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Progress Report from the troglodyte den up north

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HARGEISA: (Somalilandsun) -The Mayor of Hargeisa Abdirahman Mohamed aided (SOLTELCO) has launched the first solar project in Hargeisa city.


C/rahman soltelcoC/rahman soltelcoThe project is part of his program of ensuring that Hargeisa city is beautified. During the initiation of the street lights project, the Mayor said "This is part of the new program we are starting in the city and we will ensure that we put the street lights in the entire Hargeisa city. He also thanked the government for working towards ensuring that Hargeisa city is beautified"


These solar installations will assit in beautifying the city and curbing crime in some areas of the city at the same time assist in making Somaliland a 24 hour economy. The Street lights are automatic in nature and charges during the day and automatically switches on during the night.

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HARGEISA: (Somalilandsun) - A trade fair for women entrepreneurs was launched at Mansur hotel in Hargeisa Somaliland.


The exhibition was organized and funded by International Labor Organization (ILO) to enlighten & enhance small scale women entrepreneurship skills by boosting up their trade managerial together with administrative acumen.


Fifty women traders brought their trading merchandizes at the trade show which was launched some days earlier. Initially ILO organized to fund one hundred and fifty women traders in acquiring commercial skills to boost their trade skills & talents by creating avenues for job opportunities.


women's clothes


According to Sofia Osman who is one of the women traders taking part in the exhibition had narrated to Somalilandsun how the acquired trading tips would be a boost to her commercial endeavors asserting that this will boost up women traders by encouraging them to be better trader. She also disclosed of plans where the first women traders who brought their items for sell at the trade show during the exhibition would automatically receive a bonus in the prices of their items. Sofia also revealed that the function was not the first that took place in Hargeisa as previous trade shows of the same nature were rolled before.

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Wasiirada Arimaha Gudaha iyo Deegaanka Oo Kulan Kula Yeeshay Tuulada Laan-Mulaaxo Duqey Kasoo Jeeda Gacan Kudhiiglayaashii Diley Taliyihii Ciidanka Booliska Xaaji-Saalax






Hargeysa(HWN)-Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Somaliland Cali Maxamed Warancade oo ay wehelinayso Wasiirka Deegaanka Shukri Xaaji Baandare, ayaa galinkii dambe ee maanta gaadhey Deegaanka Degmada Xaaji-Saalax iyagoo uga gudbey dhinaca Tuulada Laan-Mulaaxo ee lagu dilay Taliyihii Saldhiga Ciidanka Booliska Degmada Xaaji Saalax Marxuum Hurre waxaanay caweyskii halkaasi kulan kula yeesheen Duqeyda kasoo jeeda haybta gacan kudhiiglayaashii dilkaasi geystey kuwaas oo Warancade ku amrey in ay dhinacooda ka baadi goobaan oo looga fadhiyo soo qabashadooda.


Sida ay Shabakada Wararka Hadhwanaagnews u xaqiijiyeen dad kamid ah Deegaanka Xaaji-Saalax oo goob joog ka ahaa kulankaasi, Waxa uu Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Somaliland Cali Warancade oo ay wehelinayso Wasiirka Deegaanka Shukri Baandare kulan wakhti badan socdey,kula qaateen Tuulada Laan-Mulaaxo oo katirsan Degmada Xaaji-Saalax halkaas oo ah goobtii dilka Marxuumku ka dhacey Waxaanay, duqeyda kala arinsadeen sidii ay dhinacooda ugu baadi dooni lahaayeen Gacan Dhiiglayaashii fuliyay Dilka Taliyaha, iyadoo ay kulankan dhinaca kale goob joog ka ahaayeen Gudoomiyaha Degmada Gaashaamo ee kililka Shanaad ee ismaamulka Dowlad Deegaanka Soomaalida Itoobiya.


Inkastoo howlagl adag lagu raad goobayo gacan ku dhiiglayaashii fuliyay dilkii lagu toogtey Taliyihii Saldhiga Ciidanka Booliska Degmada Xaaji-Saalax Marxuum Mujaahid Hurre hadana ilaa iyo hada majiraan in lagu guuleystey soo qabashadoodu, waxaanay Wararku sheegeen in ay ku dhuumanayaan nawaaxiga Deegaanka Raamaale oo u dhexeysa Daroor iyo Cadaado halkaas oo la sheegay in ay ukala baxeen laba dhinac haseyeeshee, ciidamada Somaliland iyo kuwa kililka shanaad si xoog ah uga raad goobayaan, iyadoo Wasiirka Arimaha Guduhu dib ugu soo laabtey caweysinkii caawa Degmada Xaaji-Saalax hadana lama oga in uu kasoo gudbey niskan dambe iyo inkale.


Sikastaba ha ahaatee, Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Somaliland Cali Warancade ayaa, goor iyo xeedho fandhaal kala dhaceen islamarkaana, dhinac walba laga soo qeylyay gaadhey Goobta uu ka dhacey Dilka Taliyuhu taas oo uu markii hore ka dhega adeygay in uu gurmadka u horeeya ku gaadho islamarkaana ka qeyb galo Aaska Marxuumka oo shaley galinkii dambe lagu aasey Degmada Xaaji-Saalax


Hadhwanaagnews kala Soco Wararka arintaasi ku sahabsan dilka Foosha Xun ee lagu Dilay Taliyihii Saldhiga Xaaji Saalax iyo baadi goobka gacan ku dhiiglayaashii dilkaa geystey.


Hadhwanaagnews Burco Office


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Lol. This might just stop XX from posting anti-Puntland articles. The Hargeisa trade fair for women is one of those classic programmes which Somaliland's corrupt elite exploit to get funds from the international charities. They held the "fair" in one of Hargeisa's most expensive and exclusive hotels and invited only the connected few to the limelight. What benefit will this "fair" bring to the millions of already hardworking and enterprising mothers up and down the country? These charity events have become the red carpet Oscar nights for the corrupt and useless political class and the thieving diaspora.

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Gabiley: (Somalilandsun) -The police in Gabiley have carried a continuous operation of arresting members of youthful gang that created havoc & preached peace and tranquility that was enjoyed by the dwellers of the region with great ramifications.


According to the police reports in Gabiley town it is officially reported that groups of youth have created chaos that resulted to grievous bodily injuries & other assorted damages –with the injuries carried amongst themselves.


It is contended that the gang members were initially in the same group before dividing after a deal that went sour that subsequently led to police arrival at the crime scene and thereafter arresting the two gangs.


According to the reports of Abdilahi Hassan the police commander in Gabiley police station while briefing the press disclosed that they have arrested a couple of the youth who fought amongst themselves.


Mr. Abdilahi Hassan also revealed that the gangs have caused major damages to small scale traders operating within the town- both bodily and property injuries.


The police commander further revealed that once they are through with the ongoing investigation they shall publically reveal the causes of fighting.


He had earlier said that they have arrested two leaders of the gang.

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Hargeysa:Dadweyanaha Reer Hargeysa Oo Argagax iyo Amakaag Ka Qaadey Haweeney Aqalkeeda Ku Dhex Xabaashey Gabadh Ay Dishey iyo Dareenka Ka Dhashey



(Hadhwanaagnews) Sunday, March 02, 2014 22:52:41

Hadalheynta arintan ayaa caawa ku xoogaysatey Magaalada Hargeysa, iyadoo ay sigaar ah u faaqideen inta ugu badan ee haweenweynaha ku nool Caasimada iyo Qeybaha bulshadu




Hargeysa(HWN)-Guud ahaanba Shacbiga kunool Caasimada Hargeysa ayaa markii ugu horeysay,dareen naxdin leh ka muujiyey arin aragagax iyo amakaag leh Kadib markii baadhis ay sameeyeen Ciidamada Boolisku ku heleen haweenay aqalkeeda ku dhex xabaashey Marxuumad ay dishey oo la sheegay in ay ku laheyd deyn lacageed, marxuumadaas oo qoyskeedu baadi goobayay maalmihii u dambeeyay.


Hadalheynta arintan ayaa caawa ku xoogaysatey Magaalada Hargeysa, iyadoo ay sigaar ah u faaqideen inta ugu badan ee haweenweynaha ku nool Caasimada iyo Shacbiga kaleba, dhacadada dilkan ayaa walaac badan ku abuurey dareenka ay ka qaateen dad badan oo waayey dadkoodii in ay suurtagal tahey in sidan oo kale loo xabaaley kuwaas oo loo tirinayay in ay dalka tahriibeen, waxaana dhacdada dilkan foosha xumi rajo ku abuurtey shacbiga ka deyrintii laga deyrin jirey baadhista Saldhigyada Booliska oo sanadihii dambe u badnaa in dambiiluhu banaanka joogo qofka Dambiyada culus galeyna lagu dambabaso laaluush iyo awooda Madaxda Booliska qaarkood oo aan hubsan dambiga baadhista lagu hayo ee dilka afduubka, iyo waxtyaabaha halista ah.


Allaha naxariistii jano hasiiyee Ruqiya Siciid Ayaanle ayaa aheyd Gabadh ganacsato ah oo ay walaalo yihiin Xoghayaha Guud ee Golaha Wakiilada Somaliland Cabdirisaaq Siciid Ayaanle oo maalmihii lasoo dhaafey si xoogan ugu mashquulsanaa raadcada marxuumadan la diley iyadoo tix raac ay ku sameeyeen, qoyskoodu halkii ugu dambeysey ee ay Marxuumadu u sheegtey in ay tageyso, taas oo la sheegay in haweeneyda falkan geysatey ay tagtey Guriga Marxuumada islamarkaana, ay dib u su,aashey Qoyska iyadoo ku wargalineysa in ay kasoo ambabaxdey dhinaceeda sida ay tibaaxayaan Wararka amuurtan la xidhiidhaana, waxa ay haweeneydani mar ku guuleysatey in ay banaanka uga baxdo Xadhiga la taxaabey haseyeeshee, waxa dib u dacweeyay Qoyska Marxuumada, waxaanay suurat galisey in dib loo soo taxaabo Haweeneyda dhagar qabaha ah iyo caruur ay dhashey halkaas oo mid kamid ah laga helay Moobilkii Marxuumada islamarkaana, ay in badan ka dhega adeygeen in ay iftiimiyaan sida xaalku u dhacey waxaana aakhirkii usuurta gashey markii baadhis xoogan lagu sameeyay, oo sidii sharcigu farayay ah lagu sameeyay ay kaliftey in ay qiraal ka noqdaan dilka ay ugeysteen Marxuumada, waxana ugu horeyntii sida wararku sheegayaan far kamid ah baadhista dambigan laga helay mid kamid caruurta yaryar ee Haweeneyda dhagar qabaha ahi dhashey taas oo sheegtey in habar yaro sida ay hadalkeeda laga dheehdey iyo Hooyadeed daarada isku haysteen, balse aan sidaa loo sii dhugan inkastoo cadaadiskii dambe lagu ogaadey Moobilka marxuumada oo tii haysatey ay qirtey in ay ku xabaaleen gudaha Daarada Gurigaasi oo kuyaala Bariga Caasimada Hargeysa, waxaaney haweeneyda dhagar qabaha ahi masabidey ninkeeda oo laga soo taxaabey Berbera oo ay Wareysiyadii Ciidanka Booliska ku sheegtey in uu isagu soo qaadey.


Sikastaba ha ahaatee, waxa ay dhacdada dilkan foosha xumi abuurey dareen xoog leh oo ay dadweynuhu ku waajahayaan in had iyo jeer Ciidamada Boolisku baadhistooda ku dhayalsadaan arimo noocan oo kale, ah laakiin ay ku farxeen sida loo adkeeya Baadhista kiiskan oo dibada usoo saarey dhacdo ugub ku ah Caasimada Hargeysa iyo Shacbiga Reer Somaliland labadaba, maadaama ay iyo had jeer kiisasku ka qaloocdaan Saldhigyada Booliska iyo baadhista Dambiga, waxaanay tani soo faqeysaa kiisas badan oo dilka noocan la xidhiidha oo la tuhunsanaa ama dareen ka taagnaa dadka waayey dadkoodii.


Ciidamada Booliska ayaa Wali Baadhista Wada Kala Soco Hadhwanagnews Wixii Kasoo Kordha

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Somaliland: Presidency Denies Alleged Interference in Judiciary Affairs




HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) - The Head of state has categorically denied the alleged interferences in judicial affairs.This denial follows accusations by members of the bench in Hargeisa was delivered through a press statement released by presidential spokesperson Mr. Suleiman Duhul.


Below are the verbatim excerpts of the presidential statement


Quote- The government is not involved in any activities pertaining to the interference of the due course and proper administration of law and justice in the country.


"Administratively it is government policy for facilitation of a fair and just thus protects the basic rights of citizens"


According to information released by some media outlets it has been alleged that the Government is interfering with discharge of duties of some judicial offices from lower courts in Hargeisa region. There is no official complain of that nature from the judicial commission, the constitutional body tasked with entertaining such complains but it is my responsibility to ensure judiciary to be accorded a conducive atmosphere in the discharge of its responsibilities.


It is imperative to note that my Government has embarked on a vigorous campaign to reform justice status in light of the tangible changes since coming to power.


In view of that it is prudent therefore for courts and its officers and in respect to ethics of governance among various branches of government who discern, rightly or wrongly, a breach within these protocols not to express concerns unconstitutionally but direct complaints the relevant authority (justice commission) as there are protocol channels to be adhered to in the working of the Government's various arms while respecting separation of their functions & responsibilities.


While reiterating the need not to channel our complains through the media be assured that if there is such recurrences then stern action shall be pursued against any involved" – Unquote

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Oo maxaa u tiri saas, Akhii Tallaabo?


I am the bearer of glad tidings and progress in this thread.

Oh yeah, with that intimidating avatar you surely are the "bearer of glad tidings" but anyway at least your English is much better than that of Somalilandsun.

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