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Meet this woman, her employee is a Jinni, she explains .....

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Everything she says is mostly right, like waa heybad ama amqaadiir ilaah ku siiyey inaad Jinka la mid noqoto ama aad la shaqeysato ama aad is aragtaan ama aad la sheekeysato, it doesn't happen all the time to everyone, it is a unique GIFT.


Also, the part where she says, you will never become TAAJIR or rich by being with or around Jinns is TRUE.


This lady charges people $5,000 dollars for cure, and the money is empty the next morning, she argues, it is true, and I am a witness of this as they have given me gifts before that equaled to millions, but it was all gone within few hours with hotel bills in Istanbul & Izmir.



Edit: By the way, the video was snatched by the Jinni themselves, will negotiate with them to bring it back, it might take few seconds, or minutes, will update this topic soon, balaayaan gacanta la galey!



The video, I won the battle, the Jinns who threatened me not to post this video are not related to this woman, but to me, I have told them one point, that is: Maxaa idin ka galey Jinniyo kale!


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Habrahan dadka aan waxba aqoon beey lacagta ka dhacaan.


Wariyaha: Dhaqaalahaan laqaado ee dhowrka kun ah iyo xoolahaan la qalay muxuu jinkaani ku leeyahay?


Habar jini: Muxuu ku leeyahay iasgaaba u shaqeeysaa bee


Wariyaha: Lacagta ma isagaa qaadanaya?


Habar jini: Adiga soo uma shaqeeysid?, LACAGTII MEEL AY KA BAXDAY MA TAQAANIDBA :P




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you're getting more bizarre and bizarrer, ma istidhi?


you must have a few screws loose in your head......... if you think you can convince us you negotiated with your jinn friends to share this vid. abti, it's freely available on YouTube, ma garatay?


isku xishood and sheydanka iska naar.

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Foreign Policy - Crazy Town


After decades of civil war, Somalia is awash in mental illness and without a single trained psychiatrist. That the folk cure for PTSD involves being locked in a room with a hyena isn't helping



Somalia has among the highest rates of mental illness globally
, affecting at least one-third of its estimated 10 million people, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Rates are higher in Mogadishu and the turbulent south, where civilians have endured harsher stresses of war, drought, and instability.


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Aniga naag jinka la shaqeysa waan arkay makiinad cajiin ey leheyd qolkeeda lacagta wey iska daadsan tahay qof qaadan karana ma jiro :D

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mental illness is no laughing matter, walahi. i'm so DISAPPOINTED that Nuune find this sort of thing funny. :mad:


bari baan isku buuqey and it wasn't nice at all. i didn't speak for almost 8 months. i almost forgot how to talk, you know. when i finally started talking, i spoke with a lisp and stuttered to utter words. my family were convinced it was the jinns. they took me to various exorcists but i had a negative reaction to their intervention. i also tried herbal therapy but that was futile too. i was finally admitted to the mental hospital and they prescribed a concoction of medicines and i was cured. sometimes, i'm haunted by their nightmares but i make prayers. :P:D;)

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^^ I actually know this girl well, we went same school in Xamar, not same class though!


Other than that, the Jinni I negotiated with nothing to do with this woman, they made a mistake, they thought the video was about them, when I told them NOT SO, they were surprised to find out that I knew this girl well, not they are suspicious of me, but who cares as long I am married to one of their girls.



inaar, about you not talking for 8 months have nothing to do with mental explosion, it is more to do with your mingling of the society in general, the society deserted you, had forsaken you, and it is time you have to do something about it rather than blame speech on your lack of comprehension on the norms and values of the society.

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