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Xaaji Xunjuf

Alshabaab has a cell with in Xamar.

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Alshabaab carried out more than 4 important attacks highly targeted positions


The theater

The UN compound

The Court house

The Turkish head quarters today


I am Predicting the next office they are going to hit will most likely be Nickolas kay office

Alshabaab wanted also to attack the Mogadishu airport but it has so many security, African union troops and underneath the bunkers there are CIA operatives. So its impossible to reach there they might plan to get an inside man there.


For the Mogadishu security forces its better if they find the hidden cell and completely destroy them. Or else the attacks will continue Alshabaab completely changed their tactics and strategy, they are doing now what al Zarqawi of Iraq was doing in 2005 2 years after the fall of Sadam. Suicide attacks in important area's.Alshabaab now wants to survive and is on the run but its not defeated and this is one of their surviving methods. Reer Mogadishu know where the sleeping cell is they better come out and help the security forces. There is no way that reer Mogadishu do not know where these guys are coming from. They have people working with them in the security branches.

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Furthermore its impossible for a group such as alshabaab to not have a secret cell in Mogadishu it would be impossible for them to carry out attacks in Mogadishu. The question we should ask our self is does the intelligence service know about this or are they ignoring this fact?

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Cambuulo they need to removed from the military, the security forces need to be filtered , or else u will always have spies with in. The government knows this but the problem is they are scared if they cut them loose. They might join shabaab again, but keep in mind they are no use to the goverment either.

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Xaaji, according to many sources Al Shabaab has even informants/members within the goverment and security forces. That makes it difficult for people to come forward and provide information and intelligence to the goverment. Amiin daro weyn ayaa jirta.

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