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Puntland sents army to LaasQoray after SNM warlord sneaked in

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Dowladda Puntland ayaa si kulul uga hadashay galabta booqashadii madaxweynaha Soomaaliland Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud Siilaanyo uu maanta gelinkii hore ku tegay degmada Laas-qoray ee bariga Sanaag.


Wasiirka warfaafinta, Boostada, isgaarsiinta iyo hidaha iyo dhaqanka Puntland Cabdiweli Xirsi Cabdulle oo shir jaraa’id ku qabtay xaruunta wasaarada, wuxuu sheegay in Puntland socdaalkaas u aragto daan-daansi.


War-saxaafadeedka ayaa lagu sheegay in Puntland ka digayso isku dhac maamul oo dhex mara deriskooda, wasiirka oo ay weriyaashu su’aalo weydiiyeen ayaa sheegay in Laasqoray aysan ahayn furin dagaal.


Ciidamada Puntland ayaa si dhaqso ah u gaaray deegaanka sida uu hadalka u dhigay iyagoo haatan gacanta ku haya magaalada, kadib booqashadii madaxweynaha Soomaaliland.


Waxaa saakay oo taariihdu ahayd 16/03/2014 subaxnimadii si xad-gudub ah ku yimid degmada laas-qoray oo katirsan Dowladda Puntland Madaxweynaha Somaliland Mudane Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo), taasoo ah daan-daansi iyo xad-gudub lagu soo xad-gudbay xadduuda Puntland.


Punland waxay diyaar u tahay inay difaaacdo xadduudeeda islamarkaasna waxay ka digaysaa wax kasta oo keeni kara colaad dhex marta dariskeeda iyo isku dhac maamuleed iyo shacabka dariska ah.


Cabdiweli Xirsi Cabdille


Wasiirka Wasaaradda warfaafinta


Horseed Media



The rat run away when he heard that Puntland Army is underway :D

Traitor Siil aanyo thinks waving nonexistent flag in Laas Qoray will speed the hunt for ictiqasaar.

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The pirates are angry that siilaanyo visited Laasqoray , Mr Pirate rising Siilaanyo was all day in eastern sanaag not a single person tried to undermine his stay this is just stuff and nonsense the pirates want to safe face.

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Then why did he run away when the Rat heard about Army heading his way kkkk

He knew that his snm militia would be massacred. The clan in Laas Qoray are peaceful people, but when puntland army gets in they will side with their brothers! Do you think the people of laas qoray would protect rat and his snm militia from their brothers(puntland army)? LOL

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Xaji Somalia rising is talking about las Korey when his village Lascanod has the somaliland flag flying over it.


One thing the defeated lot pass on in genetics is a lack of reason. The man who can not enter las canod and whose capital is within firing distance is saying the same president is scared of entering las Corey.


Saxib Somalia rising your entire people belong to me. Forget las canod... From las canod to the Ethiopian highlands. History shows you can not defeat me therefore my will shall always prevail.


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Haha. Xaaji niyoow you made me laugh.


Why did Siilaanyo sneak in like a woman wearing burka? Walahi ninkii odayga aha wuu ceeboobay. If you can’t even stay in lasqorey for 7 minutes, why bother?


This was a plot for alshabab to attack puntland army and distraction tactic. It is all coming together niyoow. We know what siilaanyo was up to.


Please tell me it is something else. Loool.


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