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Puntland Ranked No 1 University In Somalia

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PSU waa Jaamacadda ugu hooraysa Soomaaliya


Garoowe[RBC Radio]Puntland State University ayaa noqotay Jaamacadda ugu horaysa dhinaca Tacliinta Jaamacadda ku yaalla guud ahaan dalka Soomaaliya,sida ay soo saartay Shirkadda ugu wayn qiimaynta Jaamacadaha ee Webometrics.


Webometrics ayaa qiimaysa Tayadda Tacliinta,Teknoloojiyadda iyo Daabacadaha Aqoonta ku dhisan ee ay Jaamacadaha ku soo bandhigaan Bogagga ay ku leeyihiin Intenet-ka.


Shirkadaan ayaa Jaamacadaha ku qiimaysa sida Jaamacadaha Aduunka ay ugu kala xooggan yihiin Isticmaalka Internetka,Tayadda Bogga iyo Daabacadaha Online-ka ah ee ay sameeyaan.


Sikastaba ha ahaatee Jaamacadda Puntland State University waraceeda ugu weyn waxaa uu ku yaalla magaalada Garoowe ee caasumada Puntland,halka sidoo kale faracyo ay ku leedahay magaaloyinka Puntland ee kale oo ay Gaalkacyo ka mid tahay,waxaana la aas-saasay 2004-tii.


Puntland State University,waxaa ay noqonaysa Jaamacaddi ugu horreeysay ee ku taalla deegaannada Puntland misana kaalinta koobad ka gasha qeymeynta dhinaca Tacliinta.


Halkaan hoose ka akhriso qeymeynta Webometrics:-


Uni Rankings


Ku rido RBCKU dar RBC




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We do have the best doctors in Somalia I read somewhere, I think when WHO Complex is open Pit will have huge benefits raising medical standards in the state, by even opening in Puntland suggests WHO has confidence in Puntland Health System.


I only wish also to read the best infrastructure in Somalia for Puntland, we R not there yet but I think we can work on it and if gas leaves behind that legacy of making Puntland no 1 in infrastructure he will be remembered very well. Roads, Ports, Airports, Foreign investment that is what he needs to leave behind if he wants to have a legacy to be remembered. Gas should know this 5 years is the era of infrastructure and investments, this what all Puntland are looking at in this term.

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