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Deg deg. Diyaaradii qaaday axmed madoobe oo kismaayo usoo qaaday hub iyo ciiddamo iyo garoonka oo mu

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Wararka iminka naga soo gaaraya Magaaladda Kismaayo, ayaa sheegaya in Garoonka Kismaayo ay kasoo caga dhigatay Diyaaradii Magaalladda Garowe iyo Qardho u qaaday Axmed Madoobe oo sida Hub iyo Ciiddamo la sheegay inay ka soo jeedan Puntland.

Wararka ayaa sheegaya in Diyaarada ay Axmed Madoobe uga soo tagtay Magaaladda Qardho, balse ay Hub iyo Ciiddamo usoo daabushay Magaalladda Kismaayo oo laga dareemayo Colaado hor leh oo ay wadaan Ciiddamadda Raaskambooni.

Ciiddamada iyo Hubka ay Diyaaradaasi usoo qaaday Kismaayo, ayaa waxaa ku wehliyay Saddax Sarkaal oo ka tirsan Maamulka Puntland, kuwaasoo ay wararku sheegayaan inay koontorooli doonaan Ciiddamadda la socda Diyaaradda.

Hawlaha ka socda Garoonka Kismaayo, ayaa hakat galay iyadoona ku dhawaad Hal saac uu xirnaa Garoonka kadib markii la sheegay in la kala fududeynaayay Hubka iyo Ciiddamadda Diyaarada Saarnaa, waxa ayna wararku sheegayaan in mar labaad ay Diyaaradu soo dhameystiri doonto Hub iyo Ciiddamo ay halkaasi uga soo tagtay kadib markii ay qaadi weysay Diyaaradda.

Hubka iyo Ciiddamadda laga dajiyay Kismaayo, ayaa waxa ay kusoo begmeysaa Xilli Maamulka Jubbaland garabka Axmed Madoobe shaaciyeen inay qaadayaan Dagaalkii ugu dambeeyay oo ay ku sheegen in lagu xureyn doono Kismaayo.

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Dhawaacyadii kismaayo ee la geyey Galkacyo oo la ogaadey in ay ku jireen Ciidamo Puntland laga keenay




Odayaasha dhaqanka Maamulka Puntland ee ku sugan Magaaladda Galkacyo ayaa waxaa ay ka Hadleen ciidamo aad u fara badan oo ka tirsan maamulka Puntland oo la geyey Kismaayo isla markaana ka qeyb qaadanayey dagaaladda ka soconayey Kismaayo.


Sida uu xaqiijiyey Nabadoon Maxamed Xasan Ciise oo kamid ah Nabadoonadda ku sugan Galkacyo ayaa sheegey in Ciidamo aad u fara badan tiradoodu uu ku qiyaasey dhoor boqol oo Askari laga qaadey Magaaladda Galkacyo isla markaana la geyey Magaaladda Kismaayo.


Nabadoonka ayaa sidoo kale sheegey in loo baahanyahay ay tahay in Dowladda Soomaaliya laga doonayo in ay arintan soo fara geliso isla markaana ay soo celiso ciidamadda Puntland ee Galkacyo laga qaadey.


sidoo kale warar aan la shaain ayaa sheegaya in dhaawacyadii la geyey Galkacyo ay ku jireen askar laga kaxeyey Galkacyo.

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Jubaland politicians warn the president of Puntland to stop instigating war between clans



Mogadishu-(Sh.M.Network)- Mohamed Amin Abdullahi Osman who is a prominent Politian who hails from the Juba regions warned the president of Puntland state.


During his interview with Shabelle radio, Mr. Amin accused Mr. Farole of dividing Jubaland civilians along clan lines.


Mr. Amin added that Puntland should stop the ‘’naked’’ interference in the Juba regions and leave the people of Juba to decide the destiny of their state.


On the other hand Mr. Shueib Adan from Puntland state accused the Pun land president (Mr. Farole) of the recent fightings in Kismayu. Mr. Shueib added that the people of Puntland were angry with their president for instigating a bloody war against two brotherly sub clans who reside from the region.


However, Mr. Farole has been accused of directly interfering with the Juba land affairs in Kismayu before and several politicians accused him of causing clannish divisions between the Jubaland people.

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Jubaland politicians warn the president of Puntland to stop instigating war between clans


Ciiddamada iyo Hubka ay Diyaaradaasi usoo qaaday Kismaayo, ayaa waxaa ku wehliyay Saddax Sarkaal oo ka tirsan Maamulka Puntland, kuwaasoo ay wararku sheegayaan inay koontorooli doonaan Ciiddamadda la socda Diyaaradda.



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TOP NEWS:- Ciidamadii ka dagaalamaayay Kismaayo oo adi noqday kuwa maamulka Puntland

July 7, 2013 - Waxaa Qorey : Balcad Muqdisho -


Waxaa soo baxaaya warar hoose oo sheegaaya in dhawaan ciidamadii ka dagaalamaayay magaalada Kismaayo ay intooda bada ay ahaayeen kuwa maamulka Puntland, kuwaa oo laga soo dejiyay garoonka diyaaradaha ee magaaladaasi.

Ciidamadaan oo ahaa kuwii sida gaarka ah loo soo tababaray ayaa wararka waxay sheegayaan inay iyaga ka qeyb qaateen dagaaladaasi, waxaana halkaasi uga dhaawacmay sida la sheegay ku dhawaad 25 askari oo dhaawacooda loo qaaday magaalada Gaaalkacyo.

Uljeedkii rasmiga ahayd ee Axmed Madoobe u tagay Puntland ayaa ahayd in uu soo eego xaaladda ciidamada Puntland ee ku dhaawacmay Kismayo kuwaa oo caawinaayay maamulka Sheekh Axmed Madoobe.

Sidoo kale waxaa hadda la filaayaa in 700 oo ka mid ah ciidamada Maamulka Puntland ay dhawaan soo gaaraan magaalada Kismaayo ee gobalka J/hoose.

Maamulka Axmed Madoobe ayaa gacan saar aad u wanaagsan la le maamulka Faroole ee Puntland, waxaana ka dhaxeeya wada shaqeyn heer sare mareyso.

Muqdisho, Somalia

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Puntland and Raskombani are starting something they will regret soon , The Clans that populate jubbaland will unite to fight aggression coming from Nabadiid force's consisting of puntland and Raskombani...........



Plenty of warmonger are in Mogadishu , President Hassan is holding them back as there is Government in Place, Puntland and Raskombani naked aggression will not be tolerate anymore....


we will see if they can force admin in Jubbaland ..............

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Malistar the SFG waited to long they let the conference in Kismayo happen, if they were smart they would have organized a similar conference of the rival clan and rally the opposing clans under one entity with full support of the SFG. While they lobbied in Europe for the withdrawal of the Kenyan troops, That should have been their approach also they should have replaced the interior Minister and defense Minister with communities from those regions. By just saying we like Kenya with one mouth at the same time writing secret letters will not cut it. The Kenyans will do everything to remain in Somalia until they install their puppet State in Jubbaland. They have heavily invested in Raskambooni. You need to change the face of the government no more sugar coating, if you want the Kenyans gone u need to prepare for a real diplomatic battle in Brussels and London, With the Kenyans there should be concrete evidence Kenya is destabilizing Somalia and that Kenya isn't neutral as Amisom peace keeping forces. You need present your case very well with full reports with all the activities of the Kenyans since they arrived in Somalia. The Sahal forces will use Kenya's Foreign ministry to get things done and Uhurro Will behind the political curtains give his blessing. Also what is latest development with training forces building militaristic institutions in the regions. The HAG elites Mogadishu are preoccupied with Daahir aweys forget about daahir aweys you have bigger fish to fry.

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malistar2012;967250 wrote:


Ciiddamada iyo Hubka ay Diyaaradaasi usoo qaaday Kismaayo, ayaa waxaa ku wehliyay Saddax Sarkaal oo ka tirsan Maamulka Puntland, kuwaasoo ay wararku sheegayaan inay koontorooli doonaan Ciiddamadda la socda Diyaaradda.


waayo kan dhoof ku yimid??? weligeed bey oran jireen :P

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Sida uu xaqiijiyey Nabadoon Maxamed Xasan Ciise oo kamid ah Nabadoonadda ku sugan Galkacyo ayaa sheegey in Ciidamo aad u fara badan tiradoodu uu ku qiyaasey
dhoor boqol oo Askari
laga qaadey Magaaladda Galkacyo isla markaana la geyey Magaaladda Kismaayo.





Are you sure this tiny airplane could carry " dhowr boqol oo askar" ah and "hub culus"? Been xooggaa qurxoon sheega sxb

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And why not. what is wrong with that?

They are allies, are not they? when one comes under attack, the other comes to its rescue.


The Mogadishu gov't armed and financed Hiiraale, Baasto and co. to destablise Kismayo. did you ask yourself why? or were you in a state of self-imposed stupor with your head up your 1rse?


Before you huff and puff, just view things from the other side. it awalys helps. it is called 'gar naqsi' before you embarrass yourself in public.


This is the weirdest of all logic. how does someone from Ceelbuur, with his toe nails still sandy-red, tell someone born and bred in Calanley, dhoof baad ku timid, and do it with a straight face. i do not follow.


malistar2012;967250 wrote:

Ciiddamada iyo Hubka ay Diyaaradaasi usoo qaaday Kismaayo, ayaa waxaa ku wehliyay Saddax Sarkaal oo ka tirsan Maamulka Puntland, kuwaasoo ay wararku sheegayaan inay koontorooli doonaan Ciiddamadda la socda Diyaaradda.

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malistar2012;967268 wrote:
Puntland and Raskombani are starting something they will regret soon , The Clans that populate jubbaland will unite to fight aggression coming from Nabadiid force's consisting of puntland and Raskombani...........



Plenty of warmonger are in Mogadishu , President Hassan is holding them back as there is Government in Place, Puntland and Raskombani naked aggression will not be tolerate anymore....


we will see if they can force admin in Jubbaland ..............

There goal is simple: they know Somalia will never be what it was. D block have given up in SOMALILAND. Mugdisho is xarun hag now so they are nothing there. They want political leverage and they believe if they can get that under a federal county they will have two federal states. However hag ain't stu)p they see what's going on and the pirate have nothing to lose so hell why not for them it's Ethier that or hag domination. Hag need to understand the sooner this kismayo issue is finished the better. Get Kenya out empower the federal army if any or local militias arm them and get the pirates out simple.

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