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Brussells - Puntland To Enter New Deal Conference Under It's Name. PIC + AUDIO

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''PL magaceeda ayay uga qayb galaysaa shirka New-Deal''

25 Jul 25, 2013 - 2:23:13 AM




Madaxweynaha Puntland Dr.Cabdiraxman Maxamed Maxamuud Farole ayaa sheegay inay uga qaybgalayaan shirka New-Deal ee Brussels ka furmaya 16 Sep,2013 magaca Puntland .


Hadalkan ayuu shaaciyay Dr.Farole ka dib kulan uu la qaatay wafdi heer sare ah oo ka socda Midowga Yurub uuna hogaaminayay Agaasimaha guud Afrika ee EU Nick Westcott.


''Puntland diyaar bay u tahay inay ka qaybgasho shirka New-Deal laakiin magaceeda ayay uga qaybgalaysaa'' ayuu yiri Farole.


Wafdiga ayaa Garowe u yimid sidii ay wadatashi ku aadan shirka New-Deal u samayn lahaayeen ,waxana EU ay qorshaynaysaa in dib u dhisto dalalka ka soo kabanaya colaadaha iyo dagaalada sokeeye ayna ka mid tahay Somalia.


Madaxweyne Farole waxa uu sheegay in Somalia ay ka jirto baahi wayn oo u baahan tageero caalami ah sida dhismaha kaabayaashaa dhaqalaaha iyo horumarinta adeegyada bulshada oo caafimaadka iyo waxbarashadu hormuud ka yihiin.


Xasan Shiikh Maxamud ayaa GO ilo u sheegen in EU cadaadis ku saartay kaalinta Puntland iyo Somaliland ee shirka ka dhacaya Belgium ,waxana uu uga dhawaaqay shirkii shalay Muqdisho uu wafdiga kula kulmay.


Dhankiisa ayaa Nick Westcott waxa uu tilmaamay inay ka wada hadleen Puntland mashaariicda horumarineed ,amaanka iyo tababarka ciidamada ,baahida ay soo gudbisteen iyo inay shirka uga qaybgalaan wafdiga Somalia.


Sidoo kale geedi socodkii Dimoqraadiyada Puntland ee hakadka galay ayaa laga wada hadlay ,waxana EU sheegtay inay sii wadi doonto taageerida nidaamka xisbiyada oo Puntland ku edaysay qaswadayaal inay gacana ka geesteen joojinteeda.


Shirka ka dhacaya Belgium ayaa ilo wareedyo lagu kalsoonyahay u xaqiijiyeen Garowe Online inuu madaxweyne Xasan Shiikh qorshaynayo fidinta casumaadyo gudoomiyaal gobolo sida Hiiraan ,Bay ,Bakool ,Shabeelaha Hoose ,Mareeg ,Ximan iyo Xeeb si uu ugu muujiyo qaab maamulo dalka ka jira.


Wafdigan ayaa ka soo duulay Hargeysa saakay ,waxana duhurnimadii maanta ay dib Garowe uga dhoofeen dhanka magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta Kenya.










I know what your SOL is thinking. Here he is as usual





Halkan ka dhageyso shir saxaafadeedka Dr.Farole & Nick Westcott

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War Deg Deg ah– Midowga Yurub oo markey heleen Warbixintii Qaramada Midoobey shaki wayn ka muujiyey Madaxda Dowlada Federaalka ah,Puntland na gaar ugu casumay shirka Beljam


Maanta Madaxweynaha Dowlada Puntland Dr. Cabdiraxmaan Sheikh MAxamed Faroole markuu la kulmay Wafdigii EU wuxuu sheegey in Puntland ay magacooda uga qaybgalayaan shirka New Deal ee Belgium ka dhici doona, wafdigaan EU shalay Waxay Xalane kula kulmeen Madaxweynaha Dowlada Federaalka Soomaaliya.


Warar Dublamaasiyadeed oo Puntlandi heleen ayaa hoosta ka xariiqaya in Midowga Yurub uu si toosa ugu sheegey Xasan Sheikh in Puntland ay Wafdi u gaara usoo dirsanayaan Shirka New DEal go’aankaasna waxaa gaaray Midowga Yurub.


Dhinaca kale Wararka aan helney waxay sheegayaan in Midowga Yurub uu niyad jab ka muujiyey Madaxda Dowlada federaalka ah ka dib markii ay soo baxday Warbixintii Kooxda Dabagalka Cunaqabataynta Soomaaliya Saaran ee Qaramada Midoobey, warbxintu waxay dharbaaxo xun ku noqotay Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh.


Sida aan xogta ku heyno Wafdiga Midowga Yurub waxay Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh u sheegeen in shirka Belgium ay imaanayaan oo qura Dowlada Federaalka oo dhinac ah, Somaliland iyo Puntland,



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This is HAG failure to consolidate power in Somalia, with such enormous political and financial backing.. I am deeply disappointed with Mogadishu-based government, Somali Federal government.

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Somalia, well the issue is somali politicians that are non-hag need to stop supporting failing projects. It's time to move the capital and isolate the trouble makers, not reward them.

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why arent HAG and qoslaye not able to keep faroole out of the conference? loool.


they must be eating their hearts out. lol

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Dr_Osman;970594 wrote:
Somalia, well the issue is somali politicians that are non-hag need to stop supporting failing projects. It's time to move the capital and isolate the trouble makers, not reward them.

The capital of Somalia will not be relocated because of a few troublemakers--Mogadishu will remain our capital. That said, Kudos to the E.U and the other power brokers in Somalia for finally bringing to an end Culosow's mor'yaanimo and abuse of the agreed upon federal system.

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^^ President hassan was never against federalism he was against autonomous states linked to Kenya federalism does not mean u can create ur autonomous state the way u want and than say he lets form a federal union. Thats now how it works , federalism does also not mean u are an equal entity to the Somali federal government.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;970604 wrote:
President hassan was never against federalism he was against autonomous states linked to Kenya
federalism does not mean u can create ur autonomous state the way u want and than say he lets form a federal union. Thats now how it works
, federalism does also not mean u are an equal entity to the Somali federal government


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Pirates as usual fail to understand what federalism really means. no worries, Jubbalanders will educate then along with the unruly HAG hordes :cool:

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