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Warsaxafeed: Faroole oo joojiyay nidaamkii Federaalka Somalia u waday

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14 Jul 14, 2013 - 3:04:39 AM

Puntland State of Somalia


Dowladda Puntland waxay Joojisay Nidaamkii Federaalka Somalia ee u waday



14 July 2013


Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiraxman Maxamad Maxamud Farole, markuu si qotodheer ah ula tashaday Madaxweyne ku xigeenka, Gudoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada, Golaha Wasiirada iyo xubnaha Guddiga Nabadgelyada Dowladda Puntland, Gudoomiyaha Guddiga Doorashooyinka KMG ah, iyo dad xurmo ku leh Bulshada Rayidka ah, wuxuu soo saaray go’aankaan ku saabsan joojinta Nidaamkii Federaalka u Somalia u waday baryahan.


Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland:


-Markuu qiimeeyey mas’uuliyadda iyo xilka weyn ee ka saaran ilaalinta amniga, xasiloonidda, iyo midnimada dadka Somalia;


-Markuu arkay kooxo isu soo bahaystay khalkhalgelinta degenaanshaha iyo waxyeeleynta midnimada Somalia, kuwaasoo ay ka mid yihiin argagaxiso doonaya inay si xun uga faa’idaystaan qabsoomidda Federalismka Somalia;


-Markuu aqoonsaday dadaalkii dheeraa ee Somalia usoo gashay hirgalinta iyo meelmarinta nidaamka Dowladnumada iyo iyadoo tallaaboyin badan oo lagu guulaystay la soo maray ilaa hadeer;


-Markuu qiimeeyey qaswadayaasha gudaha iyo khalkhalgeliyaasha dibedda oo maalgelin iyo abaabul uga qaybgalaya abuurida xasilooni-darro iyo isku dhac shacabka Somalia;


-Markuu aqoonsaday khatar ku imaan karta amniga, nabadgelyada iyo xasiloonidda dadka Reer Somalia;


-Markuu qiimeeyey himilooyinka dadka Reer Somalia ee dowlad-wanaaga, nabadda, iyo cadaaladda;


Dowladda Puntland waxay si rasmi ah u joojisay Nidaamkii Federaalka ee Somalia u waday. Iyadoo la qaatay go’aankaan adag, Dowladda Puntland waxay shacabka usoo jeedinaysaa mahadnaq balaaran niyadda ay u hayaan una muujiyeen in geedi-socodka nidaamka dowladnimada, waxayna Dowladdu dadka u balanqaadaysaa inay weli ku taagan tahay nabad, dowladnimo iyo midnimo


Dowladda Puntland waxay u mahadcelinaysaa Beesha Caalamka oo soo taageertay nidaamkaan muddo 10-sanno ku dhowaad ah, marxalado badan oo lagu guulaystay lasoo martay Dowladda ilaa wakhtigaan xaadirka ah. Dowladda Puntland waxay kalsooni ku qabtaa in Beesha Caalamka ka taageeri doonto sii wadida nidaamka dowladnimo saxa Somalia u hesho


Dowladda Puntland waxay ugu yeeraysaa dadka Somalia oo nabadda jecel iyo Ciidamada Amniga inay daafacaan Dowladnimadooda, Midnimadooda, Amnigooda iyo Degenaanshahooda, si ay uga guulaystaan kuwa isu soo bahaystay burburinta Somalia

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It's fake, he edited the real release by Puntland Government.


At the end of the day, this has nothing to do with federalism, even if you want to swing it that way. Federalism is already the law of the land, and now many other Somalis want it as well. In fact, it's easy to say that the majority of Somali regions want federalism.


Bye bye to your central scheming, welcome fairest system of the land. :cool:

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Somalia, if the people of Puntland rejected Faroole's version of governance, what makes you think the rest of Somalia will welcome it?

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The people of Puntland support democratization plans, and now Faroole will become popular again, it's guaranteed and secured because of very small sections of society, all of these people total are under 100 and standing between 4 buildings. :D


Secondly, internal power systems can vary, but at the end it will be self governance, the most important thing for Somalis. It is fair to say MOST Somali regions are today working towards a federal state and see the benefits it can have for a people. You come from Somaliland which holds the record for postponing elections and extending presidencies, you are in no position to even argue for a better solution, start at home. We will take lessons from great democracies.


You are fighting a ghost, Carafaat.

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