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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland: Hargeysa mayor installs solar panel system in hargeysa

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Wednesday, 26 February 2014 22:01

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By: A.A Jama

HARGEISA: (Somalilandsun) -The Mayor of Hargeisa Abdirahman Mohamed aided (SOLTELCO) has launched the first solar project in Hargeisa city.

The project is part of his program of ensuring that Hargeisa city is beautified. During the initiation of the street lights project, the Mayor said "This is part of the new program we are starting in the city and we will ensure that we put the street lights in the entire Hargeisa city. He also thanked the government for working towards ensuring that Hargeisa city is beautified"

These solar installations will assit in beautifying the city and curbing crime in some areas of the city at the same time assist in making Somaliland a 24 hour economy. The Street lights are automatic in nature and charges during the day and automatically switches on during the night.

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Xaaji Maalaayacni,


This news is as old as stale bread, for it was already reported in the thread titled "Progress Report from the Troglodyte den up north".


Give us something fresher instead of regurgitating old cr*p!

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