as king of the country not contesting his leadership ? - Because the power that be was USC sxb --


Somaliland issue is not a koonfurians issue anymore , The North is divided


into SSC – Awadal – Makhir – Puntland – Somaliland etc ………………….



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Is that why the somaliland flag flies over every city in somaliland except te village I buhoodle. While the Burundian flag flys cross the entire south.


It pains you to see the reality that is obvious malister. Seeing you have been arguing the somali army is getting back on it feet for over 5 years while captain Akuna matata slaps around your so called generals in the airport. While your president is walked to the toilet by the au and has sleepiness nights because of Alshabab mortars.


The reality is Somalia is dead 22 years going and you are still at stage one. The world has givin up and if it was not for Alshabab they would not care.


Somaliland controls from Lascanod to the Djibouti border no one can deny that because I can drive from Lascanod to the Djibouti border and nothin but somaliland army.


Seeing I am givin you a lesson in truth.


Leadership that is hogged and those who destroyed the bulk of the siadist army are to different things.


The SNM destroyed the entire northern SNA. The government in mugdisho was on it death bed and what reer mugdisho did was see the weak government and push it over and declare themselves the leaders and the result has been 22 years of killing each other while we have created a nation from scratch.


This is because you were second class citizens for so long under the siadist that freedom was to much to bare hahahah....


Please prove me wrong



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There is no Puntland factor in Somaliland Puntland is just claiming SL lands based on some clanish association with Some of Somaliland clans. But the Somalia government claims SL land based on their will to unite with Sl. thats the difference puntland is part of Mogadishu we dont distinguish pl from the rest of Somalia. Actually Somaliland is more united than the south in the Koonfurians are divided more than ever the SFG galmudug puntland shabaab jubba land lower shabelle.. Somaliland there is one land lord the SL goverment controls all the land in Somalia every one controls his or her turf there is a huge difference. Aideed in the same video u posted claims with out SNM Afweyne could not be ousted talk about shooting your self in the leg. Any way caydiid was a man who was ahead of his tribesmen , His tribes men did not knew what to do with the victory they won so they restored in killing each other destroying the capital and their resources end result protected by African union troops. Caydiid rejected the idea of being protected by the US forces and other groups but his successors Bakhti bey cuneenn really..



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^^^ Aideed was the only decent thing the south ever produced AUN.


Lion of the south....its a shame under his leadership the south would have been very different. But the siadist divided them into two groups and played them one against the other.


No logic really this lot today the AU protectorate Of Somalia exists because of that and they talk about unity when they hide behind Burundian tanks.





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No logic really this lot today the AU protectorate Of Somalia exists because of that and they talk about unity when they hide behind Burundian tanks.


i sense the Frustration sxb , Somaliland are struggling with sub sub clan of Duhlos - LA cost you heavy Salary your present is by means of black mailing, Stop the fake chess beating . Mogadishu will always be economically -Militarily and Politically stronger then Hargeysa ....


Twenty three years of Peace and your leaders can Pave single street , Silaanyo and his whole cabinet almost diet in the desert land kkkkk






hadu fan wax tarayo

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Hargeysa (RBC) Wararka naga soo gaaraya deegaanka Xidhxidh ee u dhow Widhwidh ayaa sheegaya in ciidamo Ethiopian ah oo ay wehlinayaan kuwa maamulka Somaliland ay halkaasi ka soo qabteen sarkaal ka soo goostay ururka Al Shabaab oo ka soo jeeda deegaanada Somaliland.


Sarkaalkaasi ayaa lagu magacaabaa C/laahi Maxamed Axmed Carabey, wuxuuna deegaankaasi gaaray dhowaan ka dib markii khilaaf xoogan uu soo kala dhexgalay xubnaha sare ee ururka Al Shabaab kaasoo sababay in saraakiil sare oo kooxda hogaankeeda ka mid ahaa ay goostaan.


Carabey ayaa la aaminsan yahay inuu ka mid ahaa ragga sida weyn ugu dhow hogaamiyaha Al Shabaab Axmed Cabdi Godane [oo magaciisa kalana yahay Mukhtaar Abu Zubeyr] kaasoo dhalasho ahaan ka soo jeeda deegaanka Somaliland, hase yeeshee Carabey waxa uu ka mid ahaa saraakiisha uu khilaafka kala dhexeeyay Axmed Godane ee isaga cararay in la khaarajiyo.


Waxaanu wararku sheegayaan in Carabey uu u baxsaday dhinaca deegaankii uu ka soo jeeday ee gobolka Togdheer halkaasoo ay ka war heleen sirdoonka Ethiopia iyo kuwa Somaliland lagana qabtay labo maalin ka hor.


Ciidamada Ethiopia ayaa ninkan u kaxaystay dhinaca xuduudooda iyadoo ay kuwa Somaliland ka caawiyeen soo qabashadiisa, sida ay sheegeen ilo wareed ku sugan degmada Burco oo arrinkan ka warhayey.


Maamulka Somaliland ayaa horey heshiis iskaashi dhinaca amniga u la saxiixday sirdoonka Ethiopia kaasoo Somaliland ay ku ogolaatay in dadka ay doonayaan sirdoonka Ethiopia ee ku sugan deegaanada uu ka taliyo maamulka Somaliland loo fududeeyo soo qabashadooda.

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^^^ Aideed was the only decent thing the south ever produced AUN.


Lion of the south....its a shame under his leadership the south would have been very different. But the siadist divided them into two groups and played them one against the other.


No logic really this lot today the AU protectorate Of Somalia exists because of that and they talk about unity when they hide behind Burundian tanks.




Hargeysa (RBC) Wararka naga soo gaaraya deegaanka Xidhxidh ee u dhow Widhwidh ayaa sheegaya in ciidamo Ethiopian ah oo ay wehlinayaan kuwa maamulka Somaliland ay halkaasi ka soo qabteen sarkaal ka soo goostay ururka Al Shabaab oo ka soo jeeda deegaanada Somaliland.


Maamulka Somaliland ayaa horey heshiis iskaashi dhinaca amniga u la saxiixday sirdoonka Ethiopia kaasoo Somaliland ay ku ogolaatay in dadka ay doonayaan sirdoonka Ethiopia ee ku sugan deegaanada uu ka taliyo maamulka Somaliland loo fududeeyo soo qabashadooda.



hadu fan wax tarayo


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Ciidansultan Aideed would have never approved to be protected by low ranking Ugandan Generals he was above that.


Somaliland controls its land with force


H town is guarded by its sons



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Once again we see this site used as a vomiting bowl by secessionist anti-somalia crew and admin doesn't do a thing about it. why ? do they secretly approve of it, are they hoping to get more traffic and revenues this way. why are cidansultan and XX left to get away with outrageous posts but your quick to sanction other people for far less issues.

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Stop crying the site is owned by a Puntlander and he has no problem with Somalilanders being here, the Somalilanders have helped build from SOL from the very beginning and contributed and will continue to contribute

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