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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somali gar naqsi, turxaan Bixin is it possible for the Somalis in the 21 century

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Somalis have been in conflict with each other for god knows how long they have committed crimes against each other the victim at some period of time becomes the aggressor and than it becomes an endless cycle. Somalis have used external forces to settle ancient old rivalries but every new conflict will eventually get a new chapter. And than there is the blame game, Somalis blame every one but themselves ofcourse others have a hand to it. but the most significant part was always caused by Somali entities Presidents so called leaders Warlords. Consequently there are know real solutions because every one interpreters his or her solution to the overall interest of his region tribe personal interest so there are no plausible scenario's Somalis can discuss. So my question is Turxaan Bixin for the Somali political conflict reachable with the resources and the current leaders we have.


The international community repeatedly tells the Somalis should solve their matters and internal problems, but they themselves are not honest and are not willing to concede to the Somalis that they should take the lead of the Somali peace process and they hire sub contractors such as Ethiopia to play the mediating factor. So my question is it possible for Somalis to go to the countryside and start discussing their differences under a tree, with out Ethiopian guarantors and other sub contractors, can there be true Turxaan Bixin, where Somalis are dead honest with each other for the first time. Instead of fake smiles and fake gatherings?

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Bro, most of these leaders are self-appointed, corrupt and probably have the most to lose if peace comes. Qabyaalad runs through their veins from the pseudo-intellectuals to the psuedo-wadaads. Only Allah can guide the Somalis, and it'll have to be the youth that'll lead us into peace, unity and prosperity.

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^ I certainty don't hope you talking as a solution about Kuwa dhalinyarada Isu bixyey because those people don't have an any Islamic education or reasons why they doing in koonfurta. They are as equal bad as the GoV or amisom. They have zero deen if they knew deen they would understand that they are bleeding that country to death.

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Hawdian;985761 wrote:
^ I certainty don't hope you talking as a solution about Kuwa dhalinyarada Isu bixyey because those people don't have an any Islamic education or reasons why they doing in koonfurta. They are as equal bad as the GoV or amisom. They have zero deen if they knew deen they would understand that are bleeding that country to death.

No need to worry I wasn't talking about them but somali youth in general. I was just telling him these so-called leaders are of no-use to bring about about any justice in a land like ours, where every man is his own king. There needs to be a revolution that changes mindsets and hearts as this ayah comes to mind "Allah will not Change the Condition of a People until They Change Themselves". So these leaders can't change anything until somalis themselves change.

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Somalis are democratic by nature, if the neighboring entities leave them alone, certainly they will reach some consensus. The Somali issue is whipped from the behind by undemocratic despots. Al-shabaab is from Saudi -Arabia, the most backward undemocratic country in the world. how about Ethiopia for ninety years since nineteen thirty they had only four leaders. that is almost a century. by now we all know who is who of the Somali political stake holders. Xaaji Saaxiib bahashan Soomaalinimada shalayba inagaa keenay oo u gabaynay, u heesnay o cagaha u taagnay, kow dheh, inagamana fursanaysee maxaa inoo tala ah. Dadkan walaalaheena ee dhibaataysan sidan uma daawan karneee.


Dad laxidhiidhay Gabadhii Yusur ee bangiga iska casishay waxay u sheegtay in lacagta la rabay in la dhaco ay 100 million ahayd 1991 kii hadana ay "interest badani fuushay iyo Dahab mudo Swis yaalay waxa lagu qiyaasayaa ilaa 280 million. Shan qof ayaa rabay in ay qaataan lacagta intaa leeg. Argagixisado Kenya 1998 ayey joogeen before even al-shabaab was in the Somali scene. Can you imagine the most cottupt country in the world Kenya trying to pacify Somalia. Soomaalida hala isku Daayo.

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Galbeedi Somalidu sida Itoobiyanka maha Itoobiyaaanka 100 sannoh ku dho dhowaad Niman Axmaaro la odhanayo oo habaar qaba baa sidi rag kibray ka talinayey. Somalida cid cid cid ka adag ma jirto dhaqankeena siyasaada ha iska noqdo mid dimuqradiyad Somalidu waxba ma dhisi karan qaran weyn ma dhisan karan sababto ah iyagi ba is amineyn , Somalidu aad bay u kala shakiyaan, waxanu nahay oo kale dad xoolo dhaqato ah oo xukunka dawliga aad bu inugu cusub yahay. Shabaabtu wa Somali laakin wa qolyo xagjiir ah oo quraanka si qalad ah u fahmay ayaadaha qaar uun bey xafidan inta kale way ka tagaan. Somalidu isma muquunin karto oo cidi cid kama adka iyaguna isma aminayaan marka dhibaato fara badan ba haysata. Itoobiyanka Axmaarada wa number one dalka dhinac walba way kaga doobiyaan , inkasto imika dalka laga fara maroojistey hadana waxay ku talo jiran inay so rogaal celiyaan. Galbeedi reer Konfureedku iyo reer Somaliland qaabka dawliga banay waligood ku heshiin karayn , reer konfureedku wa dad runti aad u qalbi wanaagsan laakin wa niman hogaan xun oo jecel musu masaqa iyo wax is daba marinta khidad bay u haystan inanteeni Yusra wa waxay ula jaan qaadi kari weydey. Wa niman dhaqanki mafiyada talyaaniga leh., Marka Somalidu dhibaata fara badan ba haysata mana raban inay runta isu sheegeen Somalidu waxay ugu necebyihin runta wa sababaha ay u gar naqsan kari la'ayihin.

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waa sida aad sheegtay reer koonfurku waa dadqalbi wanaagsan , laakiin "elite" koodu waa dad musuq ragaadiyey. Arinta cusub ee imika soo korodhay waxa weeye dad "semi educated" ah oo laakiin xarfaan ku ah waxis daba marinta ayaa soo galay "not only the ruling class but also in the highest level of government bureaucracy. in badan ayaad SomaliaOnline wax ku qoraysay aduunkana waad soo martay ee maxaa tala ah kala shakigan sidee looga baxaa. kuwa ugu waaweyni waa kan ka dhaxeeye the "D" block iyo HAg., kan ka sii weyni waakan ka dhaxeeya beesha SNM iyo D block . xagee laga bilaaba xalka. Sidoo kale qori isu dhiibkaan beesha Muqdisho mid la daawan karo ma ahan.

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