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Madaxweynaha Dowlad Degameedka Itoobiya oo la kulmay Wafdi ka kala socda DFS iyo Axmed Madoobe

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Adis Ababa (Sh M Network)—Madaxweynaha Dowlad Degaameedka Itoobiya Mudane Cabdi Maxamuud ayaa Xalay Magaalada Adis Ababa ee Wadanka Itoobiya kula kulmay Wafdiyo ka kala socda Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Maamulka Axmed Maxamed Islaam Axmed Madoobe kuwaasi oo ku sugan Magaalad Adis Ababa isagoo kala hadlay Arrimo dhowr ah oo ku aadan Shirka maanta ka furmaya Magaalad Adis Ababa ee looga hadlayo Qilaafka ka dhaxeeyay Dowladda Federaalka iyo Axmed Madoobe.


Cabdi Maxamuud Madaxweynaha Dowlad Degaameedka Itoobiya ayaa sheegay kadib Xalfad uu isugu yeeray labada dhinac in loo baahanyahay in isutanaasulaad iyo wadashaqeyn buuxda ay yeeshaan labada dhinac isla markaana ay ka mira dhaliyaan Qodobada ay kawada hadlayaan.


Shirka maanta furmaya ayaa Madaxweyne Cabdi Maxamuud waxa uu ku sheegay in loo baahanyahay in la sameeyo isu tanaasulaad waxaana uu ka dalbaday Wafdiyada ku sugan Halkaasi isla markaana ka kala socda Dowladda Soomaaliya iyo Axmed Madoobe in wadahadalka ay ka mira dhaliyaan si Xal loogu helo Shacabka Gobolada Jubbooyinka sida uu hadalka u dhigay.


Ugu dambeyntii Magaalada Adis Ababa ee Wadanka Itoobiya maanta waxaa ka furmaya Shir Xasaasi ah oo ay ka qeyb galayaan labada Wafdi ee ka kala socda Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliya iyo Maamulka Axmed Madoobe waxaana wadahadalkaasi qaban qaabinaya xoogiisana isku keenaya labada qeybood ee Dowladda Itoobiya iyo Madax ka socota Urur Goboleedka IGAD oo ku sugan Magaalada Adis Ababa ee Dalka Itoobiya.

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Cabdi Maxamuud Madaxweynaha Dowlad Degaameedka Itoobiya ayaa sheegay kadib Xalfad uu isugu yeeray labada dhinac in loo baahanyahay in isutanaasulaad iyo wadashaqeyn buuxda ay yeeshaan labada dhinac isla markaana ay ka mira dhaliyaan Qodobada ay kawada hadlayaan.


Blacky is missing a great opportunity SFG is close to recognize him with condition , we will see if he has the brain to capitalize on the opportunity SFG is giving him.

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My question is: Does this so-called madaxweyne ma kula qabqabsadaa Xabashka meesha ka taliyo who rules the airports, military bases, send back international aids sent by friendly countries, bring foreign troops to further his clan interests, endlessly criticize the Xabashi government or state does not recognize it?????


I mean Soomaalida marka la isku yahay maxaa la iskugu booteeyaa oo in la ismaamulu la yahay laakiin Xabashka Diradhabe ka taliyo juuq loo dhihi karin ama Kiikuuyaga Gaarisa xooga ku heysto. Why there are no 'federal' advocates for those occupoed regions, let alone liberation advocates. We don't see them on here. Xabashka iyo Kiikuuyaha, isir iyo ab isku galin, waala isku dhiibay, laakiin Soomaaligii la dhashay waxba loona ogola.

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The Zack   

Adiga is weydii suaalahaas. The only entity that fights for the rights of the occupied Somali regions is the ONLF and we all know you are against them. Somali oo dhan are against them. Some claim they are clan or have a clan name iyo nac nac kale..

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The O/Somali region is still contested, what do you mean no liberation activists? Ethiopia is actively challenged in this region both politically and militarily. Ethiopia is a one-party state whereas Somalia is not but Somalia is a fractured state and its future is still been molded, the current federalism debates are part of forming that future.Furthermore Somalia now has a Federal system and this debate is unavoidable, its constitutional.


NFD is apart of a liberal democracy, despite challenges( much like the rest of Kenya) they are well represented in Government and are progressing in many sectors of society unlike the O/Somali region in Ethiopia.This region has welcomed millions of Somalis( giving them livelihoods and shelter)The citizens of this region at this juncture in history would rather participate within the bounds of the current Kenyan democratic system and what it affords them.

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MMA, what would the Somalis of NFD gain from starting an uprising other than having their villages bombed, animals slaughtered and the women, children and elderly massacred? We tried that in the 60s and it didn't work. We'd much rather wait in peace in our homes for whatever Allah has in store for us than die in the bush wielding an AK-47.

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MMA are you comparing a country ravaged by war for 23 years with a country which had always had strong government? You have same mentality as Hassan Sheikh and that's why he doesn't get it. Somalia will get there some time in the future, but for now there are a lot of entities shoveling for concessions and any leader has to be realistic and understand the state Somalia is in.

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