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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland Foreign Minister meets with British minister for African affairs Mark Simmonds.

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Wasiirro Bayaamiyay Dulucda Qoddobo ay ka wada hadleen Wasiir ka tirsan Dawladda Ingiriiska


November 2nd, 2013


“Waxaan diyaar u nahay in aan kala shaqayno Dawladda Britain arrimaha Ammaanka iyo ka hortaga wax kasta oo wax u dhimaya amaanka mandaqada”


“Britain way xushmaynaysa xidhiidhka soo jireenka ah ee ay la leedahay Somaliland isla markaana sinaba ugama hor-jeedo arrimaha Somaliland” Mr Mark SimmondsMeeting 3


“Waxay ahayd Khamiistii 30/10/2013, ka dib markaan aniga “Wasiirka Wasaarada Madaxtooyada”, Wasiirka Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibada iyo Xidhiidhka Caalamiga Mudane Maxamed Biixi Yoonis iyo Danjiraha Somaliland u fadhiya dalkan UK Amb. Cali Aadan Cawaale kulan saacado badan qaatay aan la yeelanay Wasiirka Afrika u qaabilsan UK Mr Mark Simmonds,”ayuu ku yidhi Wasiirka Madaxtooyadda Somaliland Mudane Xirsi Cali Xaaji Xasan oo ku sugan dalka Ingiriisku, war-saxaafadeed uu ka soo saaray kulan ay khamiistii isaga iyo Wasiirka Khaarajigu kula kulmeen Wasiirka Afrika u qaabilsan Ingiriiska.


War-saxaafadeedkaasi oo lagu baahiyay mareegta Internet-ka uu Wasiirka Madaxtooyadda ee, waxa u dhignaa sidan:-


Kulankan oo ka dhacay wasaarada khaarajiga FCO Office, waxaa si aad ah ugu lafo gurnay xidhiidhka labada dal iyo labada Shacab ee soo jireenka ah, Wada hadalada u dhexeeya Somaliland iyo Soomaaliya, Farriimaha dhinaca socdaalka ee ay dawlada UK dadkeeda uga gudbiso dhinaca Socdaalada (Travel Advice) iyo guud ahaan Xaalada Mandaqada geeska Afrika.


Kulankan waxaan si faahfaahsan u sharxay in Jamhuuriyada Somaliland ay diyaar u tahay inay kala shaqayso Dawladda Britain arrimaha Ammaanka iyo ka hortaga wax kasta oo wax u dhimaya ammaanka mandaqada, waxaanan ka codsaday in Britain ay hormood ka noqoto Aqoonsi ay Somaliland hesho, taas oo ah xaq ay leeyihiin Ummada reer Somaliland, dunidana laga sugayo inay garawsadaan.


Wasiirka Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibada Mudane Maxamed Biixi ayaa dhankiisa si qoto dheer uga hadlay Taariikhda, Qaranimada iyo Madaxbanaanida Somaliland, waxaana uu faah-faahin ka bixiyay in Xornimada Somaliland ay tahay mid aan gorgortan gali karin, waxaana uu tilmaamay waxa u qabsoomay reer Somaliland 22-kii sannadood ee la soo dhaafay.


Waxa kale oo Wasiirku si cad u bayaamiyay in ujeeddada ay Somaliland ka leedahay wada-hadallada ay Somalia la waddaa tahay sidii ay si nabad ah ugu kala bixi lahaayeen una noqon lahaayeen laba Dal oo jaar ah.


Waxa kale oo uu Wasiir Maxamed Biixi Yoonis ka hadlay in farriimaha Wasaarada Arrimaha Dibada UK ay ugu digto dadkeeda ee khuseeya Somaliland aanay ahayn qaar sax ah, Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland-na ay tahay Dal nabad ah oo feejigan, ammaankiisuna uu sugan yahay, waxaana uu Wasiirku sheegay in Fal argagixiso oo Somaliland ka dhacaa ay ugu danbaysay sanadkii 2008, waxaana uu codsaday in shabakadda Wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda Britain (FCO website) laga saaro farriimahaas khaldan, kuwaas oo caqabad ku ah Maalgashadeyaasha Somaliland danaynaya, waxaana uu xusay in Ciidamada Ammaanka iyo Shacbiga oo iskaashanayaa ay habeen iyo maalinba heeggan u yihiin ilaalinta Ammaanka Somaliland, waxa kale oo uu xusay wasiirku in Aqoonsi Somaliland la siiyaa uu Nabadgelyo u horseedi doono geeska Afrika

Wasiirka Afrika u Qaabilsan UK Mudane Mark Simmonds ayaa sheegay inay Britain xushmaynayso xidhiidhka soo jireenka ah ee ay la leedahay Somaliland isla markaana aanay sinaba uga hor-jeedin Somaliland.


Wasiir Simmonds waxa kale oo uu sheegay inay diyaar u yihiin inay Wasaaraddiisa iyo Somaliland isla eegaan arrinta “*travel advice*” ka sidii wax looga beddeli lahaa loona waafajin lahaa xaqiiqada ka jirta Somaliland, isaga oo hoosta ka xarriiqay inay guddi labada dal ka socotaa ka soo shaqayso wax ka beddelka farriinta u socdaalka Somaliland, arrintaas oo ay soo dhaweeyeen.


Waxa kale oo uu Wasiir Simmonds naga aqbalay in aan UK London ku qabano shir lagaga hadli doono sidii Somaliland loo maal-gashan lahaa (Somaliland investment conference) kaas oo ay labada dal iyo qurba-joogga Somaliland ka wada shaqayn doonaan diyaarintiisa.


Dhinaca kale waxaanu kulan kula qaadanay guriga caanka ah ee *Chatham House*, aqoon yahanno, professor-ro, saxafiyiin, siyaasiin, safaarado iyo masuuliin ka socday,laamaha kala duwan ee dawladda Britain, halkaas oo aan ku soo bandhignay war-bixin ku saabsan qaddiyadda Somaliland maraaxilkii ay soo martay ee kala duwanaa iyo himilada qaranka Somaliland ee ah inay helaan aqoonsi caalami ah.

Wa Bilaahi Tawfiiq.”

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I am disappointed the way Somaliland affairs is run. Change is needed and a new younger blood needed, Somaliland must never forget the atrocity that is done, we(My Habaryaroos) lost innocents ppl, bombarded,raped, killed without a regard, We must not unite the South at any cost. Peace will rest solely for Independence,Don't forget the blood we have shed to reach where we are today. Stay away the fray in Mogadishu ,Don't trust these thugs. My advise.

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Issa riyole i dont know what your motives are , either to make Somalilanders seem weak when you mention those atrocities with a victimized attitude you try to limit the Somaliland quest for statehood that it purely derives from the subjugation and crimes committed by the former regime of Somalia. Your a strange pirate that is if you are part of the pirate enclave. Somaliland dates back way before the creation of the Somali republic Somaliland was never part of Somalia the union came to existence in 1960. Somalilanders have no problem with Mogadishu people the people of Mogadishu suffered to from wars and poverty. Somaliland and Mogadishu are in a political dispute on our future relations but we will solve our problems in a civilized manner.

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IsseRiyole;984035 wrote:
I am disappointed the way Somaliland affairs is run. Change is needed and a new younger blood needed, Somaliland must never forget the atrocity that is done, we(My Habaryaroos) lost innocents ppl, bombarded,raped, killed without a regard, We must not unite the South at any cost. Peace will rest solely for Independence,Don't forget the blood we have shed to reach where we are today. Stay away the fray in Mogadishu ,Don't trust these thugs. My advise.

Lol I thought they banned you;) Glad you are still here

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Xaaji Xunjuf;984038 wrote:
Issa riyole i dont know what your motives are , either to make Somalilanders seem weak when you mention those atrocities with a victimized attitude you try to limit the Somaliland quest for statehood that it purely derives from the subjugation and crimes committed by the former regime of Somalia. Your a strange pirate that is if you are part of the pirate enclave. Somaliland dates back way before the creation of the Somali republic Somaliland was never part of Somalia the union came to existence in 1960. Somalilanders have no problem with Mogadishu people the people of Mogadishu suffered to from wars and poverty. Somaliland and Mogadishu are in a political dispute on our future relations but we will solve our problems in a civilized manner.

Inanka abtiyaal baynu unahay;)

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Waa sidu na yidhi hadu qolyahah budhcad badeedka yahay ma amino anigu dadka yidha Somaliland baan ku abtirsada dhanka Abtiyaday. Manad Xasuusasn wilki inantu dhashay eeh Abtigiis eh xita magaca la baxay. Fikirku ka qabay SL:D Manad maqlin bidaartu raga sibiq sibiq bay u gasha Yarkan Riyaha raaca , wax kalu wada. Qolyaha gooni isutaaga tageera SL kama mid ah eeh sheeko kale ku naban


Wuxu ka so horjeeda the some times great alliance between Hargeisa and Mogadishu

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Xaaji Xunjuf;984038 wrote:
Issa riyole i dont know what your motives are , either to make Somalilanders seem weak when you mention those atrocities with a victimized attitude you try to limit the Somaliland quest for statehood that it purely derives from the subjugation and crimes committed by the former regime of Somalia. Your a strange pirate that is if you are part of the pirate enclave. Somaliland dates back way before the creation of the Somali republic Somaliland was never part of Somalia the union came to existence in 1960. Somalilanders have no problem with Mogadishu people the people of Mogadishu suffered to from wars and poverty. Somaliland and Mogadishu are in a political dispute on our future relations but we will solve our problems in a civilized manner.

yeah man. you are right, i share your sentiment!

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Xaaji Xunjuf;984044 wrote:
Waa sidu na yidhi hadu qolyahah budhcad badeedka yahay ma amino anigu dadka yidha Somaliland baan ku abtirsada dhanka Abtiyaday. Manad Xasuusasn wilki inantu dhashay eeh Abtigiis eh xita magaca la baxay. Fikirku ka qabay SL:D Manad maqlin bidaartu raga sibiq sibiq bay u gasha Yarkan Riyaha raaca , wax kalu wada. Qolyaha gooni isutaaga tageera SL kama mid ah eeh sheeko kale ku naban


Wuxu ka so horjeeda the some times great alliance between Hargeisa and Mogadishu

Xaaji bal marka hore welcome back, SOL nearly went into administration when you embarked on your mini break;) Yes you are right about that famous son of our sister, he was a snake:D But this young gentleman is loyal to us thanks to his epic hatred of all things HAG:p He is a Puntland secessionist too and envisages a future alliance between the Eagle sultanate and the republic of Somaliland.

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Thanks Tallaabo but how sure are you that this Issa riyoole guy is a Puntland separatist and that he wants to form an alliance with Somaliland in the future i have never seen him talk about that. I am just saying his beef with the HAG elites in Mogadishu is not our concern we dont share his sentiment towards the Mogadishu regime. Ninkan wuxu raba inu inugu xoqdo ,, he wants to challenge the Muqdishaawis for the throne but this is not our problem:D

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