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Somaliland govt says its ready to cooperate on security with Somalia as agreed in Ankara.

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Somaliland oo Shaacisay in markii ugu Horreysay ay Dowladda Somalia kala shaqeyn doonto Sugidda Ammaanka guud


Khamiis, August 01, 2013 (HOL) — Maamulka Somaliland ayaa sheegay inay markii ugu horeysay ay kawada shaqeynayaan dowladda Soomaaliya sugida amniga labada dhinac iyo is-dhaafsiga xogaha sirta ah.

Wasiirka ganacsiga iyo maalgashiga Somaliland, Maxamed C/llaahi Cumar oo ahaa mas’uulkii hoggaaminayay wafdiyadii Somaliland ee wadahadallada la galay dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa hadalkan ku sheegay wareysi uu siiyay qaar ka mid ah warbaahinta Muqdisho.

Cumar ayaa sheegay in qorshahan uu yahay mid ay labada ammaankooda ku xoojinayaan ayna kula dagaalamayaan kooxaha argagaxisada ah iyo cid walba oo doonaysa inay carqalad geliso ammaanka Somaliland iyo Somalia.

“Dowladda Somalia iyo Somaliland waxay markii ugu horreysay oo kawada shaqeynayaan sugidda amniga labada dhinac iyo isdhaafsiga xogaha sirta ah, si looga hortago weerarro ay argagaxisadu geysato,” ayuu yiri Cumar oo intaas ku daray in maamulka uu ka tirsan yahay uu diyaar u yahay inuu si hufan ula shaqeeyo dowladda Soomaaliya.

Sidoo kale, wasiirku wuxuu sheegay in qodobkan uu ka mid ahaa qodobbo lagu gaaray heshiiskii ugu horreeyay ee Soomaaliya iyo Somaliland ay ku heesyeen dalka Turkiga, kaasoo ay isku arkeen labada madaxweyne ee Somalia iyo Somaliland.

“Mandiqadda Bariga Afrika waxaa ka jira dhibaatooyin fara badan oo amniga la xiriira, intooda badanna waxay saameynta ugu xooggan ku yeelanayaan Soomaaliya, taas ayaana keentay in labada dhinac ay kawada shaqeeyaan sidii ammaanka loo adkeyn lahaa,” ayuu wasiirku hadalkiisa ku daray.

Dowladda Soomaaliya ayaan weli ka hadlin qorshahan cusub ee ay amniga uga wada shaqeynayaan iyaga iyo maamulka Somaliland, waxaana tani ay kusoo beegmaysaa xilli ammaanka Muqdisho uu kasii darayo.

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Mahamed Abdullahi Omer needs to clarify the issue regarding the Air Control, before jumping to other issues. Besides he aint the FM, why is he still talking?

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Carafaat;971601 wrote:
Mahamed Abdullahi Omer needs to clarify the issue regarding the Air Control, before jumping to other issues. Besides he aint the FM, why is he still talking?

That is true. Why is he not brought before the parliament for questioning?

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Somalilands Parliament has been silenced with hard currency. Dont expect to much from them. The real opposition asking question are to be found outside Parliament.

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Carafaat;971610 wrote:
Somalilands Parliament has been silenced with hard currency. Dont expect to much from them. The real opposition asking question are to be found outside Parliament.

I believe our national parliament needs an urgent reform because of the way elections are scheduled in Somaliland. At the moment we have too many dead wood MPs from the dissolved UDUB party whose only agenda is to fill their pockets and a speaker who is preoccupied with his own presidential ambitions. For Somaliland to have an effective parliament, we need to conduct the local elections and the parliamentary elections immediately one after the other. In that way, the defeated parties will loose all their existing seats in the parliament and the new victorious parties would have their MPs in the parliament to form an effective and real check and balance to the executive branch of our political system. Also the speaker should be banned from running for any other political job.

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