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Bosaso - Bulal Cement Plant Under Construction. PICS + AUDIO

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Magaalada Bosaso oo laga dhisaayo Warshad sameyneysa Shamiitada(Cod+Sawiro)

| on July 31, 2013


Magalaada Bosaso oo ah xarunta ganacsiga xukuumadda Puntland ayaa lagu wadaa in laga hergaliyo Warshad sameysa Shamiitada.


Munaasabad ballaaran oo si heer sare ah loo agaasimay ayaa waxa ay ka dhacday Hotel jubba ee magaalada,taasi oo loogu magacdaray Xafladda furitaanka Warshadda Shamiitada ee Bulaal.


Waxaa ka soo qeybgalay xafladda ganacsato,culmo’udiin,xubno ka socday maamulka Puntland,odayaal,dhalinyaro iyo bahda saxaafadda.


Ugu horeyn waxaa ka hadlay madasha gudoomiye ku xigeenka Rugta ganacsiga iyo Warshadaha Puntland oo sheegay in ay ku faraxsanyihiin markii ugu horeysay in dhul ka mid ah Soomaaliya la qorsheeyo in laga dhiso Warshad sameysa Shamiitada,gaar ahaan dhulka Puntland.


Waxa uu sidoo kale sheegay in Warshadan ay meesha ka saari doonto Shamiitada laga soo gato wadamada kale,iyadoo shaqo abuur u sameyndoonta dhalinyaro faraban oo aan shaqo heysan.


Ayaan ladane Saalax oo ah aas-aasaha shirkadan ayaa sidoo kale ka hadashay munaasabadda, waxa ayna sheegtay in hergalinta shirkada Bulaal ay ka dambeesay ka dib markii ay arkeen baahida bulshada ay u qabaan Warshad Shamiito oo dalka laga dhiso.


Ayaan Ladane ayaa intaasi ku dartay in ganacsatada la ogeysiinayo in Warshadda Shamiitada ee Bulaal uu sheerkeedu furanyihiin,si ganacsiga uusan u noqon mid ku kooban shaqsi ee uu noqdo geed mirood la wada nafacaadsado.


Sheekh Cali Diire ayaa isna goobta ka hadlay, isagoo ugu baaqay ganacsatada reer Puntland in ay lacagahooda ku dhisaan wershado dalka wax u tara,isagoo noqday shaqsi sheer ku darsada shirkadda Bulaal 60,000 oo doolar ayuu Sheekha ku darsaday sheerka shirkadda Bulaal.


Warshadda dhismaheedu waxa ay qaadanaysaa 17 bilood,waxaana dhisaaya shirkad Indiyaan ah oo leh khibrad 60 sano.


Shirkadda dhisidoonta warshadan Shamiitada ee Bulaal ayaa lagu magacaabaa SABOO, waxa ay horey u dhistay 290 warshadood dunida dacaladeeda sida:Cuman,itoobiya,Suudaan,Tansaaniya,Shiinaha iyo Jordan.


Warshadan Bulaal haddii laga hirgaliyo magaalada Bosaso ayaa waxa ay noqonaysaa warshaddii ugu horeysay ee dhul Soomaaliyeed laga dhiso tan iyo bur-burkii dowladdii dhexe ee Soomaaliya,iyadoo meesha ka saari doonta Shamiitada laga keensato dibadda.


Waxaa intaasi dheer qiimneyn lagu sameeyey waxyaabaha laga sameeyo Shiimatada ee laga helo dhulka Soomaaliya uu yahay kan ugu casrisan adduunka marka laga roobo wadanka Jordan.


Horseed Media.

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It's funny when you see SOL make no comments, it usually mean baqdin because they are in absolute shock that Puntland will pull it off and be the only cement plant in the nation. No discounts for you your shisheeye not a citizen

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Dr_Osman;971592 wrote:
It's funny when you see SOL make no comments, it usually mean baqdin because they are in absolute shock that Puntland will pull it off and be the only cement plant in the nation. No discounts for you your shisheeye not a citizen

Ditoore are you aware that Somaliland's business community has enough cash and the desire to construct a major cement plant in Berbera but the only thing stopping them is a long running clan dispute and rivalry?

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Tallabo your getting desperate. There is no cement factory, that was just a show dahabshil wanted to do so he can keep siilanyo in power by saying hey we tried. There was no intention of ever building a cement plant there, they are waiting for Puntland as usual. It's just som cable rubbish that's been put where it belongs in the bin. I can't wait till Puntland is a fibre provider and somaliland is buying its connections.


Welcome Bulal. 17 month construction project, done by an experienced multi-national engineering firm. Puntland will have a sophisticated cement plant that will provide it's services to our state in it's construction needs and also our neighbours at a premium rate while we laugh and say we are leading

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Tallaabo;971612 wrote:
Ditoore are you aware that Somaliland's business community has enough cash and the desire to construct a major cement plant in Berbera but the only thing stopping them is a long running clan dispute and rivalry?




Clan can be used as excuse for everything and by everyone. And this is a classic example of it. It has much more to do with governance,

or lack of it.

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