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Xaaji Xunjuf

Cabdi cawar: Puntland territory is up for dialogue+Mogadishu truce inevitable

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XX regardless of what you say, why should the future borders of a Somaliland State be determined by what some British Colonialists have drawn 100 years ago?


Maybe you should say, "Perhaps Somaliland and Puntland can come to an agreement and divide these regions in half, or perhaps 60% of the region should be given to Somaliland, while taking the utmost care to draw borders which both sides can agree on. Obviously the British-determined borders shouldn't have to cause conflict in 2014."


That would be a sensible, rational thing to say. But since you greedily want as much land as possible, you want to promote these obsolete borders

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Go google d*b* cawar Siiyaanyo's lifestyle in his student life in London. But make sure no dragon knife is close to you. You may mutilate some of your body parts....

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Doctor kennedy if we go against the legit borders for Africa the African continent will be an entire mess we have tribes of all sorts living all different countries and having different nationalities, if Somali Kenyans are prospering with their fellow Kenyans in one nation why should Somaliland have a dispute over Somalia the borders are clearly demarcated and are clear to every one signed enshrined in the African union treaties. Somaliland is very homogeneous its people are all related by Blood one way or the other they have one vision one aspiration one objective. Somaliland regardless of what clan any Somalilander national can live own land on all that is Somaliland thats what makes Somaliland unique. In Somaliland the people there have a clear understanding of what citizenship to own the land togethera person from burco can live buy land start a bussiness in sanaag a person from laascanood can be the governor of hargeisa adn can live in arabsyo or berbera own land and live there as a citizen of the republic of Somaliland, Unlike in Somalia where every one is carving a tribal home land . The Koonfurians and Somalilanders are different on so many fronts. marka wa caynkaa adeer.

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Hawdian, what Xaaji X is doing is not a criticism at all, but slander. But if you consider that a fair game, then I have the right to call him out. Would that bother you? I hope not.


One other thing, every time the name SL or its leaders is mentioned in this board, you all come out of the woodwork screaming that the "Koonfurians" have no right to criticize SL while their house is in dismay. My question is, why do they, landers, care what others say about SL even if the criticism isn't a legit one? I am just going by your "do you care" mantra!

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XX I'm not talking about the borders of Africa. I have no interest or knowledge about the borders of Cameroon or Benin or any other African state. That's not what I was talking about.


We're talking about Somalia, we're talking about the non-recognized state of Somaliland. So since Somaliland isn't recognized just YET, wouldn't it make sense to come to some sort of agreement and form permanent borders for Somaliland, one that benefits the people and the surrounding neighbors as well?


Why stick to these ridiculous British-drawn borders which clearly don't reflect the realities on the ground? Why do you care about the British in the first place?


Why are you allowing these filthy European Imperialists cause conflict between Somalis? Re-draw the borders. At least Puntland legitimately came into existence as a project from the citizenry itself. It wasn't created by some foreign Europeans

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Somaliland is going through a lot of the same crap that the rest of the Somalis are going through, but XX wants to bury his head in the sand and pretend its some sort of wonderful free Republic that is some sort of Utopia.


It's unbelievable what lengths people will go to justify their delusions

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Somalia, somaliland and Djibouti are all the products of colonial treaties. Like I said to deny the borders of somaliland is to deny the borders of Djibouti or Somalia.


Furthermore you are also deluded in the context that you compare puntland with somaliland. Puntland did not exist: ever in history. It's a creation created in 1998 that is alien to the existing reality of African borders.


Furthermore: I argue to this day that puntland does not exist in all but name.


Think about it What does puntland control? bosaso and garowe which are two cities and a few villages with the same clan. It does not have an army case in point the somaliland army is 15 miles from the border. State apparatus: no civil servant in puntland and what little there are do not receive pay.


Who is really deluded ???


Another fact is all somaliland tribes including Lascanod folk signed a legal document in 1991 proclaiming the end of the somaliland Somalia union. Somaliland has the border and legal rights over a legal state within the borders of British somaliland protectorate

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Doctor Somalia it self is created by Colonial Italy their borders the anglo Italian border between Kenya and Somalia is the same border between Somalia and Somaliland , the only difference is that Somalia and Somaliland for a short period of time united. Just because Somaliland doesn't have a seat at the united nations doesn't mean its border are not legitimate Somaliland lacks of recognition is a political it enjoys defacto recognition no country can deny Somaliland claim of statehood basis on the African union treaties on top of that the African union made it clear that Somaliland case for statehood is not one of secession. And it doesn't add up what do u mean exactly by the realities on the ground the people of Somaliland altogether have agreed to stick to their Somaliland , so why would Somaliland let an entity of Somalia change its legitimate borders. Recognition or recognition Somaliland borders are indisputable, Somaliland is not asking for Somalia lands and there never been something like a tribal partition of a region because a segment of Somalia is unhappy with the borders of Somaliland. Somalia and Somaliland should never have a conflict over territory because the border is clearly demarcated , South Sudan and Sudan have a conflict because the borders are newly drawn the conflict will exist for decades to come. For example Eritrea and Ethiopia fought over a small piece of Land the land was ruled in favor of Eritrea by an international court. Because of the Italian Abyssinian boundary treaty. So there should never be a conflict between Somalia and Somaliland around the border since everything is clear right clear.

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@ Ghelle - Let me be clear im against any slander of the somali people nomatter where in the geeska africa they life , that includes Puntland people however politicans are different and should criticizes as elected officials . I hope we got on the record , peace .



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