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Jubaland the new khatumo here today gone tomorrow

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amaanka Kismaayo oo ay diiradda saarantahay



Published: June 18, 2013


Kn: Wararkii ugu dambeeyey ee Kismaayo ka imanaya waxa ay sheegayaan in xaaladda nololeed ee Col. Yaasiin Raadaar ay tahay mid la naf dhowrayo, islamarkaasina ku jiro isbitaalka AMISOM ee garoonka, kadibna magaaladda Nairobi sida ay sheegayaan warar aanan la xaqiijini.


Raadaar ayaa waxaa maanta dhaawacay maleeshiyo la sheegey in ay isbaaro dhigteen waddada gasha dekadda Kismaayo, halkaasi oo uu isku dayay in uu la hadlo maleeshiyadda oo si nabdoon meesha oga waddo.


Laakiin rasaas ayaa la dhaceen, xalaadiisana haatan waxa ay u dhaxaysaa nolol iyo geeri.


Dhacdadaasi kadib waxaa jirey rasaas dhowr jeer magaalada ka dhacday, iyada la arkayay ciidamo aagag kala galayay.


Sida uu sheegayo wariyaheena Kismaayo ku sugan, waxa ay u egtahay in magaaladda ay labo u qeybsantahay oo ay jiraan labbo aag oo lagu kala jiro.


Dhaawaca loo geystey mas’uulkani darajadiisu sarayso, isbiraada la dhigtey mid ka mid ah dariiqyadda ugu muhiimsan magaaladda, iyo waliba qarixii lagu dhaawacay askarta AMISOM ee maanta dhacay, ayaa waxa ay dhamaantood wax ka sheegayaan amaanka magaalada Kismaayo oo sidoo kale uu dhawaan ka dhacay dagaal labbo maalmood.


Waxay u egtahay in markii waji laga gudbaba waji kale uu furmayo,balse saraakiil ka tirsan maamulka cusub ee Jubbaland ayaa sheegay in markani xeeladaysigii uu dhamaaday.

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This is the Jubbaland they wanted , a chaos state , checkpoints , Alshbaaba, Dawladiid ........... what is the outcome



Sida uu sheegayo wariyaheena Kismaayo ku sugan, waxa ay u egtahay in magaaladda ay labo u qeybsantahay oo ay jiraan labbo aag oo lagu kala jiro.



Kismayo Today is divided into Factions various clan militias are running corners of the city .........



Malayshiyaadkii dhawaca u geystey Yaasiin Raadaar ayaa weerarkoodu ahaa mid qorsheysan oo lagasoo abaabuley meelo Magaalada ka baxsan, Yaasiin Radaar ayaa maanta isku dayay inuu ciidan dhowra oo jidgooyo sameyey ayna isaga isku hayb yihiin uu lasoo hadlo, markuu u tagay wax yar ka dib waxaa dhinaca gadaale uga yimid laba nin óo isla maleeshiyaadka ahaa oo meel ku gabanayay waxayna rasaas ooda uga qaadeen Yaasiin Radaar iyo ilaaladiisii ka dibna way kala yaaceen, waxaana halkaas ku dhawacmey Yaasiin radaar oo laba xabo Madaxa uga dhaceen.

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They don't know what they want all they know is they don't want mugdisho and they are prepared to take over another mans land to gain leverage over mugdisho using the excuse of federalism. The reality is clan federalism will never work in Somalia. If there was a referendum tomorrow in Somalia the majority would vote against federalism. Plus what is federalism decentralised or centralised ??? Xaran always leads to failure and this jubaland is in my view xaran

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Garoodi is a troll, losing for hundreds of years? lol. Darwish were mostly Landers and HAG? lol.


Your hatred for D-Block can only mean one thing, you must have been rejected by a girl, nothing else could create this kind of hatred.


The funny thing is he probably plays football with people that are from the D-Block. Again Jubbaland has nothing to do with Hargeisa, if anything an independent Jubbaland would only give more power to Somaliland.


It's either Puntland/SOmalia/Jubbaland or one UNIFIED Somalia (which won't happen) - Who do you think they'll come after then?


Plus historically, some Landers might have been Dervishes but the bulk of their people were:



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Malistar, the only reason Xamar isn't facing these same problems is because the people there aren't allowed to come out except with African permission, they tell you where you can eat/sleep and rest. No major decision is made by Somalis. They control/protect the airport/port/presidential palace/hotels what else?

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Keep eating up the fairy tales of Kacaan years but history is history since fabricating history and losin at everything attempted is your daily bread let it be. In another thread we shall examine everything and put everything on the table and we shall dissect the kacaan fallacy of the dervishes and who led this movement and how the kacaan government changed history to make kids people like xin feel better about themselves. Another day watch this spot. Plus never dated or entertained the idea of dating d block Saxib pure blooded Alxamdulilah want the same for my offspring and have some winning genes

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Yes the British/Italians/Arabs/Ethiopians are all part of this conspiracy to falsify Somali history. lol.


Anyways, you're entertaining, do continue:



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Who said anything about British/ Ethiopian or Italian. The kacaan government fabricated history and like I said in another. Thread everything will be shown and discussed but we know the two kacaan historians idaja and aw Jamac have been proven to be fabricators o history. This thread is about the joke of the moment a city with 5 presidents controlled by Kenya that you are trying to hold hostage for the same failed desire for hegemony. You can't dominate in war, peace or finance never learn.

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Historic documents usually weren't written by Somalis but by the British in Mad Mullah's time and Arabs in Ahmed Gurey's time.


Kismaayo is at least only controlled by one foreign army unlike Xamar with it's Uganda/Burundi/Sierra Leone.

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Arabs and Brits wrote history of course but idaja and aw Jamac wrote A Disney take of ismael mire. The Kacanist historians did not state the facts of British and arab historians but fairy tales to help you guys sleep better. Like I said we will debate this on another thread

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I think quite frankly, Kismayo shouldn't be ruled over by the H-bloc members, not because they don't deserve but because they can't. They didn't know what to do with one city for 2 decades, even after chasing everyone else out. How could they possibly know what to do with such a vast land as Jubbaland?

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