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The Road to Happiness

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The Road to Happiness


Its Definition

It is a project attributed to Islamic call field and executed by space channels association . Space channels does not aim to nothing but to spread Islam and to make all world know the real Islam, illustrating that it is the religion of mercy and happiness for all mankind. Whoever holds it will be survived and will attain the happiness, whoever stays away from it will strayed far, far away (from the right), and will be perished. The project depends on logic and learning, directing the message to non-Muslims who do not speak Arabic. Any Muslim can make use of this project; his soul will calm down because he follows the right path. Therefore, space channel institution rests on its shoulder the responsibility of calling to Allah monotheism, pointing out to the message delivered to Mohammed (May blessings and peace of Allah be upon him). The institution tries to attain this objective through the usage of different languages and all developed informational and technical methods: space-transmitted videos, smart apparatus, special site ascribed to the project, pages on new informational sites and encyclopedia including all last books and videos.

The institution prays for Allah to accept its work and to guide it to the right path.


Components of the Road to Happiness project:

The project consists of three books: the road to happiness, happiness talks and the road to happiness novel.


Objectives of these books :

These books pave the way to the world to be acquainted with Islam which is considered as the road to happiness.


Contents of the Road to Happiness Project:

• The road to happiness

It is a project including ten chapters replying to many questions of which all people are thinking; for example,

Are women and men equal in Islam?


Does a man need a religion? What is the religion we need? What are its conditions?


All these questions aim to lead a person to the road to happiness (Islam), indicating that it is the right path. The project accounts for reason, using the sayings of philosophers and mentalists as a guide, and presenting leaders, Wise men and famous people experiences in civilizational and intellectual journey with happiness. This project is considered as speech delivered to non –Muslims who do not speak Arabic.


Happiness Dialogues:


They are just dialogues aim at guiding all people, Muslims, non-Muslims, Arabs and non- Arabs, to the road of happiness in the world and hereafter. These dialogues are written in different languages and are divided into 30 dialogues. They are relying on an intellectual and truthful argument following what Allah says in His Holy book” Call (This is addressed to the Prophet) to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair admonition, and dispute with them in the way (which is) fairest. Surely your Lord is The Best Knower of the ones who have erred away from His way, and He is The Best Knower of the right-guided.”


Happiness dialogues is considered as helpful for Muslims and non- Muslims. Muslim can get an easy and clear Islamic culture through which he can argue with Islam opponents intellectually and logically whatever their languages and their ideas. If we come close to non-Muslims, we will find that he can reach the right concept of Islam and he can know its principles and bases.


The dialogue takes place between three characters:

There are two central characters by whom the dialogues began: Rashid, he is Muslim journalist and writer living in Britain for a short time, and Michael, he is British citizen working as a teacher. They knew each other through talk interventions in social communication pages; they meet each other in a café to resume their debates face to face. Rajiv joined them during their visit to Paris; he is an Indian student studying the engineering in Germany.


The Road to Happiness Novel (Perplexing Question and Life’s Philosophy)


It is a novel consisting of 17 chapters, narrated the way by which we reach happiness. It is a journey whose protagonist is George who faces a lot of appetites, whims, aspirations, Suspicions, contradictions and objections. He roamed charming London, India; the country of wonders, Cairo; by its Nile and its pyramids, Jerusalem; by its religions and its scared rituals and Rome; the country of churches….


The novel is full of actions in which philosophy, religion, people’s life and their contradictions are mixed. Happiness is mixed with suffering; Suspicion is mixed with certainty, pleasure is mixed with miserable, devotion is mixed with treason in the novel.



The novel is deepening in the vision of life and its meaning and in the philosophy of existence and religion, through following and speed hints. At the end of the day, will the contradictions of life disappear? Will George find what he is looking for? Can the spirit find pleasure with the flesh? Can George find the road of happiness?

Languages of the project

French Portuguese Arabic Tajik

Spanish Germany Persian Chinese

English Russian Indonesian Swahili

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