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Xukuumada Soomaaliya oo Mar kale qalqal Gelisay maamulka soomaaliland “Warbixin”

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ukuumada Soomaaliya ayaa mar kale qalqal Gelisay madaxda ugu sareysa maamulka Soomaaliland ka dib markii Safiiradii Dhawaan la magacabaay uu ku jiro Gudoomiyaha Urur siyaasasdeedka Gurmad ee Soomaaliland.

Nuur Faarax Xirsi Gudoomiyihii Urur Siyaasadeedka Gurmad ayaa Xukuumada Soomaaliya waxaa ay u magcaawday safiirka Malezia u fadhin doona Dowlada Soomaaliya.

Tallaabadan ayaa dareen hor leh ku Abuurtay Madaxda ugu sareeysa maamulka Soomaaliland oo ka war walsan Siyaasada madaxdooda ee ku wajahan Soomaaliya.

Madaxda Soomaaliland oo hore uga walwalsanaa Guddooomiyahii Urur Siyaasadeedka NDB, Foosiya Yuusuf Xaaji Aadan oo Dowlada Soomaaliya ay u Magaan Wasirka Arimaha Dibada Soomaaliya tiiyo jirtay ayaa hadane Xukuumada Safiir u Magacoowday Gudoomiyihii Urur Siyaasadeedka Gurmad.

War-Saxaafadeed ka soo baxay Xafiiska Raysal-wasaaraha Soomaaliya Mudane Cabdi Faarax Shirdoon (Saacid). ayaa lagu sheegay in Guddoomiyaha Urur Siyaasadeedka Gurmad, Nuur Faarax Xirsi loo magacaabay Safiirka cusub ee Malaysia, u fadhi doona Soomaaliya.

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woow, you have another meaning for qalqal galin, and worst, by concluding "can we just all get along", you really know nothing about what you are talkinng about, next time, bal wax quman oon akhrisan karno la kaalay adeer.

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Lol employ all the losers Saxib make mugdisho xerro loser we don't give two sh!its here in SOMALILAND. Khal khal. Khal khal is having your president escorted to the toilet by general Burundi lol

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khal khal or qal qal. it is Arabic word which could be written either way. Still neither is right. there are few language rules in Somali language.


By the way, I am thinking Haji is immigrating to Kismanyo unlike Jacayl and married local JWeyn girl. But OODWEYNE is unwanted and will not fit.

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