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Plane authorized from Mogadishu forced to go back and out of Somaliland air space

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Somaliland:Ministry of Aviation Has for the First Time Bars A Plane from Landing


By Goth Mohamed Goth


The Government of Somaliland has for the first time ever barred an airplane from landing in one of its main airports this was revealed by the chief of protocol in the Somaliland ministry of Aviation and Air Transport Mr. Abdullah Ahmed Carshe.


“Somaliland authorities were notified by air traffic controller about the plane moments after it had entered Somaliland Airspace without permission when we asked the pilot of the plane who granted him permission to enter our airspace, the pilot said by authorities in Mogadishu that when we asked him to leave our airspace immediately, “stated the Chief of Protocol.


Chief of Protocol went on to say “it’s the responsibility of the government to protect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Somaliland, its national interests and its people in accordance with the Constitution and we are capable of controlling our borders bar any plane which does not have our permission from entering our airspace,.


“Somaliland has the rights to control its airspace, land and a sea border just like any other sovereign nation and is responsible for the national airspace arrangements and each state determines the airspace configuration suitable to meet its own aviation policy and regulation and shall go to any lengths to exercise that right, “said Mr. Abdullah.


Somaliland ministry of Aviation and Air Transport is solely responsible for the management of the government’s entire aviation policies and is directly accountable for controlling air transportation, airports development, maintenance, condition of aviation infrastructure services.


Prior to collapse of the central government and with the outbreak of the civil war in 1991, the Somaliland Civil Aviation Authority oversaw Somaliland’s airspace. The UN’s Civil Aviation Caretaker Authority for Somalia (CACAS) since then collected over-flight revenues on behalf of the country, reinvesting the proceeds into air traffic control and airport maintenance until recently when the UNDP illegally handed over Somaliland airspace to the newly formed federal government of Somalia

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Xukuumadda Somaliland Oo Diyaaradii U Horaysay Ee Ogolaansho Ka Haysata Somaliya Ka Diiday In Ay Soo Fadhiisato Madaarka Hargeysa.


Hargeysa(Ramaas) June18, 2013-Xukuumadda Somaliland ayaa Hawadeeda ka Eriday Diyaaradii u horeysay ee ogolaansho ka soo qaadatay Soomaaliya, sidaasna waxa shaaca ka qaaday war-murtiyeed ka soo baxay wasaaradda Duulista hawadda Somaliland.

war-saxaafadeed uu maanta soo saaray Chief of Protocol-ka wasaaradda Duulista Hawadda iyo Gaadiidka Cirka Somaliland Cabdilaahi Axmed Caarshe, waxaanu u dhignaa sidan:-“Xukuumadda Somaliland waxay hawadeeda ka eridey diyaaradii ugu horeysay ee ogolaanshiiyo ka soo qaadada magaalada Muqdisho ee dalka Somalia ee aynu jaarka nahay, diyaaradan nooceedu ahaa SS34 ayaa isku dayday in subixii hore ee saaka ay ka soo degto garoonka caalamiga ah ee Igal International Airport, balse markii uu Tower-ka Somaliland ogaaday in ay hawada Somaliland ay soo gashay diyaarad Permission ka haysato Muqdisho, ayay masuuliyiinta Wasaarada Duulista Hawadu ku amreen in ay ka baxdo hawada Somaliland, (Somaliland Air space).Hadaba waxaanu halkan ku cadaynaynaa in dowladda Somaliland ay awood buuxda u leedahay in ay control adag ku samaysay hawadeeda, Diyaarad Permission ama ogolaansho ka soo qaatay magaalada Muqdishona aanay soo geli Karin hawada Somaliland soona fadhiisan Karin garoomada jamhuuriyada Somaliland.Somaliland waxay leedahay xuduudo hawo iyo kuwo dhuleed oo u gaar ah kuna qotonta qaranimada iyo madax bannaanida Somaliland, sidaa darteedna aanay Somaliland cidnaba ka aqbalayn in ay hawadeeda ku soo xadgudbaan diyaarado aan fasax ka haysan dowladda Somaliland, gaar ahaana Wasaarada Duulista Hawada oo xukuumadda uga wakiil ah arrimaha duulimaadyada iyo ilaalinta hawada Somaliland.Waxaanu u sheegaynaa kuwa ku riyoonaya ee Aaminsan in permission ama ogolaansho laga bixiyey magaalada muqdisho lagaga degayo Somaliland, ay tahay riyo been ah ayna ku cimro qaataan tan maanta Somaliland hawadeeda kaga eridey diyaarada muqdisho ka soo qaadatay ogolaanshiiyaha beenta ah.”





Hargeysa Desk

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^^Xaaji Xunjuf


Hassan Sheekh is busy with Kismayo , once that settled he should have no problem landing as many airplanes as he wants in Hargeysa

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Xiinfaniin xassan iyo anaga waxa naga dhexeya is fahan la'aan, wada hadaladi dhowr weeg ka bacdi balugu xalinaya.

Tayadu colaad maha soo jiitantay la soco:D

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Air space isbaaro , SNM gang invented new form of Isbaaro........................You see how the IC is dealing with Pirates in the Ocean dont be new Head line .

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This was the only normal comment from a Koonfurian Girl, the rest was Pure Hatred one calls it A Christian nation:D


somakiland waa walaalaheen sharaf leh, taariq dheer iyo ilbaxnimo leh. dowlada somalia na waa in mudnsanta eey leeyihiin siisaa ma'ahan dhul eysan ka talin ineey fasaxyo been ah ku bixiyaan. hadaan nahsy somali waxaa dib noo dhigay isxaqiraad midkeen ba mid ka kale. somali ineey midoobi doonto waan ku rajo weynahay mustaqbal ka laakin taa hada kama gaarin ee dowladu waa in eey ja fiirsataa wax yaabaha xasrad abuuri jara.

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So, The plane didn't have permission to land and just showed up suddenly, and like any normal airport that didn't find the plane in their schedule they barred it from landing. I don't see the big news here.

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