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Wiil Cusub

Xasan Culusow oo Galaydh kula shuraakobay mashruuca khaatumo

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Its all the same source so i dont seen anything new, any how i believe this news is just not true its not in the interest of president hassan to make such a move at all even if he wanted to hit faroole with it , it wont bear fruit for him.

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Landers are becoming more confused by the day. Khatumo is the boogie man which is after every mishap in Lander politics. Calm down guys, the recognition is on the way.:D

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Somaliland in Panic mode


First oil Companies evacuated due security issue Now Ethiopia has just banned issuing Visa , then you have cold war between the ruling party and the opposition several assassination attempt. Khatuum state will be nail in the coffin . It was a wise choice by SFG to cancel Talks.

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Nothing is as worse as whats happening in Somalia a suicide bomber in Somalia killing more than four a former Bank CEO resigned due to forced corruption back door deals she refused to put her stamp on it. Clan tensions brewing in the central regions. Alshabaab still remains a major threat to the government not that long ago they even carried out an attack in the most secured place of Somalia Hiiraan region. No one cancelled the talks the SFG just needed more time because of all these problems. Intay guda kala ku mashquulsanayd bay teedi qudhuntay allow alleh.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;985328 wrote:
Nothing is as worse as whats happening in Somalia a suicide bomber in Somalia killing more than four a former Bank CEO resigned due to forced corruption back door deals she refused to put her stamp on it. Clan tensions brewing in the central regions. Alshabaab still remains a major threat to the government not that long ago they even carried out an attack in the most secured place of Somalia Hiiraan region. No one cancelled the talks the SFG just needed more time because of all these problems. Intay guda kala ku mashquulsanayd bay teedi qudhuntay allow alleh.

Terrorist attacks are happening in most secure countries , Somalia is no different but alshabaab are being contained at the moment and they will be finished of . SFG controls vast land From Galkacyo kenya border .


Ali Khalif political career and credibility will resurrect if he manages to turn Khatuum into another Jubba fiasco , sell the project to SFG and IC Hold reconciliation conference in the Nation Capital . SFG has just send fresh trained troops strength Galgalduud regions it to can strength Khatuum admin in Talex:).


Khatuum or SSC

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If you really analyse President Hassan’s thank you speech to the Turkish people in the ninetieth anniversary

of Turkish republic day ceremony last month, you must conclude one thing from it: SNM Gang leadership were

supposed to show themselves in Ankara on the 8th of the current to sign a contrite promises and to agree to

cease and desistopposing the Somali Federal Constitution and to start courting the Awdal region to form a federal member state as the triangle area where their clan reside doesn’t comprise of full two regions (a constitutional

clause requires for a federal member state to come into being to have two or more regions of Somalia’s 18

administrative regions to merge). The SNM Gang’s clan reside in Waqooyi Galbeed region in full (more or less)

and in parts of Togdheer. Thus, they cannot meet the two-region condition. Their best bet is to start talking to the

people in Awdal region and not waste time and resource for the madness they have been dreaming of or they will end up under direct control of the central government as per the law of the land.

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Marka geela lo heeso qaar ba gorayo u heesa Somalilanders are not the one yidha we put our fate in the hands of Turks and Ugandans


Malistar Somalia is not like normal country in Somalia there are about 24.000 African union troops,and growing.Somalia does not have defense apparatus .Alshabaab is a menace they intensified their attacks more precisely by the day. Alshabaab reduced its size as an entity to be more effective they managed to infiltrate even the highly trained Kenyan defense intelligence. SFG is present in the southern Part of galkacyo and some area's in south western and eastern Somalia. But they have no physical control over those regions the SFG has not captured a single village with out the African union troops. You said they send new troops to the central regions just expect them to place roadside blockades when they dont get paid on time.

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GaadhHaye;985348 wrote:
If you really analyse President Hassan’s thank you speech to the Turkish people in the ninetieth anniversary

of Turkish republic day ceremony last month, you must conclude one thing from it: SNM Gang leadership were

supposed to show themselves in Ankara on the 8th of the current to sign a contrite promises and to agree to

cease and desistopposing the Somali Federal Constitution and to start courting the Awdal region to form a federal member state as the triangle area where their clan reside doesn’t comprise of full two regions (a constitutional

clause requires for a federal member state to come into being to have two or more regions of Somalia’s 18

administrative regions to merge). The SNM Gang’s clan reside in Waqooyi Galbeed region in full (more or less)

and in parts of Togdheer. Thus, they cannot meet the two-region condition. Their best bet is to start talking to the

people in Awdal region and not waste time and resource for the madness they have been dreaming of or they will end up under direct control of the central government as per the law of the land.

Which planet are you from mars or what :confused:

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malistar2012;985322 wrote:
Somaliland in Panic mode


First oil Companies evacuated due security issue Now Ethiopia has just banned issuing Visa , then you have
cold war between
the ruling party and the opposition several assassination attempt. Khatuum state will be nail in the coffin . It was a wise choice by SFG to cancel Talks.

you talking about cold war in Hargeisa politics what do u thing about this



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Galaydh must be playing a game here, and I can assure he is not breaking the natural culture , culusow is in a free fall and his intention will be revealed.Stay Tuned

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Dr Cali Khaliif "Ra'iisul Wasaaraha baan aniga is aragnay, Madaxweynaha wuxuu ku yiri orodoo is casil"


Xildhibaan Cali Khaliif Galeyr oo ka mid ah Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa ka hadlay wararka sheegaya dalabka Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya u jeediyay Ra'iisul Wasaaraha inuu is casilo, isagoo wal wal ka muujiyo in dowladda Soomaaliya dib ugu laabato khilaafaadyadii horay u ragaadiyay dowladihii hore.


Wareysi uu siiyay laanta Afka Soomaaliya ee BBC-da ayaa waxaa uu sheegay in isaga uu xalay la kulmay Ra'iisul Wasaare Saacid, isla markaana u sheegay in Madaxweynaha uu ku yiri inuu is casilo oo uu keeno warqad istiqaalad ah.


"Warka soo baxay oo ah Madaxweynihii iyo Ra'iisul Wasaarihii baa is arkay, iyagii baa dooday, warka labada dhinac ka socda waxa weeye Madaxweynaha wuxuu warsaday Ra'iisul Wasaaraha inuu is casilo, Ra'iisul Wasaaraha markaas jawaab ma bixin shalay galab ilaa xalay buu jawaab rasmi ah dhiibay oo yidhi isma casilayo"ayuu yiri Dr. Cali Khaliif Galeyr.


Dr. Cali Khaliif Galeyr ayaa sheegay inay aheyd in siyaasidihii horay u jiray in laga koro, balse aanay aheyn in gadaal loo laabto, waxaana uu ku tilmaamay khilaafkaas in dhibaato weyn ku yahay shacabka Soomaaliyeed iyo danaheeda.


"Aniga Madaxweynaha ma arkin, laakiin Ra'iisul Wasaarahaayaa arkay xalay mida uu nagu yiri waxay aheyd, Madaxweynaha iyo aniga kalsooni buuxda isku qabnay, waxaa ku tala jiray dowlada in la shaandheeyo, waxaa madaxweynaha u gudbiyay liis dowladda cusbeyd ah, wuxuu ku yiri liiska iyo dowladda sheegeysay halkan naga dhig arrinta kale ee is casil, wuxuu ii sheegay in Madaxweynuhu ku yiri xushmo iyo kalsooni badan baa ku tusay inaan ku magacaabo hadana waxa jeclaan lahaa inaad keento is casilaada"ayuu yiri Dr. Cali Khaliif Galeyr oo ka mid ahaa Xildhibaanadii la kulmay Ra'iisul Wasaare Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon Saacid.


Mar uu ka hadlayay waayo aragnimada uu u leeyahay khilaafyadii horay dalka u soo maray markii uu Ra'iisul Wasaaraha soo noqday ayuu sheegay in Madaxda ugu sareysa dalka ay yihiin kuwo sharciga kala haga, isagoo xalka sheegay inuu ku jiro madaxda dhexdooda oo ay is daayaan.


Waxaa uu sheegay in inta lagu dhisayo dowladda ay waqti qaadaneyso, gaar ahaan in la raadiyo Ra'iisul Wasaare iyo in kalsooni looga raadiyo Baarlamaanka ay labadaba waqti qaadaneyso, isagoo tilmaamay in dowladda ay hada dhisan tahay sanad iyo bar wax ku dhow sida uu hadalka u dhigay.


Madaxda dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa mudadii sanadka aheyd aan is khilaafin, iyadoo mudadaas loo arkayay in dowlad rasmi tahay, isla markaana ay kaga duwan tahay dowladihii hore inay KMG aheyd, marka ay is qaban jireen Madaxweynaha iyo Ra'iisul Wasaaraha.



Hase ahaatee arrintan ayaa noqon karta mid siyaasada dowladda ay saameyn ku yeelato, isla markaana uu horseedo xiisado siyaasadeed oo la dega dowladda Soomaaliya, taasna ay keento xalka in wadamada daneeya Soomaaliya ay soo fara geliyaan xaalka.



Somali news leader

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