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Puntland oo ay kusoo badanayaan dhalinyarada Tahriib doonka ah iyo Barlamaanka oo ka hadlay

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June 24, 2013


Putland oo ay kusoo badanayaan dhalinyarada Tahriib doonka ah iyo Barlamaanka oo ka hadlay


• News Report •


Putland oo ay kusoo badanayaa dadka tahriibta ah ee doonaya in ay gaaraan wadanka sacuudiga iyadoona dhibaato badan falalka tahriibta ay

kasoo gaartay dhalinyaro nolol doon ah.



udanayaasha Barlamanka Puntland oo fadhigoodi 30-aad u socdo ayaa maanta 24 June,2013 waxay ka doodeen tahriibta dhalinyarada oo waayadan danbe soo

badanaysay iyo qaabkii dowladu uga hortagi lahayd.


Dhibaatooyinkii ka dhacay dalka oo sababay in dalka dibadiisa nolol wanaagsan ay u doontaan dhalinyaradu ayaa mudanayaasha qaarkood ka soo shekeyeen ,halka kuwo kalena u sababeeyeen shaqo la'aan ka jirta dalka.


Inkastoo aan go'aan laga gaarin rasmi ah oo dib loo dhigay berito haddana waxa la soo jeediyay in la xiro xafiisyada wax tahriibiya iyo ganaaxida doonyaha dadka u daadgureeya dhanka Yemen.


Agaasimaha PDRC Prof.Shuuke oo ka hor hadalyay boqolaal dhalinyaro ah jaamacada PSU August,2012 ayaa sheegay in dalka ay ka jiraan shaqooyin badan balse loo baahanyahay inay abuuraan farsamadii iyo xirfadii ay u shaqaysan lahayen dhalintu.


''Intaad maqaaxi London ku taal ka shaqayn lahayd ,waxa lagu qaatay adoo dalkaaga jooga inaad ka shaqaysid mid ku taal,xirfdaha gacanta ayaa ah kuwo ugu munaacifaadka badan dhalinyarada balse Somalidu waa ay ka faantaa,qof kasta dowladda ama hayada ma heli karo hadaynu sidaa wax u doono'' ayuu yiri Shuuke.


Dhankiisa ayaa Dr.Cabdiraxman Maxamed Farole oo ka hadlay tahriibta dhalinta April,2013 waxa uu u sababeeyey dhalinyaro ka horeyso oo meel qurxoon sawiro ku soo gashay inay kuwa dalka jooga ku daydeen balse markii ay tagaan la kulmaan xaqiiqo ka duwan muuqaalkii ay sawiranayeen.


Puntland ayaa waxa ka socda wacyigelino kala duwan oo dhalinta looga jeedinayo tahriibta taasi oo loo maro khataro badan oo iskugu jira jirdil ,kufsi ,dil ,iyo qafaalasho bilaabmatay sanadahan danbe.






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Salax your being silly, you want everything thats bad in Somaliland to happen in Puntland. Listen buddy noone tahrib from puntland period. There is no need to. I was in Addis recently last year december you know when I was off SOL for 3 months? Guess what I saw puntlanders but they were a definite minority. The vast majority were somaliland and muqdishu there.


The two clubs were alcohol and girls were called durdur, and vision in bole. And only one clan was there and they're women and thats somaliland. Even habashi taxi drivers I used to hire would give me numbers of girls from somali and as soon as you hear them talk you know where they're from. Even some of the habashis know the tribes of somalis and say the only bad somali women they see here is from hargaysa. Wa iga dacad wallahi.


All the somalis knows this. I mean alot of things are shared habits of somalis. I saw heaps of people trying to do shahad on me for jaad from all tribes, But women and nightclubs only one clan. I even saw a few other clans drinking alcohol two guys from muqdishu and one was missing a leg.

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Hey kiddo don't get angry with me I didn't write it, Garoweonline did. ;) , Tahriib is at all time high in the Puntland desert and should be tackled rather than being kept under the carpet.

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Saalax, im not angry. I know what the 30th seating of Puntland parliament was about and I didn't remember hearing about puntlanders tahrib bound. The only time Puntlanders go overseas is for medical treatments. The ones I met in addis most were there for medical treatment.

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Puntland is no Switzerland, it is an impoverished desert state with little to no resources ever since that oil has turn out to be water. I don't blame majority of Puntland youth flocking to Saudi Arabia in the hope of a better future.

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A 2.5 state desert wasteland whose inhabitants can not go south or north: only through the Red Sea then why do you think their all trying to take kismayo because its do or die. Salax famous story in Hargaisa Saxib: a hargaisawi was going To Xamar and to get their he drove. When he got to garowe he was hungry and made a pit stop at a road side stop and ordered some breakfast. As he was getting ready to eat a guy native of garowe sat down next to him and drank his maraq. The man asked what are you doing the man responded the breakfast was yours but the maraq was on the house. Lool dacayad badana.

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GAROODI;966801 wrote:
A 2.5 state desert wasteland whose inhabitants can not go south or north: only through the Red Sea then why do you think their all trying to take kismayo because its do or die. Salax famous story in Hargaisa Saxib: a hargaisawi was going To Xamar and to get their he drove. When he got to garowe he was hungry and made a pit stop at a road side stop and ordered some breakfast. As he was getting ready to eat a guy native of garowe sat down next to him and drank his maraq. The man asked what are you doing the man responded the breakfast was yours but the maraq was on the house. Lool dacayad badana.




True Garoodi.

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Saalax;966877 wrote:
True Garoodi.

Why dont you just leave puntland alone adeer. DAYA Puntland DAYA


Everyone knows Puntland is the most successful. Our unemployment rate explains it all



This is FACT is from Somalia human development report in 2012. Its official. Don't try and drag Puntland into your hopelessness. Because the facts deny it. If your failing in your region then thats up to you but don't try to bring Puntland down with you to make yourself feel better especially when no facts support you. Way ka horumartay Puntland miyad uu qudhi waydeen. 47% unemployment is best in Somalia

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Oh by the way. South Central stats is lifted up by Kismayo not mogadishu or baidoa were ppl are fleeing till this day

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According to that same graphic you posted youth unemployment in the desert state of Puntland with small population is 62.0 %. Your own sources contradict you.

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The unemployment to population ratio in Puntland is shocking. It has one of the smallest populations in Somalia according to

UNDP yet the youth unemployment rate is 62.0%.


Population of Puntland according to the UNDP.



Bari - 367,638


Nugaal - 145,341



Northern Mudug - 1/2 of Galkayo - 68,833 , Jariibaan - 38,207 , Galdogob - 40,433.



Total population of Puntland - 625,052.5







Youth unemployment rate in Puntland - 62% percent , 62% as a percentage of 625,052 = 387,532,24




387,532,24 Puntland youths are unemployed.




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Dr_Osman;966883 wrote:
Why dont you just leave puntland alone adeer. DAYA Puntland DAYA


Everyone knows Puntland is the most successful. Our unemployment rate explains it all



So the overall unemployment rate in Somaliland is 70% and youth unemployment is 84%? I guess the 'desert state' is not doing too badly at all.

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