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Deeq A.

Camel Milk Threads Golden Rules!

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Deeq A.   

Please fully review this page before you start posting. Everyone must comply with the following rules:



1 - Qabiil: absolutely no qabiil talk. Not even a mention of any qabiil/Clan name. No qabiil discussion of any kind.


2 - Accounts: each forum member may have only one account. If you are caught double posting, both of your accounts will be deleted.


3 - Language: do not use profanity, vulgarity or objectionable language.


4 - Anti-Islamic: No one will be allowed to insult Islam and Muslims under any circumstances. Your post will be deleted and/or username banned if caught with any anti-Islamic attacks. Your respectful views are welcome but any derogatory language against Islam/Muslims will not be tolerated.


5 - Trolling: don't make posts that are inflammatory just to annoy people.


6 - Privacy: respect the privacy of other nomads. Do not post another nomad' phone number, home or office address, personal or family information , pictures, email or chat conversation, or SOL pm conversation, without a permission from the nomad or the administrator of Somalia Online. Do not post links of other pages where such information is available either. Respecting the privacy of SOL members is paramount. If you violate this rule, you will be banned.



7 - Flaming: absolutely no personal attacks (direct or indirect). Criticize ideas, not people. Flaming will not be tolerated in any way. This includes any material which is vulgar, profane, defamatory, harassing, hateful, threatening, invading of others privacy, sexually oriented, or violates any laws.


8 - Pornography: no pornographic, sexually offensive, or sexually explicit talk will be tolerated. This includes suggestive images, graphics, and comments.


9 - Advertising: this forum is not free advertising space. If you have a product or a website to advertise , get permission from Admin. No advertising on signatures either.


10 - Posting: you may have your post deleted if you post in the wrong forum! Please post on the right forum.


11 - Subjects: use descriptive topic subject. This will help others find what they want to read. Topics with bad Topic subjects WILL be deleted!


12 - Spamming: no spamming. No commercial posts or flooding the forum with useless content.


13 - Content: you remain solely responsible for the content of your messages. Proof read your post and try not to use short-cuts. Chances are, if your message doesn't make sense to you, it won't make sense to someone else either.


14 - Complaints: complaints are only handled through private messages (to Admin). You are not allowed to create complaint topics on the forums. Moderators will delete such topics. Contact Admin if you have questions.


15 - Banning: if you are found breaking any of the above rules you may have your account deleted or your posting rights revoked. There may or may not be any warnings given, depending on the nature of the offense.






Considering the real-time nature of this forum, it is impossible for Somalia Online staff to review all messages or confirm the validity of information posted. Please remember that we actively monitor the contents of posted messages but we are not responsible for any messages posted. We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any message, and are not responsible for the contents of any message. The messages express the views of the author of the message, not necessarily the views of the Administrators, moderators

or any entity associated with this website. Any user who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to contact us immediately by private message. We have the ability to remove objectionable messages and we will make every effort to do so, within a reasonable time frame, if we determine that removal is necessary. This is a manual process, however, so please realize that we may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately.You agree, through your use of this service, that you will not use Camel Milk Threads to post any material which is knowingly qabiil related, false and/or

defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, advertising without permission, or otherwise violative of any law. You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by Somalia Online. Although this forum does not and cannot review the messages posted and is not responsible for the content of any of these messages, we at Somalia Online reserve the right to delete. any message for any or no reason

whatsoever. You remain solely responsible for the content of your messages. We at Somalia Online also reserve the right to reveal your identity (or whatever information we know about you) in the event of a complaint about a topic you posted anonymously or legal action arising from any message posted by you.


NOTE: Moderators are not necessarily "NEUTRAL". They have their own opinion about the

subject being discussed. All complaints can only be handled through a private message to Admin or any of the moderators. Please don't post any complaint topics on the forums. Contact Admin if you have concerns.

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