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Baasaboorka Soomaaliya (E Passport) Oo Lagu Been Abuuray Deegaanada maamulka waqooye Somaliland,....

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: Hogaanka socdaalka iyo Jinsiyadaha dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa manta si rasmi ah u sheegtay in markii ugu horreysay la ogaaday in la been abuuray baasaboorka hadda shaqeeya ee Soomaaliya ee loo yaqaano “E Passport”.


Taliyaha Hoggaanka Socdaalka iyo Jinsiyadaha Jen. Cabdullaahi Gaafow Maxamuud oo shir jaraa’id maanta ku qabtay garoonka diyaaradaha Aadan Cadde ayaa hadalkan sheegay, wuxuuna soo bandhigay baasaboorada 5 qof oo laga soo celiyey garoomada dalka Kenya, kuwaasoo watay E Passport la been abuuray.


Taliyaha ayaa sheegay in dadkan laga soo celiyey Kenya ee loo soo gacan geliyey baasaboorrada ay wateen ay yihiin dad ka tegay deegaanada Somaliland, wuxuun Jen. Gaafow xusay iney heleen warar sheegaya in meelo ka mid ah Somaliland lagu sameeyo E Passport-ga Soomaaliya oo la been abuuray si loogu ciyaaro baasaboorka Soomaaliya.


Jen. Gaafow ayaa ugu baaqay hogaamiyaasha maamulka Somaliland iney joojiyaan dadka ku howlan sameynta baasaboorka been abuurka ah ee Soomaaliya.


“Nasiib wanaag anagu waan ka baxnay baasa boorada la been abuuranayo, laakiin baasoboorka cusub ayaa la isu dayay in laga been abuurta, waayo fariin ay Kenya noo soo dirtay ayaa naloogu sheegay inay soo celiyeen shan qof oo baaso boor been abuur ah watay, waxaana Somaliland ka codsanaynaa in ay ka hortagaan dadka ka been abuuranaya (E Passport).” ayuu yiri Jen. Gaafoow.


Maamulka Somaliland ayaa horay deeganadooda uga mamnuucay E Passport-ga dalka Soomaaliya iyagoo sheegay ineysan aqoonsaneyn, waxeyna xireen xafiis laga soo diiwaan gelijiray dadka raba E Passport.


Maxkamadda Gobolka Maroodi-jeex, ayaa xoriyaddoodii u soo celisay shan dhalinyaro ah oo muddo 45 Maalmood ah xarunta dambi-baadhista ee CID-da ee Magaalada Hargeysa, kuwaasi oo ku eedaysnaa inay Hargeysa ku bixinayeen baasaaboorka Soomaaliya oo Somaliland laga Mabnuucay.

Dhinaca kale, guddoomiyaha Maxkamadda Gobolka magaalada Hargeysa Faysal Maxamed Cabdilaahi, ayaa go’aan uu soo saaray kusoo daayey 5 dhallinyaro ah oo 45 maalmood u xirnaa iney sameyn jireen baasaboorka Soomaaliya.


Maxkamadda Hargeysa ayaa magacyada dhallinyarada ay sii deysay ku sheegay:

1. Hinda Nuur Cige.

2. Maxamed Nuur Cumar.

3. Khaalid Maxamed Nuur.

4. Mahad Ismaaciil Cabdi.

5. Barkhad Sh Xuseen.


Hoggaanka Socdaalka iyo Jinsiyadaha Soomaaliya ayaa horey u soo bandhigay dad la sheegay iney ku safrayeen baasaboorkii hore ee cagaarnaa kadib markii lagu beddalay baasaboorka cusub ee “E-Passport”

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Taliyaha hogaanka socdaalka iyo jinsiyadaha ee dowlada soomaaliya Ganeral cabdullahi gaafow maxamud oo warbaahinta mantay kula hadlay airportka muqdisho.


Ayaa waxa uu sheegay in ay mantay gacanta ku dhigeen shan qofood oo laga soo celiyey airportka jomo kenyata kuwaas oo uu sheegay inay wateen baasabooro been abuur ah oo looga soo sameeyay Somaliland.


Taliyaha ayaa ugu baaqay maamulka Somaliland inay wax ka qabtaan baasaboorada soomaaliya oo si been abuur ah Somaliland loogu sameeyo



How funny, maamulka waqooyi hargeisa ban the green passport which DFS OF SOMALIA also did way before and then start to use a fake but the official E-passport of Somalia,.... How pathetic!

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Dalmar1;986816 wrote:


Taliyaha hogaanka socdaalka iyo jinsiyadaha ee dowlada soomaaliya Ganeral cabdullahi gaafow maxamud oo warbaahinta mantay kula hadlay airportka muqdisho.


Ayaa waxa uu sheegay in ay mantay gacanta ku dhigeen shan qofood oo laga soo celiyey airportka jomo kenyata kuwaas oo uu sheegay inay wateen baasabooro been abuur ah oo looga soo sameeyay Somaliland.


Taliyaha ayaa ugu baaqay maamulka Somaliland inay wax ka qabtaan baasaboorada soomaaliya oo si been abuur ah Somaliland loogu sameeyo



How funny, maamulka waqooyi hargeisa ban the green passport which DFS OF SOMALIA also did way before and then start to use a fake but the official E-passport of Somalia,.... How pathetic!

Have you got difficulties reading your own post? Where does it say Somaliland is using fake passport? The article says the fake e-passports are being produced by some people in Somaliland for profiteering and your minister has requested the government of Somaliland to put a stop to those illegal activities. I suggest you read carefully what you post before spouting nonsense about the Republic of Somaliland.

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I love the contradiction here .....


Fake Passports are made in Hargeisa A group of people have been arrested in Hargeisa for making fake Passports


Doesn't that mean Somaliland is doing good in countering such activities ?? ,,, :D

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Jacaylbaro;986825 wrote:
I love the contradiction here .....


Fake Passports are made in Hargeisa A group of people have been arrested in Hargeisa for making fake Passports


Doesn't that mean Somaliland is doing good in countering such activities ?? ,,,

Are Somali passports allowed to be produced in Hargeisa? If so, then this a good thing that curbs the production of illegal passports. I don't dabble into politics all that much but I still don't get why the "Republic of Somaliland" still have Members in the "Somali" Parliament.

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guleed_ali;986838 wrote:
Are Somali passports allowed to be produced in Hargeisa? If so, then this a good thing that curbs the production of illegal passports. I don't dabble into politics all that much but I still don't get why the "Republic of Somaliland" still have Members in the "Somali" Parliament.

The Republic of Somaliland does not have any representatives in any other country's national parliament. It is up to the countries of the world to decide who sits in their respective parliaments but Somaliland has no influence in any other country's decision making. Of course Somaliland would not mind having its citizens in other countries' parliaments as that would give us diplomatic advantages. We hope more of our citizens join the national parliaments of Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti, the Sultanate of Ma...tania, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, USA, etc

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Tallaabo;986841 wrote:
The Republic of Somaliland does not have any representatives in any other country's national parliament. It is up to the countries of the world to decide who sits in their respective parliaments but Somaliland has no influence in any other country's decision making. Of course Somaliland would not mind having its citizens in other countries' parliaments as that would give us diplomatic advantages. We hope more of our citizens join the national parliaments of Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti, the Sultanate of Ma...tania, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, USA, etc


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Tallaabo;986841 wrote:
The Republic of Somaliland does not have any representatives in any other country's national parliament. It is up to the countries of the world to decide who sits in their respective parliaments but Somaliland has no influence in any other country's decision making. Of course Somaliland would not mind having its citizens in other countries' parliaments as that would give us diplomatic advantages. We hope more of our citizens join the national parliaments of Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti, the Sultanate of Ma...tania, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, USA, etc

+1 ...

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Tallaabo;986841 wrote:
The Republic of Somaliland does not have any representatives in any other country's national parliament. It is up to the countries of the world to decide who sits in their respective parliaments but Somaliland has no influence in any other country's decision making. Of course Somaliland would not mind having its citizens in other countries' parliaments as that would give us diplomatic advantages. We hope more of our citizens join the national parliaments of Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti, the Sultanate of Ma...tania, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, USA, etc


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Tallaabo;986841 wrote:
The Republic of Somaliland does not have any representatives in any other country's national parliament. It is up to the countries of the world to decide who sits in their respective parliaments but Somaliland has no influence in any other country's decision making. Of course Somaliland would not mind having its citizens in other countries' parliaments as that would give us diplomatic advantages. We hope more of our citizens join the national parliaments of Kenya, Ethiopia, Djibouti, the Sultanate of Ma...tania, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, USA, etc


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