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Puntland National TV Goes Live. AUDIO

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Afhayeenka Dawlada oo ka hadlay TV-ga Puntland oo caawa hawada si tijaabo ah ugu jira [Maqal]


Afhayeenka Dowlada Puntland ee Soomaaliyee Axmad Cumar Xirsi ''Libaaxjoore'' oo la hadlayay warbaahinta gudaha saacid ka dib markii uu hawada si tijaabo ah usoo galay Puntland-tva ayaa sheegay inay tahay guul ballaaran oo shacabka Soomaaliyeed usoo hoyatay.


Libaaxjoore waxa uu sheegay xarunta ugu wayn ee Tv-ga inuu yahay magalada Garowe,xarunta labaadna London,wuxuna sheegay hadafka laga lee yahay warbaahintaan cusub inay tahay sidii shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee ku kala firdhisan daafaha caalamka loo gaarsiin lahaa waxyaabaha horumarka leh ee ay gaareen shacabka Puntland iyo xaaladaha ka socda.


Wuxuna hambalyo u diray dhaman shacabka Puntland meel kasta oo ay ka joogaal aduunka,wuxuna sheegay inay u tahay furqad qaali ah.


Arimaha ay baahinayaan war baahintaan cusub ee ay yeelatay Dowlada Puntland ayaa waxaa ka mid ah horumarka ay Puntland gaartay,arimaha bulshada,siyaada iyo dhaqaalaha dalka,wuxuna hawada ku jiraa afar iyo labaatan saac oo xariir ah.


Puntland ayaa yeelatay 15-sano ka dib warbaahin u gaar ah,isla markasna ah caalami,taasoo qayb ka noqon doonta horumarka ay gaartay xukumada talada haysa.



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Garowe: Puntlandtv oo caawa hawada soo galay ka dib Muddo 15 sano ah oo uu jirey magaca Puntland,Warbixin.

June 18, 2013 6:25 pm GMT - Written by Editor - Edited by Editor


Garoowe: (pp)- Maamulka iyo Shaqaalaha Warbaahinta Puntland ayaa hambalyo iyo bogaadin bulshada reer Puntland ugu direy tixaabadii kowaad ee Tv-ga Puntland oo lagu guuleystey in hawada si toos ah caawa looga daawado markii ugu horeysay muddo 15 sano oo ay Puntland jirsatey.


Madaxa Shaqada iyo Shaqaalaha Warbaahinta Puntland Abshir Abdulaahi oo wareysi Shabakada la yeelatey ayaa sheegey isagoo ku hadlaya magaca Shaqaalaha iyo Xafiiska Agaasimaha Guud ee Warbaahinta Puntland inuu ku faraxsan yahay TV-ga oo dhawaan barnaamijyadiisa iyo Wararkiisu bilaaman doonaan in si toos ah caawa markii ugu horeysay 15 sano oo Puntland jirsatey Tv ay leedahay laga daawado meelo badan oo ka mid ah dunida daafaheeda.


“Dad badan oo ku faraxsan kusoo biiritaanka hawada ee TV-ga Puntland leedahay ayaa naga soo wacay meelo kala duwan iyaga oo noo sheegey inay daawanayaan islamarkaana muuqaalka Tv-ga lagu arki karo uu yahay mid aad u sareeya”Ayuu yiri Abshir Abdulahi Mohamed.


TV-ga Puntland oo dhalooyinka dad badani ka daawanayaan caawa ayaa waxaa magaca uu sito ee shaashada u saaran uu yahay magaca Puntlandtv iyadoona astaanka lagu yaqaan calanka Puntland ay calaamad u tahay Tv-ga waxaana la filayaa in dhameystirka howshiisa Tv-gu oo ah bilaabitaanka baahinta barnaamijyada iyo wararkii ka bixi lahaa dhawaan dadweynaha ay soo gaari doonaan sida uu noo xaqiijiyey Mudane Abshir.


Tijaabada TV-ga Puntland ee hawada ku jira waa:Thicom 3640 FR:28066 SIZE 3/4 Herizental, waxaana tijaabada Tv-ga laga soo baahinayaa London, iyadoona xarunta dhexe oo ah halka shaqaalaha iyo maamulku ka howl galayaan ay noqon doonto magaalada Garowe ee xarunta Dowlada Puntland.


Horey waxaa hawada ugu jirtey Idaacada Dowlada Puntland oo labadii todobaad ee lasoo dhaafey baahineysay barnaamijyo iyo warar , iyadoona idaacada hadda shaqeysa oo ah midda la yiraahdo short wave-ka si toos ah looga dhageystaa Mowjadaha SW1-ka iyo SW2, iyadoona laga maqlo sida uu maamulka Warbaahintu noo xaqiijiyey Frequencyaha kala ah 13.800 Magaheyrtis ama 24.5 Mitir band oo Maalintii laga dhageysto iyo 160.6 magahayrtis ama 49 Mitir band oo habeenkii ah.


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Puntland Radio is on the airwaves, here comes Puntland TV. I hope you guys all tune in and see Somalia from a Puntland Perspective.

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Saxib how can you afford tv when your Militia has not been paid for two years??? I think it's more hadal look forward to it. You do know what national means right?? It has to be heard and seen further then gorowe :)

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GAROODI;962861 wrote:
Saxib how can you afford tv when your Militia has not been paid for two years??? I think it's more hadal look forward to it. You do know what national means right?? It has to be heard and seen further then gorowe

Are you trolling or are you lacking some political M O..War it will be seen all the way around the world via satellite TV, I just posted the bandwaves. By the way It's second studio is in London. So it's national. As for Puntland military you think im going to even debate such an issue with you after seeing the sanad gurrada of the marines packing jet fighers, helicopters, command control center, sophisticated bases, airport strip helicopter decks and armed helicopters, cargo-planes like the an-26, f450s. Please son There is no doubt about the strength of Puntland.

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Dr_Osman;962864 wrote:
the marines packing jet fighers, helicopters, command control center, sophisticated bases, airport strip helicopter decks and armed helicopters, cargo-planes like the an-26, f450s. Please son There is no doubt about the strength of Puntland.

Diktoore, oogu dar the Space & Aeronautical Center(SAC) outsite Bosaso which last week sent a manned mission to dock with Puntland's Space Odysea Station(SOC) which is hovering 600K away from earth, by the way, the docking was successful, read the website of Puntlandd'd SAC website which breifs live coverage of the mission.



GAROODI, stop troling SOL, believe what you believe in and don't force anyone to believe in with what you believe.

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It's ironic how you describe your army yet you still can no expand beyond 2.5 regions and of that the worst and most inhospitable in the whole somali region you would think by how you describe it you would have at least controlled the 5-6 you claim to control. As for "puntland tv" I heard this before and nothing came of it soooo how much you wanna bet it's talk???? As for trolling excuse me but isn't the detoore the biggest troll on sol ? Lol

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Congrats to Puntland. What kind of Programs can we expect from Puntland TV?


Some suggestions:


-Educational Program on Fish.

-Fish Cooking program.

-Tv Serie following the lives of pirates.

-Weekly Intervieuw with Faroole(this will be a hit).

-Program on Somali Royalty (Boqors, Sultans, Garaads ceremonies, marriages, lineages).



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