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Wax walba aasaaska laga bilaabaa. Qaraxyadaan, madaafiicdaan iyo weeraradaan Xamar kusoo batay sanadkaan si loogu hortago marka hore aaska hoose ha laga soo bilaabo.


Maxee ku kala duwanyihiin wasaaradaha nabadsugidda (amniga) iyo arrimaha gudaha. Waa isku dhex yaac, laba wasaaradood oo hal shaqo isla wato waaye oo aan xiriir ka dhaxeen. Maxaa nabadda la sugaa hadduuba salkii hoose wareer ka taaganyahay.


Jagooyinkaan ama wasaaradahaan kala qeybintooda waxaa loo abuuray in dad lagu qanciyo, qancis dad gaar ayaa laga hormariye nabadsugidii dalka guud, gaar ahaan Xamar.

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Waa sax guriga asaaska haduu ka xumaado ma dhismo

Ciidan muhiimkiisu wuxuu u qaybsamaa sadex xoogga,nabadsugidda iyo booliiska

Saexdaas ciidan mid walba wuxuu leeyahay shaqo u gaara iyo ciidan kale oo asaga qudhiisa daba gala, si aysan fowdo u samaynn waana in loo dhamaystiraa noloshooda asaasigaa.


Tusaale ciidanka xooggu wuxuu lee yahay bolis melatari iyo qaybta ugu muhiimsan oo la yaqaan sidaan filayo sirdoonka ciidanka xoogga ama hogaanka ciidanka


Qabta nabadsugida sidoo kale waxaa ka hoos baxa qaybo fara badan oo ka mid yihiin kuwa aan shacabka laga garan owood u leh inaysan naagtiisu ama ninkeedu ogaan,kuwo qaabilsan socdaalka iyo waxa wadanka soo gala iyo waxa ka baxa oo loo yaqaanay waaxda socdaalka kuwo qaabilsan anshaxa iwm


Bolisku oo la shaqeeya arimaha gudaha waana ciidan aan qarsoonayn, wuxuuna yeelan karaa ciidan si gaara u tababaran oo qaabilsan dambiyada rabshadaha iyo gaadmo ku qabashada sida loo fuliyo kuwa loo yaqaan asluubta ama jeelasha iwm



Ciidan federal gobol kaliya lagama qoro, waana ka madax banaanyahy cid,hayb iyo qabiil waxaana loogu talo galay inuu ilaaliyo aminiga qowmiyadiisa,maahan mid xamar tuute kasoo gashaday ama boorama



Somaaliya waxaa loo qoday ceel dheer oo lagu magacaabo federal markay gashayna jaranjaradii ay kusoo bixi lahaayeen waa laga qaatay


Waxaa loo qaybiyay gobolo ay xukumaan dawladaha dariskaa waxaana lagu war geliyay inay calan samaystaan iskana ilaaliyaan gobolada ku dhawdhaw ee soomaalida kale


Qaar baa la aamusin waayay markii la yiri waa la badelayaa ciidanka jooga gobolkooda, qaar shumac loo dhiibay oo la yiri qabriga menis kor fadhiya waa la idin aqoonsan doonaaye ,qaar baa heeso cusub u alifay qunsulka Kenya loosoo bedelay gobolkooda,qaar baa dawladnimada u haysta in xamar habraha lagu shiriyo


Madaxweyne kasta oo yimaada wuxuu isteerinka qabanayaa baabuur qurun ka buuxo.


Dr maskiin su’aasha soomalidu aysan ka jawaabi Karin waxay ila tahay inay tahay

Dhulka asaas waa laga qodi karaa, see dadka asaas looga qodaa?!


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You can take many forms of federalism with the army, what's to say they're can't be federal soldiers clan based all around the nation, they are still the same army however in their own constituency to make the people comfortable. There is no point teaching people something they have no understanding off and if we want results a good leader works with what is reality on the ground not change it. Somalis try to emulate international standards which do not fit with the local culture, a good gov't appeases the local way of life and accommodates it and steers it for results. At the end of day we want results, we don't really need be fuzzed to much how its attained.

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You can take many forms of federalism with the army, what's to say they're can't be federal soldiers clan based all around the nation, they are still the same army however in their own constituency to make the people comfortable.


Dr. Osman will we not learn from our mistakes? If we institutionalise clan-ism we effectively ingrain divisiveness and distrust. Using a quote based system to recruit soldiers to ensure fair and balances representation is in itself fine, but we would be shooting ourselves in the foot if we create divisions of the military constituted entirely of a specific group.

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miskiin, how else should every clan be satisfied. there are only limited wasaarado.


it is tough to satisfy somalis niyoow. they will be helping alshabab if they don't get ministers. that is the brutal truth.

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Macruuf, on the surface, Somali system of governance exhibits severe lack of coherence. I agree with you the two are the same ministries.

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Oday Somali it is not my choice somalia is tribal, it is the facts. I don't think it serves anyone's benefit trying to achieve a united govt as per 1991, we will be in the same spot never moving forward. It is in our best interest we accept what we have to work with and steer it for outcomes. Our ppl will be dead from malnourishment, wars, and fleeing the nation while we all sit in hamar trying to agree on a govt which noone ever will. Federalism takes that unnecessary load of the capital and makes people focus on the regions. A good example is abdiweli gaas a former somali presidential candidate who failed in his bid, he then ran for puntland and won. If there was no puntland he would join shabab or something to disturb the govt. You can apply what abdiweli did all the way down to ministers. If ppl dont get a minister they can run for one in their home states and the troublesome one can be guaranteed one in their state thru federal and state negiotations.


Federation is the only way out of this mess we are in. Every nation that goes thru a war usually ends up federalized ie; ethiopia, yemen, iraq, its nothing new.I would love somalia to be the way it used to be but i wont have my ppl die waiting for it to be realized and thats if it is even realized.

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Although politics is a profession for the politician as a normal people we see different view

In my view Somalia federal is like boiling milk with lemon I don’t see good test, but for some people they testing good, we don’t see their faces after they test, but still we have to respect .


Fedaraalka waxaa ka horeeya wadanka yaa xukuma? guud ahaan xuduudkiisa yaa ka masuula? Ma leeyihiin karti ay ku ilaalin karaan danta guud ka dibna federalka



Dawladda dhexe waa la gacan dhaafay lixdanka dibutaati oo qabiilka ku yimid waa la hayste yaal waana dawlad daciifa, waxaana xaq u leenahay inaan heshiis la galno Kenya iyo Ethiopia, anagoo metalayna danaha federaalkeena


ilaa iyo hadda sida la ogyahay waxaa noo dhismay hal federal qabiil iyo mid dhicis ah marka laga reebo casaabadda snm

Goboladii koonfurta ma sedex baa laysu raaciyaa mise sagaal? luguma heshiin

24’tan sano ka dib weli lama bislaan


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Nacnacda yareeya: qof walba tuuladii uu ku dhashey ha dhisto hana hormariyo. Maalin walba sheeko raqiis-ah ha loo soo shir taganina!

good point soo in darbi lagusoo wareejiyo maahan si aan darisku kuugu qabsan tol moogow?

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asaas ma jirin becauase qaran lugu ma heshiin in la dhiso , asaas majirayo because Somali wali ma hehsiin dagaalki sookeeye laga ma heshin, ciidamadi sidi bay isu hor fadhiyaan. Xalku ma imanayo cid aminayso ma jirto ciidanka xamar. ciidanka xamar na hal beel bu hada ka koobanyahay, isago sidaas ah , ayaan wali amaanka u sugi karayn because musuq masaq iyo mushaharadi oo la bixin shabaab ba ka faideystey. Federalkuna Somalidu wali ma fahmin nin walba wuxu u haysta inu in goosto inta dawlad u noqdo dabeedna dawlada ku casumo sidana federal lugu noqdo.laakin waxasi haykal dawladnimo maha, hadal badan haan ma buuxsho Somalia , Somalina ku heshiin mayaan dawladnimo oo sidan bay ugu badisa dhamaantood ba inkastow dhibaato fara badan jirta somalida calashaan threat weyn ma haystaan oo sidan ayey ba jecelyihin siyaasin iyo odayaal ba.

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