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Somaliland Exposed - Somalia Airspace Run From Mogadishu. AUDIO

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DHEGEYSO: Dowlada F. Soomaliya oo dib uga noqotay heshiiskii Hawada ee ay Somaliland la gashay

July 24, 2013 10:50 am GMT - Written by Yusuf - Edited by Yusuf


Wasiirka Warfaafinta Gaadiidka Cirka iyo dhulka Dowladda Federalka Soomaaliya Mr Ciilmooge oo khudbad u jeediyay Baarlamaanka Soomaaliya ayaa si cad u beeniyay in Xarunta Laanta Hawada laga dhigayo Hargeysa. Wasiirka wuxuu tibaaxay in Xarunta weyn ahaan doonto Muqdisho balse adeega la gaarsiin doono Hargeysa iyo Garowe.


Wasiir Ciilmooge wuxuu meesha ka saaray heshiiskii ergadii kala meteleysay DF iyo Somaliland ku saxiixdeen Istanbul,wuxuuna cuskaday sharciga xeerka ee Hawada Soomaaliya kana diiwaangashan Qaramadda Midoobay. Hadalkaan wuxuu wejigabax iyo fadeexo ku yahay ergadii Somaliland ee ku faanay inay Hawadii Soomaaliya u soo wareejiyeen Hargeysa.



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Where is Xaji, Jb, Garoodi, Carafaat and the somaliland fighters. I bet they will come in and say we don't care about somaliya airspace, we only care about somaliland airspace. Well guess what all of somaliya airspace is run from mogadishu headquarter.


The somaliland symapathisers will try and come up with an excuse as usual to downplay this latest news. The truthful ones will come in and call hamar an immature stakeholder that cannot be dealt with and is still the same as 1991 mentality.

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As Puntlander I Welcome this news. Crazy even thinking about somaliland running our airspace. Anyways that mashruc has gone in the bin just like the fibre optic crap has been canned

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