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Why Puntland must bring back SSC?

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All eyes on Puntland. If they fail, the separatist enemies will always laugh at them and accuse them of being cowards and weak in the art of warfare. But if they succeed in uniting the SSC under Puntland banner, attacks the separatist enemy and roots them out from every SSC area then all somalis will show respect for Puntland.

The separatist enemy will be stuck within Hargeisa, Berbera and Burco. The attack and victory of Puntland will inspire other minorities oppressed by the Ethiopian Orphans(SNM).

Not to forget the people from Awdal will also stand up and pick up weapons to drive out the enemies of unity from Borama and every other town dominated by people of Awdal.


So there is a lot of blessing for Puntland to choose the path of War after uniting the divided SSC. Economical blessing and political blessing. The Somali Nation will forgive the mistakes of Puntland in the past and applaud them as the defenders of UNITY.

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Somaliarising, I wasn't aware Somalia was divided, you present it as if somalia is two. No recognition means nothing is divided.So noone is securing the unity of Somalia for that to occur there would need to be recognition for somaliland to even argue or fight over unity. What SSC is all about for Puntland is a constiutional obligation not a Somalia unity obligation.If we can't honour our own constiutional obligations, it is far fetched to expect us to demand mogadishu to uphold the national constitution.

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Somaliarising, I wasn't aware Somalia was divided, you present it as if somalia is two. No recognition means nothing is divided.So noone is securing the unity of Somalia for that to occur there would need to be recognition for somaliland to even argue or fight over unity. What SSC is all about for Puntland is a constiutional obligation not a Somalia unity obligation.If we can't honour our own constiutional obligationa, it is far fetched to expect mogadishu to uphold the constitution.


well said!

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Brother Osman, open your eyes sxb. Somalia is under threat of the secessionist enemy.

That is why Puntland must do whatever they can to neutralize the separatist movement by submitting SSC areas. These enemies from Hargeisa dream of country based on the borders of their white masters the British colonization in the North. The Somali people supports Puntland's desire to crush the dream of dreamers.

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Any military confrontation between Somaliland and the garowe clan enclave will be a A win for SL, two successive garowe president failed to confront Somaliland, cabdi cawar will not be any different , he talks about grand PL conference he refused to recognize khatumo as an entity if he goes it alone and attacks Somaliland buffer khatumo in taleex and bocame he will drive them into the hands of SL and Somaliland will be forced to push beyond the Somalia Somaliland border. Cabdi cawar made it very easy for SL to score points the moment he made biindhe and karaash president. But something tells me cabdi cawar is all but talk. What will be interesting is that what will cabdi cawar do when khatumo tries to hold a conference in taleex about their khatumo , how will he approach that , Somaliland is just going to watch it khatumo will serve as a bufferzone. faroole attacked them in taleex , what will cabdi cawar do is the question. The situation is much more complex that u lot think there is a reason why puntland leaders were scared to death to talk about the sool region ,even cabdi cawar hardly talks about it. he talks about unity of his people, but not about sool.

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I like to be devils advocate some times.....


Pirates are harmless, their pirate business has been shut down , galgala cell is becoming more of a threat and Shabaab is moving into Mudug. They have so many troubles

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Saxib its a sorry state of affairs. Hag dominated Mugdisho no room for pirates down south: Which will lead eventually to an embolded galmudug. The port of bosaso has dried up: because of the port of Mugdisho. The "juba" fiasco has been a joke as ahmed madobe can not leave his house and without kenya he can never hold on to it as we all knew and predictated.


Sool is gone to Somaliland, Sanag is Somaliland and we are literally a few miles from Garowe, not to mention alshabab weekly strikes on bosaso and galgala.


The situation looks bad for pirates indeed.


Somaliland will only get stronger and soon potentially it could be in garowe...haha inshallah.


then what...start having liberation parties in miniapolis for the liberation of garowe.



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