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Cabdullaahi Suudi Dhaqaalaha Puntland soo gala marka 2 loo dhigo QEYB waxaa lagula bixiyaa xasiloon

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Cabdullaahi Suudi Faarax oo ka howgala mid ka mid ah shirkadaha xawaaladaha ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa xaqiijiyey in xildhibaanno ka tirsan baarlamaanka, kana soo jeeda Puntland in lacago aad u fara badan looga soo xawilo Puntland lagu bixiyo sidii qalqal loo geli lahaa ammaanka, wuxuuna Cabdullaahi ugu baaqay laamaha sirdoonka ee dowladda Soomaaliya in ay baaritaan ku sameeyey raadka ay maamulka Puntland ku leeyihin dilalka & qaska magaalada Muqdisho & in caasimadu aysan dagin.



"Puntland oo danteedu tahay in aysan magaalada Muqdisho xasillin, waxey qeyb weyn ku leedahay dilalka & qaska ka soconaya Muqdisho, waxaana dhaqaalaha lagu furdaaminayo si joogta ah uga qaata xawaaladaha xildhibaanno ka soo jeeda Puntland" ayuu yiri Cabdullaahi Suudi wuxuuna intaa ku daray in dhowaan uu soo bandhigi doono magacyada & dhaqaalaha sida joogtada ah ay madaxda Puntland Muqdisho ugu soo diraan cidda soo dirta & kuwa loo soo diro.


Cabdullaahi Suudi oo arrintaasi maanta saxaafadda kaga hadlay wuxuu u soo jeediyey dowladda Soomaaliya in iyada oo adeegsaneysa laamaheeda sirdoonka ah in arrintaasi ay dabagal ku sameyso, ayna tillaabo degdeg ah ka qaado.


"Dowladdu & Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir waa in ay ka qabtaan gobolka Banaadir qaska & fowdada ay ka wadaan reer Puntland, kuwa uu Faroole soo guneeyeyna la soo bandhigo" ayuu yiri Cabdullaahi.




Xafiiska Warqabadka

Tafatiraha Wabka

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Blaming others for the lack of security in Mogadishu, plus this guy works for Money Transfer business, where did he got the authority to speak like that, is this guy affiliated with the government to speak on their behalf.


It was only few days ago when we had another local person blaming Dahabshiils for the lack of development in Mogadishu.



What next: Turkey is mine, you have NOTHING miyaa as one guy from Xamar was boasting the other night, kulahaa unuka Turkey aan nahey, idinka la idinma yaqaano, we were about 50 of us gathered for sab and duco, nobody replied to him except an elderly man in his early 80s, the elderly man said "maandhoow Turkigaaga iska heeso oo ku iimaan qabso, bisinkana ha hilmaamin" everyone at the gathering started to laugh, the young man from Xamar left the gathering and slammed the door, another elderly man said "wakaa caqligii albaabka kala jabiyey".

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Apparently the man states he has the evidence the names who was receiving large sum of Money from Puntland Admin? Now comes the Question why are these Mps receiving large sum money from Puntland Admin? how are they spending money and to what cause ?


SFG must investigate these serious matter see evidence hold the man accountable .....


"Puntland oo danteedu tahay in aysan magaalada Muqdisho xasillin, waxey qeyb weyn ku leedahay dilalka & qaska ka soconaya Muqdisho, waxaana dhaqaalaha lagu furdaaminayo si joogta ah uga qaata xawaaladaha xildhibaanno ka soo jeeda Puntland" ayuu yiri Cabdullaahi Suudi wuxuuna intaa ku daray in dhowaan uu soo bandhigi doono magacyada & dhaqaalaha sida joogtada ah ay madaxda Puntland Muqdisho ugu soo diraan cidda soo dirta & kuwa loo soo diro.


Cabdullaahi Suudi oo arrintaasi maanta saxaafadda kaga hadlay wuxuu u soo jeediyey dowladda Soomaaliya in iyada oo adeegsaneysa laamaheeda sirdoonka ah in arrintaasi ay dabagal ku sameyso, ayna tillaabo degdeg ah ka qaado.

Its a Dirty Game , Its not a secret That Farole and Puntland admin are not happy with Mogadishu Progress

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Ridiculous daynille propaganda. Why would Puntland host garowe 1 and 2 and at the same time look to dismantle it. caqliga reer hamarku waa kaa. War adaa halka is dhigay, ciddi kuma dhigin. Take responsibility for your failures and stop pointing the finger because for 22 years thats all you been doing is pointing the finger while hamar continues to deteriorate because your not addressing the REAL ISSUE which is YOU.


As far as turkiga helping mogadishu, that's true. But remember what we have done to your president



Your crazy for messing with Sahal folks. We influence kenya and ethiopia to support you or reject you.

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