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Ra’iisul Wasaaraha oo maanta tababar u soo xiray ciidanki oo dalka lagu tababaray (Sawir

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Ra’iisul Wasaaraha Xukuumadda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya mudane Cabdi Farax Shirdoon (Saacid) oo ay wehliyaan Wasiirka Gaashandhiga C/xakiin Xaaji Maxamuud Fiqi, Wasiirka Wasarada kheyraadka C/risaq Cumar Maxamed iyo Wasiirka Warfaafinta C/laahi Cilmooge Xirsi ayaa maanta xero ku taala deegaanka Jaziira taba-bar ugu soo xiray ciidamo gaaraya ilaa 880 Askari, ciidankaan ayaa goobta kusoo bandhigay gaado ka ciyaar kala duwan.


Taliyaha ciidanka qalabka sida Jen: Daahir Cilmi Aadan (Indha Qarsho) ayaa ka hadlay ahmiyada uu ciidankaan u leeyahay wax ka qabashada amaanka dalka.


“Ciidanka maanta taba-barka aan u soo xirnay waa ciidan markii aan xaraynaynay aad laysu weydiinayey halka aan ka helayno dhaqaalaha ku baxaya, waxaana sharaf u ah dowladda Soomaaliya iyadoo beesha caalamka aan wax taageero ah ka helin inay u soo dhamaystirto tababarkaan oo soconayey mudo lix bilood ah, waxaana kalsooni buuxda ku qabnaa in ciidankaan ay noqon doono kuwo ka xoreeya meelaha ay uga harsan yihiin kooxaha nabad diidka ah dalka” ayuu yiri Jeneraalku.


Wasiirka gaashaandhiga Cabdixakiin Xaaji Maxamuud Fiqi ayaa ku bogaadiyey sida mutawacnimada ah ee ay ciidankaan u dalbadeen inay dalkooda difaacaan, wuxuuna tilmamay in ciidankaan saldhiga u yahay asaaska ciidanka Qaranka Soomaaliyeed.


“Waa ciidankii ugu horeeyey ee dalka gudihiisa ay ku tababaraan saraakiil Soomaaliyeed, waxaana makhraati ma doonta ah hadii aan isku tashano inaan wax qabsan karno, ciidankaan waxay doorteen inay dalkooda iyo diintooda ka difaacaan cadowga, waana lagu abaal marin doona” ayuu yiri wasiirku


Ra’iisul wasaaraha ayaa dhankiisa sheegay in ciidankaan sida ugu dhaqsaha badan loogu dhamaystirayo agabyadii ay ku howl gali lahaa yeen,si ay u gutaan waajibaadkooda shaqo.


“ Ciidankaan waxaa tababarka loo furay markii xukuumadda la ansixiyey, waana wax lagu farxo in mudo 23 sano kadib markii ugu horaysay ay ciidanka qaranka ay tababaraan saraakiil Soomaaliyeed, taba-barkaan waa wajigii koobaad, waxaana sii socon doona tababrada la siinayo ciidamada kale, waxaa xukuumadda ka go’an in dhamaan ciidanka qalabka sida ay si joogta ah u helaan xuquuqdooda” ayuu yiri Ra’iisul Wasaare Saacid oo dhanka kale xusay in siyaasadda dowladda ay mudnaanta koobaad siinayso daryeelka ciidanka, waxayna golaha wasiirradu khamiistii la soo dhaafay magacabeen guddi ka shaqayn doona sidii wax looga qaban lahaa baahiyaha kala duwan ee haysta ciidanka qalabka sida


Ugu danbayntii Ra’iisal Wasaaraha ayaa ciidanka la qadeeyey, isagoona kala sheekaystay duruufaha ay ku tababarteen, waxaana arinkaas qayb ka yahay dadaalka uu Ra’iisul Wasaaruhu ugu jiro sidii kor loogu qaadi lahaa moraalka ciidanka. Sidoo kale Ra’iisul Wasaaraha ayaa u balan qaaday kooxda horseed oo duruufo dhanka nolosha ah ay ka muuqdeen in la siinayo lacag gaaraysa 30,000 doolar, isagoona ku tilmaamay in kooxdaani ay laf dhabar u tahay guubaabinta iyo geesinimo galinta ciidanka, kooxda horseed ayaa maanta soo bandhigtay heeso ay ku cabirayeen sida ciidanka qaranku ugu heelan yihiin inay difaacaan dalkooda.




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“Waa ciidankii ugu horeeyey ee dalka gudihiisa ay ku tababaraan saraakiil Soomaaliyeed, waxaana makhraati ma doonta ah hadii aan isku tashano inaan wax qabsan karno, ciidankaan waxay doorteen inay dalkooda iyo diintooda ka difaacaan cadowga, waana lagu abaal marin doona” ayuu yiri wasiirku











Good Job indeed , Now we need the Tools Tanks Helicopters and etc ......................................... soon SAF will be sufficient no more Amisom

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Nope u need training u need to set up training camps every where u need people who do the training what makes an army an army is training other wise u will just have a massive militia but not a military. If u get nice helicopters fighter jets Merkava tanks abram tanks T90 Tanks. And u have no training no competent military officers. They will lose these equipment to the enemy and that will be a major loss. So Culusow and co need to focus on training both the police and the army. And from there later on u can get the best equipment , equipment is the most easiest thing u just need to buy it and there u have it. But u need to build the central command and the sub divisions.


Good luck.

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Ciidankaan waxaa tababarka loo furay markii xukuumadda la ansixiyey, waana wax lagu farxo in mudo 23 sano kadib markii ugu horaysay ay ciidanka qaranka ay tababaraan saraakiil Soomaaliyeed, taba-barkaan waa wajigii koobaad, waxaana sii socon doona tababrada la siinayo ciidamada kale, waxaa xukuumadda ka go’an in dhamaan ciidanka qalabka sida ay si joogta ah u helaan xuquuqdooda”


Xaaji everthing is going well acoording to the trainning of SAF we need the Big Tools , Central command is functioning well , they are sending troops to variouse regions in Somalia latest was gobollada Dhexe.



Ciidamadan maanta loo diray gobollada Dhexe ee dalka ayaa ahaa ciidan loo dhameystiray qalabkooda waxaana qorsha ciidamadan ay yihiin kuwo bilaaw u ah sidii ay dowladda ula wareegi laheyd guud ahaan dalka.

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First picture the man with the orange shirt, and sun glasses loooooool. Walahi rageeni that's what I call I don't give to sh£ts.


Listen to the xaji he was one of the founders of the SOMALILAND army almost a decade ago. Anything is better then African mercaneries because that creates dependency and you can not progress. Sink or swim is better then Dependency.


Xaji have you seen the KRISS Assault rifle. It's a beauty only in America can you get this beauty no guns allowed in Europe. Sometime I wish I lived in the states. Kills with one shot, fires both single and full auto and pushes all movement downwards.



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Xaaji Xunjuf;964056 wrote:
Nope u need training u need to set up training camps every where u need people who do the training what makes an army an army is training other wise u will just have a massive militia but not a military. If u get nice helicopters fighter jets Merkava tanks abram tanks T90 Tanks. And u have no training no competent military officers. They will lose these equipment to the enemy and that will be a major loss. So Culusow and co need to focus on training both the police and the army. And from there later on u can get the best equipment , equipment is the most easiest thing u just need to buy it and there u have it. But u need to build the central command and the sub divisions.


Good luck.

I think Culusow and co know much more than you about what is happening in the Somali army now, and the process Forward .. Minister for defense and all the top generals in the army is getting advise frome the UN, IGAD, AU, U.S. and Turkey


I wonder who is advising Somaliland Minister of Defense... Israel ???

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GAROODI;964070 wrote:
First picture the man with the orange shirt, and sun glasses loooooool. Walahi rageeni that's what I call I don't give to sh£ts.


Listen to the xaji he was one of the founders of the SOMALILAND army almost a decade ago. Anything is better then African mercaneries because that creates dependency and you can not progress. Sink or swim is better then Dependency.


Xaji have you seen the KRISS Assault rifle. It's a beauty only in America can you get this beauty no guns allowed in Europe. Sometime I wish I lived in the states. Kills with one shot, fires both single and full auto and pushes all movement downwards.



Garooodi the "KRISS assault rifle is a fantastic rifle do you know they are going to make a new model in the year 2015 with a much larger length barrel with a much more modernized Super V, it will be one of the ultimate machine guns.

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malistar2012;964055 wrote:











Good Job indeed , Now we need the Tools Tanks Helicopters and etc ......................................... soon SAF will be sufficient no more Amisom

Love this pic mansha allah,,,, shacni iyo wanaag baa inantan ka muuqda

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Xaaji Xunjuf;964084 wrote:
Garooodi the "KRISS assault rifle is a fantastic rifle do you know they are going to make a new model in the year 2015 with a much larger length barrel with a much more modernized Super V, it will be one of the ultimate machine guns.

Loool questiom how would this particular rifle be used in a small arms unit?

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