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War deg Dega:Dowladda Puntland oo gebi ahaanba Joojisay Doorashooyinkii Golayaasha Deegaanka WAR

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14 July 2013


Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland Dr. Cabdiraxman Maxamad Maxamud Farole, markuu si qotodheer ah ula tashaday Madaxweyne ku xigeenka, Gudoomiyaha Golaha Wakiilada, Golaha Wasiirada iyo xubnaha Guddiga Nabadgelyada Dowladda Puntland, Gudoomiyaha Guddiga Doorashooyinka KMG ah, iyo dad xurmo ku leh Bulshada Rayidka ah, wuxuu soo saaray go’aankaan ku saabsan joojinta Doorashooyinka Golayaasha Deegaanka, oo ka dhici lahaa Puntland berri Isniin July 15, 2013.


Madaxweynaha Dowladda Puntland:


Markuu qiimeeyey mas’uuliyadda iyo xilka weyn ee ka saaran ilaalinta amniga, xasiloonidda, iyo midnimada dadka Reer Puntland;


Markuu arkay kooxo isu soo bahaystay khalkhalgelinta degenaanshaha iyo waxyeeleynta midnimada Puntland, kuwaasoo ay ka mid yihiin argagaxiso doonaya inay si xun uga faa’idaystaan qabsoomidda Doorashada Golayaasha Deegaanka Puntland;


Markuu aqoonsaday dadaalkii dheeraa oo Puntland usoo gashay hirgalinta iyo meelmarinta nidaamka doorashooyinka iyo axsaabta badan, iyadoo tallaaboyin badan oo lagu guulaystay la soo maray ilaa hadeer;


Markuu qiimeeyey qaswadayaasha gudaha iyo khalkhalgeliyaasha dibedda oo maalgelin iyo abaabul uga qaybgalaya abuurida xasilooni-darro iyo isku dhac xilliga doorashada Puntland;


Markuu aqoonsaday khatar ku imaan karta amniga, nabadgelyada iyo xasiloonidda dadka Reer Puntland;


Markuu qiimeeyey himilooyinka dadka Reer Puntland ee dowlad-wanaaga, nabadda, iyo cadaaladda;


Dowladda Puntland waxay si rasmi ah u joojisay Doorashooyinka Golayaasha Deegaanka Puntland oo qabsoomi lahaa July 15. Iyadoo la qaatay go’aankaan adag, Dowladda Puntland waxay shacabka usoo jeedinaysaa mahadnaq balaaran niyadda ay u hayaan una muujiyeen in geedi-socodka nidaamka doorashooyinka socdo, waxayna Dowladdu dadka u balanqaadaysaa inay weli ku taagan tahay mowqifkeeda ahaa sidii loo hormarinlahaa nidaamka doorashooyinka iyo axsaabta badan, doorashada-na la qaban doono wakhtiga ku habboon, inshallah.


Dowladda Puntland waxay u mahadcelinaysaa Beesha Caalamka oo soo taageertay nidaamkaan muddo 10-sanno ku dhowaad ah, marxalado badan oo lagu guulaystay lasoo martay Dowladda ilaa wakhtigaan xaadirka ah. Dowladda Puntland waxay kalsooni ku qabtaa in Beesha Caalamka ka taageeri doonto sii wadida nidaamka asxaabta mustaqbalka.


Dowladda Puntland waxay ugu yeeraysaa dadka Reer Puntland oo nabadda jecel iyo Ciidamada Amniga inay daafacaan Midnimadooda, Amnigooda iyo Degenaanshahooda, si ay uga guulaystaan kuwa isu soo bahaystay burburinta Puntland.

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Ku dayaddii ma ku khasaareen. Awalba hal reer oo jiffoba kalkeega sugtaydun ahaydeene meersi labaad soo mariya waa kalkii xxx-saleebaan

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This is what you get when you do things in the wrong order. It took nearly dozens of killing in Galkacyo and Qardho and standoffs everywhere for Faroole to realize that his Election scam wouldn't work and could lead to more violance and war. I wonder how many killings and wars does it take to make him realize clan federalism is the wrong proscription for Somalia. And deciding wich governance structure should have without evaluating what caused 22 yeats off is putting the card before the horse again.

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To the 3 Somalilanders who entered this thread to score points and think they invented democracy, how many times have elections been cancelled in Somaliland, in fact how many just under former National Security Service division chief under Siad Barre, Colonel Riyaale, president of Somaliland?


Chaos feared as Somaliland cancels elections


Somaliland is facing the ugly prospect of election -related violence akin to that which occurred in Kenya after the 2007 general election.


A self-declared independent state, Somaliland was set to hold its much-awaited presidential election on September 27.


Last week, the election commission indefinitely postponed the elections,
citing the deteriorating political environment.
The president later forcibly closed the breakaway republic’s parliament after it began debating impeachment charges against him.


The campaigns were marked by escalating tensions between the government and opposition parties, some of which were pushing for an election boycott. The presidential election has previously been postponed twice.


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Carafaat;968725 wrote:
This is what you get when you do things in the wrong order. It took nearly dozens of killing in Galkacyo and Qardho and standoffs everywhere for Faroole to realize that his Election scam wouldn't work and could lead to more violance and war. I wonder how many killings and wars does it take to make him realize clan federalism is the wrong proscription for Somalia. And deciding wich governance structure should have without evaluating what caused 22 yeats off is
putting the card before the horse

Democracy is not part of the political culture of the Pirates they have no grasp of how it works how elections should be conducted. I think they should stop wasting their times and just give it a rest. How can all the regions qardho galkacyo rejected the elections.

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Somalia, its ramadan and I don't want to engage in any personal attacks. But I want to respond on your comparisement that I think is rather wrong on all fronts. Because the chaos and violence in Puntland was not because the elections were delayed, but because people didn't want these "scam" election to take place. From Galkacyo to Qardho it lead to violance, killings and many wounded. Fears of violance in Badhan, Buuhoodle, Bosasso and other places. And even people burning the ballot boxes.


don't try to spin this issue, but rather address the underlying issue.


" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>

Qardho this morning







Galkacyo this morning

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Somalia;968733 wrote:
To the 3 Somalilanders who entered this thread to score points and think they invented democracy, how many times have elections been cancelled in Somaliland, in fact how many just under former National Security Service division chief under Siad Barre, Colonel Riyaale, president of Somaliland?


Chaos feared as Somaliland cancels elections


You are comparing apples to oranges, Somaliland never cancelled elections one day before the election day because of instability or because people refused to cooperate with the electoral commission. What is the reason faroole cancelled the election scam of the garowe clan enclave. We know why the SL senate postponed, the elections because there was no voter registrations. Not because of instability or people refusing to cooperate with the electoral commission. Is there actually a new date for the new elections in garowe or did faroole decide to get rid of it altogether. And what gives him the the absolute right to do so , where are the other stake holders where is the parliament.

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Carafaat;968739 wrote:
Somalia, its ramadan and I don't want to engage in any personal attacks. But I want to respond on your comparisement that I think is rather
on all fronts. Because the chaos and violence in Puntland was not because the elections were delayed, but because people didn't want these "scam" election to take place. From Galkacyo to Qardho it lead to violance, killings and many wounded. And people burning the ballot boxes.


" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>

Qardho this morning







Galkacyo this morning

Slaanta leh Xisbiyada doooni mayno:D

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Xaaji Xunjuf;968735 wrote:
Democracy is not part of the political culture of the Pirates they have no grasp of how it works how elections should be conducted. I think they should stop wasting their times and just give it a rest. How can all the regions qardho galkacyo rejected the elections.



Oh please more info thine might troll....

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uchi;968745 wrote:
What scam? Carafat, please inform us. What inside information do you have?

Uchi, not my words. just read the various statements made by the elders of Puntland. this one is adressed to 'Interpeace".


Puntland people are short of explanation of radical change of INTERPEACE from peace promoting to WAR making organization. It was our understanding that Interpeace is an independent and international peace building organization which promotes societies to manage conflict without resorting to violence. However, your current democratization project is being grossly abused by Puntland Administration and it is not totally in line with Interpeace’s philosophy and the principle of “Do No Harm” as well. Indeed, the current project does more harm than good.


The operations in Puntland of
farce election
have caused 6 deaths and 25 wounded in Galkayo while more than four times Gardo has been at the edge of total war. The fighting in those two towns have caused high tensions in all Puntland areas. Countless human history events proved that there are many examples where farce has changed into tragedy.


This press release by the below signatories of prominent personalities of Puntland is urging Interpeace to stop its operations labeled as democratization but are in reality triggering bloodshed. This Appeal is issued by prominent personalities from all regions and social sectors of Puntland comprising members from traditional elders, business people, politicians, intellectuals, religious leaders, and civil society activists.

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