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Is Fowsiyo trying to attack the hero of the Somali people, Yusur Abrar?

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Fawsiyo , the assistant of corrupt qosalye is trying to attack our hero, Miss Yusur Abrar who exposed the deep and dark corruption of the qoslaye regime. Why now? i think pressure is mounting on the incompetant qoslaye to go on media attack to deny everything.


this will not work.


Waxaan jeclaan lahaa in aan halkaan ku sheego xaqiiqada eedaymaha ay daabacaday wakaalada wararka Reuters ee la xiriirta laaaluushaka iyo cadaadiska loo gudbiyay warbaahida gudaha iyo dibada.

Eedayntaan oo laga soo xigtay Gudoomiyihii hore ee bankiga dhexe Ms Yusra Abrar ee ah in fawsiyo Yuusuf wasiirkii hore ee arrimaha dibadda Soomaaliya ay cadaadis ku saartay Ms Abrar furitaaanka Bank Account oo ay ka furto Dubai taasi oo ka soo horjeeda rabitaanka Mr Abrar, waxayna intaasi ku dartay Fawsiyo in Ms abrar ay is casishay iyadoon furin Warqada.

Fawsiyo Yuusuf ayaa tilmaantay in ay iyadu ay siweeyn ugu taageertay Xilka Gudoomiyaha bankiga dhexe Ms Abrar iyadoo doonayaysay in ay aragto Haweenay xilsare ka qabata bankiga dhexe islamarkaana ka hortagta laaluushka iyo Musuqmaasuqa.

Sida ay Sheegtay Reuters xaqiiqdii Ms Abrar waxaa ay iscasishay todobo maalmood oo kaliya kadib markii xilkaasi lo magacaabay iyadoo bankiga dhexe ka hawlgashay afarmaalmood oo qura ( cadaynta arrintaasi waxaa laga heli karaa Xarunta bankiga dhexe ee Muqdisho).

Sida laga soo xigtay wakaalada wararka Reuters Ms Abrar waxaa ay sheegatay in aan cadaadis ku saaray in ay Qasnad xisaabeed ka furto Dubai balse arinta furitaanka Accountigaasi waxaa ay ku jirtay hanaansocod ay ahayd in ay si wadajir ah u saxiixaan kaaliyihii wasiirkii hore ee Maliyada iyo Yusra Abrar.

U jeedada Accountigaasi looga furayay Dubai ayay Fawsiyo ku sheegtay in ay ahayd iyadoo dawlada Dhexe aanay lahayn ‘’ Swift Code’’ oo ah Number ay isticmaali karaan deeqbixiyayaasha iyo dadka caadiga ah ee Dibadaha ku nool islamarkaana aay dhaqaale ugu soo shubi karaan banki ay dawladu maamusho.

Kaaliyaha wasiirkii Hore ee Maaaliyada waxaa uu weeydiistay Ms Abrar in ay la saxiixdo Furitaanka Accountiga laga furayo Dubai si bankiga dhexe uu qayb uga noqdo ama ugu lug yeesho maamulida Accountiga Dubai laga furayay.

Kaaliyaha wasiirka maaliyadu waxaa uu dubai ku sugayay Ms Abrar muddo afar cisho ah si arinta loo soo gabgaabeeyo , kaalintaayduna waxaa ay ahayd in aan Message ama dhanbaalkaasi ka yimid kaaliyaha Wasiirka maaliyada ugudbiyo Ms Abrar kaaasi oo dubai ugu xayirnaa muddo afarmaalmood la saxiixa Accountiga Ms Abrar, ayay sheegtay wasiiradii hore ee arrimaha dibadda Fawsiya.

Wasiiradii hore arrimaha DIbadda ee Soomaliya Fawsiyo Yuusuf waxaa ay sheegtay in aanay jirin wax cadaadis ama codsi ah oo ay MS Abrar ugudbisay ee la xiriira Furitaaanka wax accounti ama Qasnad xisaabeed ah , balse ay ahayd oo kaliya in ay la saxiixdo kaaliyaha wasiirkii hore ee maaliyada Accountiga Dubai si ay dawladu ugu kaydsato gargaarka dhaqaale ee ay mushaar ahan u siinayso Shaqaalaha Dawlada.

Fawsiyo waxaa ay ku tilmaantay Eedaynnta lagu soo daabacay Reuters mid been abuur ah hadii ay ahaan lahayd iyada xageeda ama Madaxweynaha mana jirto wax cadaadis ama culays ah oo uga yimid Xageena ayay intaasi sii raacisay.

Waxaa ay sheegtay in aanay jirin wax xiriir ah oo ay Reuters kala soo samaysay arrimahaasi oo dhan waxaana raadindoonaa talo sharciyeed la xiriirta arrintaan been abuurka ah ayay ku soo gabagabysay Fawsiyo oo ay kamuuqatay sida ay uga xuntahay Qoraalka Ku soo baxay Reuters ee aan lagala soo xiriir.

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“Graft allegations by Reuters on former Minister of Foreign Affairs are Libelous”


I would like to state here the facts about allegations by Reuters regarding the above mentioned graft which have recently been circulating in the international and local media:


Under the above heading, Reuters reported [1] that ‘The sources said that according to Ms. Abrar (ex-Governor of Somali Central Bank), the former Foreign Minister (myself) had pressed her to open a bank account in Dubai against her wishes. Abrar resigned without opening it’.


Ms. Abrar, the former Governor of the Central Bank, had been strongly supported by myself for her position as Governor precisely since I wanted to see an experienced female in that high position to oppose graft (corruption).


As Reuters stated correctly Ms. Abrar resigned only seven weeks after she was appointed, however, out of that seven weeks Ms Abrar spent only four days working in the Central Bank. (evidence can be obtained from the Central Bank in Mogadishu).


According to Reuters, Ms. Abrar has claimed that I have pressured her to open an account in Dubai. However, the fact is that the account was in the process of being opened by the former Assistant Minister of Finance of Somalia and he wanted the new Governor of the Central Bank to co-sign with him. The purpose for opening this account was due to the lack of a SWIFT code for the Central Bank to receive transactions from overseas at that time. Ms. Abrar was in fact asked by the Assistant Minister of Finance to co-sign with him the account, in order to involve the Central Bank in all transactions. The Assistant Finance Minister confirmed that he was waiting for Ms. Abrar for 4 days in Dubai to finalize the matter. My role was just to pass the message from the Assistant Finance Minister to Ms. Abrar, that he was waiting for her in Dubai to co-sign the aforementioned account.


Ms. Abrar’s positive response to me is also available as further evidence. There was no pressure and/or request whatsoever from myself to Ms. Abrar to open any account, but just to co-sign the aforementioned account which the Government needed to deposit some economic aid to pay its Government employees.


Furthermore, according to Reuters, Ms. Abrar claimed that I have pressured her to sanction contracts – again this is a baseless allegation. For the record, neither myself nor the President pressured Ms. Abrar toopen an account in Dubai or sanction any contracts. The documentary evidence supporting all the above is available upon request.


Thus, this particular story, highlighted by Reuters, implicating myself in graft was both poor reporting and a totally false accusation. Further, Reuters has made no attempt whatsoever to contact me to obtain the facts on their story. I shall be seeking legal advice on this matter.


Fawzia Y. H. Adam

Former Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister of Somalia

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