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Former Puntland President Farole First Somali Awarded The Democratic Prize

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Madaxweynihii hore ee Puntland Dr. Faroole oo Nairobi lagu gudoonsiin doono abaalmarin caalami ah


Madaxweynihii hore ee Puntland Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Sheikh Maxamed Faroole ayaa kufaroole guuleystey Abaalmarin caalami ah oo ku saabsan Dimoqoraadiyada iyo dowlad wanaaga, abaal marintaas ayaa la gudoonsiin doonaa dhawaan,wuxuuna Dr. Faroole Nairobi imaanayaa maalmaha soo socda si u gudoomo abaalmarinta.


Abaal marintaan oo ah mid Caalami ah ayna bixinayso Hay’ad caalami ah waa markii u horeysey oo Hogaamiye Soomaaliyeed ku guuleysto.


Dr. faroole ayaa loo gartey Abaalmarintaan isagoo ku muteystey halgankii u galay sidii Puntland u gaari lahayd nidaamka Dimoqoraadiyada, iyo Dowladwanaaga uu ka hirgaliyey Puntland iyo hamigiisii ku salaysnaa in Soomaaliya ay heshey Dowlad daacad ah oo ku salaysan nidaamka Federaalka, wuxuu kaloo Abaalmarintaan ku heley isbadalkii taariikhiga ahaa ee Doorashadii Puntland janaayo 2014, sidii uu u maareeyey Doorashada iyo xilwareejintii taariikhiga ahayd.


Doorashadii ka dhacdey Puntland waxay ahayd mid tusaale wayn u noqotay Geeska Afrika tasoo ilaa maanta la hadal hayo.


Warar aad ugu dhow Dr. Faroole oo Puntlandi heleen waxay sheegayaan inuu dhowaan imaanayo Nairobi si u gudoomo abaalmarintaas.



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That's a true democracy accepting defeat by one vote and stepping down gracefully without any hooray. A democracy other African countries are learning a thing or two from like Uganda. Its good to see the international community has given the prize to the first Somali leader who hails from Puntland.


No our parliament our MPS don't walk in with pistols or have fist fights 5 times in it's parliament, its not a zoo. You can freely speak in our parliament without being punched in the face I can guarantee U that. I have a question for Somaliland why is it none of your leaders win this prize if your a true democracy? Your just a kangaroo state to the international cmmumnity

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A peaceful transfer of power based on one vote is rare in the world let alone Africa. Somali elections are full of fraud and ballot stuffing.


Good for him.

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hoax what surprised me is why didn't he contest it based on the vote that was spoiled? He could've drawn and asked for another election. It was truly remarkable. I wasn't expecting parole with his fierce personality to go down without a fight, I am sure someone like gas would but not farole

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