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International Investigative Team Clears Somalia of UN Report Allegations

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MOGADISHU, Somalia, Sept. 6, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- After a thorough investigation, a top international forensic accounting and legal team released a report today clearing the Somali government of corruption alleged by the United Nations Monitoring Group on Somalia and Eritrea.

Responding to the July 12, 2013, Monitoring Group Report—specifically Annex 5.2 —forensic accountants from FTI Consulting, Inc., and a legal team from the US firm Shulman, Rogers, Gandal, Pordy & Ecker, P.A., found that the methodology and conclusions reflected in Annex 5.2 were "deeply flawed and entirely unreliable." Moreover, many of the allegations predate President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud's administration.

President Mohamud welcomed the report's conclusions while acknowledging that Somalia is still developing a sound financial architecture after two decades of war.

"As President, it was my responsibility to take seriously the allegations and to direct a thorough assessment of them," he said. "I am pleased that the investigative team concluded that these allegations were unfounded.

"The international community can be assured that, although there is much yet to be done, Somalia has made considerable progress toward establishing and maintaining the sound fiscal practices appropriate to a modern state."

The forensic accounting and legal investigators followed the United Nations' own published fact-finding guidelines and adhered to international norms and professional forensic practices for discovery, investigation and interviews.

The report includes a number of recommendations. For Somalia, the investigators suggest a series of steps to upgrade internal controls and financial reporting systems and to further strengthen the public financial management systems. For the UN Security Council,


the report outlines steps to revise the July 13 Monitoring Group Report — including the excising of Annex 5.2 — and to put controls into place for the supervision of monitoring groups.

President Mohamud has accepted and endorsed the investigative team's report and recommendations.

"Somalia has come a long way after two decades of conflict," he said. "There is still work to be done, and my administration will do everything it can to continue to move forward and eradicate corruption. I encourage the international community — especially the United Nations — to continue to engage with us in a positive, productive way."

The full report can be found here.


Abdurahman Omar Osman

Spokesman, Government of Somalia

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Baaritaan Caalami ah kadib Waxaan Beenineynaa Eedaymihii aan Raadka lahayn ee Warbixintii QM:-War-saxaafadeed




H.E. Fawziya Yusuf Haji Adam


Kusimaha Ra’iisal Wasaaraha, ahna

Ra’iisal Wasaare Ku-Xigeen iyo

Wasiirka Arrimaha Dibada iyo Iskaashiga Caalamiga


Aad iyo aad baad ugu mahadsantihiin ka soo qeybgalkiina shirkan jaraa’id. Shirkan Jaraa’id waxaan u qabaneynaa inaan ka hadalno warbixintii Kooxda Dabagalka ee Qarmada Midoobey ay ka soo saartay Soomaaliya. Wallow warbixinta ay wax badan ka hadleysay haddana waxaan diiradda saari doonaa qeybta Annexe 5.2 oo ka hadlaya arrimaha musuqmaasuqa maaliyadda. Eedeymahoodu waxey ahaayeen kuwo calculus oo Dowladdu ay ku qasbanaatay inay baaritaan ku sameyso Amarkii Madaxweynaha ayaa Dowladdu waxey la xiriirtay Hay’ad Caalami ah ee oo aad ugu xeel dheer Xisaabaadka iyo Garyaqaanno leh takhasuska baaritaanka arrimaha maaliyadda. Hay’adan Caalamiga ah oo leh xirfad, aqoon iyo waayo aragnimo la xiriirta musuqmaasuqa iyo arrimaha maaliyadda.


Hay’addan Caalamiga ah ayaa waxey baaritaankooda ku caddeeyeen in warbixintii QM ay aheyd mid aan sax aheyn oo weliba aan wax caddeymo ah waddan. Tusaale ahaan;


• Dhammaan lacagihii $16.9 million oo dollar ee laga soo wareejiyey xisaabta Price WatersHouse Coopers May 2011 ilaa iyo April 2012 waxey ahaayeen kuwo xisaaban oo leh dokumentigii loo baahnaa, tanoo aad uga duwan warbixintii QM ay soo gudbiyeen oo aheyd inay 12 Million maqan yihiin.


• Lacagihii laga bixiyey Bankiga Dhexe looma isticmaalin si shakhsi private ah. Hay’addan Caalamiga ah waxey soo oggaatay Lacagihii xilligii dowladdan laga saaray bankiga ay ka saareen xisaabiyeyaashii Dowladda oo lacagihii ay wasaaradaha u qaadeena ay leeyihiin dokumentiyadii loo baahnaa.


Waxaan aaminsanahay inay nasiib darro tahay in Kooxdkii dabagalka ee QM aysan raacin nidaamkii u degsanaa QM ee arrimaha baaritaanka xisaabaadka iyo weliba nidaamka caalamiga ah. Warbixintii QM waxey aheyd mid aan si profession ah loo sameynin oo ay ka muuqatay dano siyaasadeed oo dowladda Soomaaliya meel ka dhac loogu sameynayey.

Kooxdan dabagalka QM warbixintooda waxey u janjeertey hal dhinac waxaana ka mid ahaa:


• Markii ay Bankiga baarayeen xisaabtiisa, lama aysan xiriirin shaqaalaha Bankiga iyo kuwa maaliyadda. Sidoo kale lama aysan xiriirin Xisaabiyaha Guud oo isaga mas’uul ka ah inuu hubiyo in lacagaha lagu bixiyey nidaamkii saxda ahaa.


• Markii ay eedeynta indhola’aanta ah u soo jeedinayeen Guddoomiyaha Bankiga Dr Abdisalam Omer ma aysan wareysan inta xisaabtu socotay. Waxey kaliya oo ay wareysteen markii warbixinta loo gudbiyey guddiga ciqaabaha ee QM, markaasna ma aysan weydiinin eedeymaha loo soo jeediyey.


• Kooxdan dabagalka QM waxey warbixintooda ku saleeyeen macluumaad ay ka ururiyeen dad la ogyahay inay dowladda ka soo horjeedaan. Shaqsiyaadkii baaritaanka dhanka musuqmaasuqa sameynayeyna ma heysan tababar ama xirfadii loo baahnaa.


Somalia muddo 22 sano ah waxey ku jirtay collaado. September 2012 waxii ka danbeeyey Dowladdu horumar ballaaran bey ka sameysey sidii loo hagaajin lahaa hay’adaha dowliga ah. Waxaan la dagaalnay musuqmaasuqa oo aan dib u habeyn ku sameynay hay’adaha maaliyadda.


Dowladdu waxey mudnaan weyn siisay hagaajinta maamulka maareynta maaliyadda, oo si hufan oo cad cad loo maamulayo maaliyadda dalka iyadoo aan caalamka kala shaqeyneyno arrinkan. Waxaana ku guuleysannay inaan dib-u-habeynta hay’adaha maaliyadda sameyno iyadoo ay na saacideyso Bankiga Adduunka (World Bank).


Bankiga Dhexe si kastoo QM warbixintooda ay ku tilmaantay meel lacagaha si khaldan loo bixiyo, haddana waxaa noo suurto gashay inaan Bankiga casriyeyo oo u sameyno nidaam kharash bixinta ah, oo aan sameynay arrimahan:


• In la daabacay warbixin sanadeedkii bankiga iyo kii 3 biloodka ah oo ah markii ugu horreysey muddo 22 sano ah;

• Waxaa la keenay habka casriga ah ee mushaaraadka lagu bixiyo oo electroonik ah;

• Waxaan la sameeyey Qorshaha iyo Istraatejiyadda 5ta sano 2013 – 2018;

• Bankiga waxaa loo sameeyey swift code oo ah nidaamka casriga lacagaha la isagu gudbiyo.


Bacdamaa aan horumar ballaaran sameyneyno, haddana wax badan baa nooga baahan inaan sii sameyno. Waxaan sugeynaa Caalamka oo nagala shaqeeya sidii aan u joogteyn laheyn horumarkaas, bacdamaa uu waddanku ka soo kabanayo 22sano oo collaado iyo dagaallo ah.


Warbixin dhameystiran baan ka diyaarinay eedeymihi musuqmaasuqa ee ka imanayey kooxaha dabagalka QM oo aan idinla wadaageyno.


Waxii su’aalo ah diyaar baan idinla ahay, waxaana ila jooga Jeremy Schulman oo hoggaaminayey kooxdii khubarada aheyd ee noo soo diyaarisay baaritaanka dhabta ah oo xaqiiqada ku dhisan. Waxii su’aalo ahna isagaa nooga jawaabaya.






FG: Hayada Caalamigaa ee warbxinta soo saaray waxaa hormuud u haa khubarooyin ka socda shirkada dhanka sharciga ee Mareykankaa ee Shulman Rogers iyo FTI Colsulting oo iyana maaliyada qaabilsan.




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The UN itself is a corrupt system. All those reports that come out also have the perfect timing in order to destabilize or discredit others. That's why it's best to have independent organizations to do researches like this. Interesting article.

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Marksman;976290 wrote:
The UN itself is a corrupt system. All those reports that come out also have the perfect timing in order to destabilize or discredit others. That's why it's best to have independent organizations to do researches like this. Interesting article.

Exactly. This team might have been bribed by the mafia known as the somali government.

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Haha Mad Mullah.


Btw the Financial Times article called 'Somalia moves to discredit UN report over funding fears', is also very interesting. But you need to be a subscriber. Link


It starts like this


Somalia has hired British and US consultants to discredit a UN report that claims rampant corruption in Mogadishu because it threatens to imperil donor funding and the return of foreign-held assets, including gold, totalling billions of dollars.


The report, commissioned by Somalia’s president and seen by the Financial Times ahead of its release, accuses UN investigators of being “factually inaccurate and inexplicably biased” and rejects claims that the central bank doubles as a corrupt slush fund and that $12m transferred to the bank by accountancy firm PwC “could not be traced”.

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The UN report was like reading every somali forum in the past 10 months, it was full of rumors and conspiracy theories and didn't provide any evidence to support its findings. That doesn't mean it didn't contain kernels of truth the problem is it felt like a Garoodi and Dr.Osman collaboration ( very biased).

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Homunculus;976329 wrote:
The UN report was like reading every somali forum in the past 10 months, it was full of rumors and conspiracy theories and didn't provide any evidence to support its findings. That doesn't mean it didn't contain kernels of truth the problem is
it felt like a Garoodi and Dr.Osman collaboration ( very biased)


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Countries that are coming back from destruction are always the most corrupt: Iraq, Afghanistan now Somalia, in the future it will by Syria as well.

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