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A Dark Day for the Survival of Humanity

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warsamaale;964896 wrote:
this discussion is just a classic illustration of why multiculturalism and coexistence will utterly fail in the west. they have let in peoples whose values and morals ( despite their supposed western education ) can only be described as medieval. i look forward gleefully to this unfolding culture clash.

That my friend is ignorance at it's best. You talk of multiculturalism and coexistence yet promote, rather matter of fact, that another's cultural values and moral system is the norm the correct one?

You have successfully transited, well done. Tolerance and modern liberal values are facts and everything else anyone outside of that is medieval.


And who is this 'they'?- And just because I've had a western education, why must I think like them? do I not have my own identity, cultural and religion to define myself with?


The prime goal of marriage is procreation, an institution that is the cornerstone of human society. Everything else is in the grey-box.



NG- You live in the west? yes. You have lived there are considerable amount of time correct? You vote/democracy?- All in all 'we' westerners have redefined marriage.

Don't exclude yourself from the society you live in, socialize in, bring up children in. That 'other gaalo' value system is there in you home, your kids schools and social groups. You can't escape it no matter how a great parent you are EVERY one is a product of their society.

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Reeyo;965030 wrote:
That my friend is ignorance at it's best. You talk of multiculturalism and coexistence yet promote, rather matter of fact, that another's cultural values and moral system is the norm the correct one?

You have successfully transited, well done. Tolerance and modern liberal values are facts and everything else anyone outside of that is medieval.

I'm not for multiculturalism or coexistence by the way, am for the subjugation of inferior cultures by superior ones. i have no transited, but have always held the same positions. and yes anyone that doesn't ascribe to modern liberal values is medieval IMO but you could disagree.


Reeyo;965030 wrote:
And who is this 'they'?- And just because I've had a western education, why must I think like them? do I not have my own identity, cultural and religion to define myself with?

The usual suspects who leave their shitty countries to migrate to the developed world, then create enclaves, breed by the dozens,refuse to assimilate, and generally transplant their primitive ways to the civilized world and expect to bend these societies to their will. why did you leave your country if your going to recreate a mirror image of it here, just go back.


Reeyo;965030 wrote:
The prime goal of marriage is procreation, an institution that is the cornerstone of human society. Everything else is in the grey-box.

The primary goal of marriage is satisfy urges of the loin, procreation is just a byproduct, an afterthought, lets not kid ourselves.

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Apophis;965034 wrote:
Well put Reeyo. The liberals think they're nature's gift to humanity and only their way of thinking is the saviour of humanity. It's the height of ignorance. As a former liberal (now a hard core, Stalinist, conservative), the above was the way I used to think. To sum, we are living through a tyranny of the liberal ideology and it will pass, like a bad odour.

I hope you haven't cast me for a modern liberal. I'm completely against any federal or even state entity attempting to define marriage, the only information that should be required for taxation purposes, is proof of cohabitation for a whatever length of time is deemed appropriate. Whether a religious institution chooses to recognize a marriage between two homosexuals, as some have, should be left up to that institution. The same goes for interracial marriages, cases of incest between two adults etc. You are forced to tolerate, not approve of, what anyone does so long as it does not breach your individual rights.

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Tallaabo;964959 wrote:
I believe homosexuals have the right to be in a loving relationship. Why do you have any problem with that?

Tallaabo, nobody here is opposed to what these homosexuals do to themselves in the privacy of their homes. The issue at hand here is, should they be allowed to enjoy the same rights as a married heterosexual couple? Now, the supreme court struck down a federal law that defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman, giving the individual states to decide for themselves. As you know, depending on the majority of these respective states, some states have allowed it, other have said no, and still other have said yes to civil unions but no to marriage. Ultimately the citizens will decide, which is why this system works.


Thus, I believe you should confine your debate to these parameters.

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LOOL stalinism is about collectivism at its root which anathema to conservatism which values personal freedom and voluntary associations. don't just throw around words, your a joke.

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Tillamook;965048 wrote:
The issue at hand here is, should they be allowed to enjoy the same rights as a married heterosexual couple?

Homosexuals pay the same rate of tax, fight the same wars, vote for the same leaders, and contribute equally to the progress and wellbeing of the society, so why should the state refuse them the marital rights enjoyed by their straight counterparts?

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