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Clan militia kills Police commander in Maamulka SNM

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Taliyihii booliska degmada Xaaji Saax ee Somaliland oo xalay la dilay

Talaado, Feberaayo 25, 2014 (HOL) — Taliyihii booliska ee degmadda Xaaji Saalax ee hoos timaadda degmadda Oodweyne ee gobolka Togdheer, ayaa xalay xalli dambe lagu dilay tuuladda Laan-Mulaaxo oo uuu joogay hawlo shaqo.


Alla ha u naraxiistee Hure Sahal ayaa dablay hubaysani ku dileen tuuladdaasi, iyadoo dadkii dilka gaystay markiiba baxsadeen.


Gudoomiyaha Degmadda Xaaji Saalax Khadar Cabdi Oday, ayaa sheegay in dilkaasi ahaa mid aad looga naxay, isla markaana u dhacay qaab fool xun oo dadweynihii deegaanku ka xumaadeen.


"kowdii habeenimo ayaa Hure Sahal Lagu Dilay Tuuladda Laan-Mulaaxo oo uu hawlo uTagay, sida la sheegayo waxa taliyaha loo dilay aano hore oo ka dhexeysay laba beelood oo walaalo ah oo deegaamadan wada Daga, kuwaasi oo Dilal Hore Isu Gaystay Markaa Hadda Weli Lama aasin"ayuu yidhi gudoomiyaha degmadda xaaji Saalax oo ka tirsan degmadda Oodweyne KHadar Cabdi oo siday wax u dhaceen ka hadlayey.


Gudoomiyaha ayaa sheegay inay dawladu usoo dirtay ciidamo ka hawlgala arintaasi, isla markaana odayaal iyo wax garad ku soo fool leeyihiin degmadda si ay u dajiyaan beelaha kacsan.


Illaa hadda lama qaban dableydii taliyaha dishay, inkastoo ciidan badan ku soo wajahan yihiin goobtii dilku ka dhacay si loo soo qabto.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee, deegaanada bariga Somaliland ayey ku badan yihiin inay beeluhu isku dileen si aargoose ah, taasina waxay keentay inay inta badan beelaha wada degaa isku dhacaan, waxaana taliyaha dilkiisa ka dambeeyey beel hore qof looga dilay.




The situation in maamulka SNM is out of control. There is clan war between the snm enemies.


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Somalia rising u have more pressing issues another homicide bomber detonated him self killing 15 people injuring another dozen in your capital. As a man who carries the name Somalia rising i think you should worry about that.

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XX, You should worry about your clan enclave SNM. Every day the security is getting out of control in maamulka SNM.

That police commander was killed because he belonged to the wrong Habar.

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There is nothing to worry a police officer was killed happened every where in the world there is already a man hunt and if he is in a country the SL security forces are very capable and will capture him and bring him to justice. Dont u have to worry about the security of Somalia which further deteriorates by the day whether homicide attacks , attack residential area's the United nation offices attacked i think that needs ur concern

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The security in Somalia will be fine. You dont have to worry about Koonfur Somalia.

You must really worry about Waqooyi Somalia. Puntland is sharpening their swords and Khatumo Soldiers are ready to defeat you once more again. Habar vs Habar clan war in Burco.

SNM is shrinking by day.

You had your best chance for independence when Somalia was totally chaos, and you had SSC under control. Now Alshabaab is on the run, security becoming better. SSC is kicking SNM out from their towns.

In every country attacks can happen. In UK, Spain, Iraq, Lebanon and Afghanistan there were suicideattacks. You cannot stop suicidebombers when it happens.


You must really foccus on that.

Dont worry, we will become strong again.

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Somalia is as messed up as it was always there is no real progress only in name there are more than 25.000 African union troops Turks are feeding the mothers and children and homicide attacks have tripled in Somalia corruption is enormous and there is no defense apparatus nor any working institutions on top of that clan federalism is further tearing apart Somalia and the fragmentation is in full gear. Its just wishful thinking on your part that there is a clan war in Burco even if there was a clash in Somaliland the Somalilanders are politically mature to resolve their matters peacefully they have all mechanism to resolve their differences through the Guurti as we have seen even the parliament dispute was solved by them. Yes in every country attacks happened but not constant and the countries u mentioned have defense apparatus Somalia has non. There is no threat from garowe at all never was really , now how are you going to fix Somalia. Somalia has been killed by Koonfurians and their madness over and over again.

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We are nation that gets stronger through war. Dont worry about Koonfur Somalia.

You are the man with dreams. You should make your dream become true. Thats hard because reality(Puntland, Khatumo) are making your dream extremely impossible.

Like i said, Somalia from Seylac till Raskambooni is already recognized country. Somalia needs stability alone, thats all. You should focuss on your imaginary country that is threatened with clan war(habar vs habar) and new problems such as the Garowe Threat and the Khatumo State.


Anyways, i will report every bad news about Maamulka SNM just like you are reporting every bad news about Koonfur Somalia. :D

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I dont mind u reporting bad news of SL as there is more good news coming from Somaliland than bad news. Somalia every day u will hear hebel got gunned down a homicide attacker has detonated him self.. African union troops are coming to Somalia, The TURKS are leaving or cutting of aid so be my guests post all u like




First Khatumo and the garowe clan enclave are not in agreement Garowe claims khatumo ,, khatumo rejects this so there can never be an alliance there and there is no threat on that flank. Somaliland already became reality it has all that it needs a functioning state a flag an army a police a navy a currency a business sector a prospect for a better future. U will see eventually khatumo will form an alliance with SL the same way ssc did.


How exactly do get stronger by war , war kills you kills your children mothers fathers peoples it hurts the Land seriously u need to stop the madness of killing each other and inviting 3rd world countries to come to ur country

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There is daily bad news in Maamulka SNM already. First of all many habar clans oppose him. For example in Burco there is hatred between two habar clans based on the siilaanyo administration. Siilaanyo's subclan are accussed of corruption and nepotism.

You should add these problems with major ones. The fact that Khatumo state are becoming stronger every day means that snm will never be able to defeat them. Puntland's new leadership is more different than Faroole. Many people saw Faroole as the best friend of SNM maamul, he posed no threat to the Ethiopianized snm. On the other hand AbdiWeli is determined to bring back Laascaanood because he believes strongly in the Puntland constitution. He is a man of his words and he will translate his words into actions.


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Cabdi cawar cant do anything the moment he added axmed karaash and biidnhe as part of his cabinet he allianated khatumo there is little he can do , today Khatumites despise cabdi cawar more than anything. khatumo is holding its conference and this is not in the interest of the buglanders. As the god father will lead the conference mr galaydh, and last week galaydh made it clear that there is nothing for his people in mogadishu.



U dont understand Somaliland culture Somalilanders talk they talk openly about qabi sub clan in their media they are open about it. This is not hatred Somaliland have a different culture than the koonfurians for koonfurians qabil is toxic for Somalilanders they know how to deal with qabil issues. People are open about qabiil. Koonfurians are scared to talk about qabiil yet they had the biggest qabil. If 2 clans in Somaliland have a fall out and its serious Somalilanders know what to do and how to do the gar qaad. The Koonfurians will let it escalate and so many human casualties and eventually still not a winner. As for what cabdi cawar believes he said the puntland region is up for discussion when he was raising the issue of khatumo lol. He is not as firm as u believe lol

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There you have it, guys. When a commander is killed in Galdogob, Xaaji would tell you the security of that town is out of hand and not any better than Mogadishu, but when a similar unfortunate incident happens in SL, he would say "it happens every where, and not a big deal." What a twisted mind this guy has. One aught to expose his hypocrisy.

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There you have it, guys. When a commander is killed in Galdogob, Xaaji would tell you the security of that town is out of hand and not any better than Mogadishu, but when a similar unfortunate incident happens in SL, he would say "it happens every where, and not a big deal." What a twisted mind this guy has. One aught to expose his hypocrisy.


So true lol :D


XX is the perfect example of how secessionist enemies view Koonfur Somalia. They wish evil to fall upon us, but what their hearts hide is even worse subhana Allah.

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Gheele the were clashes the next day in the garsoor district of galkacyo four people were badly injured it was really getting out of hand. Are u saying that is not true.

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