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Axmed Madoobe ayaa markii uu Kismaayo ku soo laabtey sheegay in maamulkiisu ka qaybgalayo shirka Muq

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Madaxweynaha maamul goboleedka Jubba Land Axmed Maxamed Islan ayaa maanta dib ugu laabtey magaalada Kismaayo ee xarunta Jubbaland. Garoonka diyaaradaha ee Kismaayo waxaa madaxweynaha ku soo dhaweeyey, madaxweyne kxuigeenka jubaland Gen.Cabdulaahi Shiikh Ismaaciil Fartaag, Saraakiisha Jubbaland iyo madax kale oo badan oo ka tirsan maamulka Jubaland, sidoo kale waxaa halkaas ku soo dhaweeyey Dhalinyaro xiran dharka hiddaha iyo dhaqanka kuwaas oo ciyaaraha Soomaalida ka tumaayey barxadda Garoonka, Madaxweynuhu waxa uu salaamey una hanbalyeeyey dadkii soo dhaweeyey.


Madaxweynaha iyo wefdi la socdey ayaa maalmihii u danbeeyey ku sugnaa magaalada Nairobi ee dalka Kenya halkaas oo ay kulama kula soo qaateen siyaasiyiin Soomaalida iyo kuwo ka socda dalka Kenya.


“Waxaan idiinka Mahadcelinayaa soo dhaweynta wanaagsan, ilaah ayaana mahad iska leh, waxaan ka tacsiyeynayaa, dhibaatadii magaalada ka dhacdey, taas oo ahayd mid la soo waardiey ee maaheyn mid dadku keensadeen,” ayuu yiri Axmed Madoobe.


Madaxweynaha Jubaland Axmed Madoobe ayaa sheegay in safarkiisi guul ku soo dhamaadey, fariin ayaan gudbinayney si wanaagsan ayaana loo qaatey fariintii aan wadney, waxaana la soo dhaweeyey rabitaansnka shacabka Juba Land.



Dowladda waan is aragney, kulankii na dhexmaray Anaga iyo madaxwene Xassan Shiikh waan u sheegney in uu yahay Madaxweynayahii, shakigiga uu iska saaro xumaana aysan jirin, waxaan u sheegney in shirkii IGAD ku baaqdey ay diyaar u yihiin oo ka qaybgalayaan.




Madaxweynaha Jubalabnd ayaa sheegay in Jubaland meel soo gaartey dibna aysan u noqoneyn in ay horey u socota mooyee, waxaana ay tusaale u noqon doontaa Soomaaliya inteeda kale.


Madaxweynaha Jubaland ayaa mudadii uu Nairbi joogey kulan la qaatey ergayga cusub ee Qaramada Midoobey Soomaaliya u soo dirtey Nick Kay, waxaa kale oo uu shir la qaatey madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Faroole ka hor inta aanu ka dhoofin Nairobi, Axmed Madoobe ayaa sheegay in kulankii isaga iyo Madaxweynaha Puntland uu ahaa mid ay ka wada hadleen Dasuurka federaalka iyo amniga guud ee dalka.


Axmed Madoobe ayaa markii uu Kismaayo ku soo laabtey sheegay in maamulkiisu ka qaybgalayo shirka Muqdisho ee urur Goboleedka IGAD ku baaqey isla markaana fududeynayaan.


Madaxweynaha Jubbaland Axmed Maxamed Islan ayaa tacsi u direy dadkii ehelkoodu ku dhintey dagaalkii labada maalmood qaatey ee ciidamada Jubbaland iyo malayshiyaad ka soo horjeeda ku dhexmaray Kismaayo, waxaana uu dagaalkaas ku tilmaamey mid aan loo baahneyn in uu dhaco.


Horseed Media

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Dowladda waan is aragney, kulankii na dhexmaray Anaga iyo madaxwene Xassan Shiikh waan u sheegney in uu yahay Madaxweynayahii, shakigiga uu iska saaro xumaana aysan jirin, waxaan u sheegney in shirkii IGAD ku baaqdey ay diyaar u yihiin oo ka qaybgalayaan.



Good job positive step . its good day for Somalia

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n: Madaxweynaha dhawaan loo doortey maamulka Jubbaland Sheekh Axmed Maxamed Islaam ayaa sheegey in maamulkiisa ka qeybgalayo shirka dib u heshiisiinta ee ka dhacaya Xamar.


Shirkani oo ay qabanayso dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa la doonayaa in lagu dhameeyo khilaafkii ka dhashay dhismaha maamulka Jubbaland ee loo doortey Sheekh Axmed Madoobe.


Waxaa muuqata isu soo dhawaansho kadib markii Sheekh Axmed iyo Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xassan Sheekh Maxamuud ay Nairobi ku kulmeen.


Sidoo kale urur goboleedka IGAD ayaa dadaal badan ku bixiyey qabsoomista shirkaasi iyo in laga wada qeybgalo.


Axmed Madoobe ayaa sidoo kale la kulmey ergeyga cusub ee Qaramada Midoobey Nick Kays, kana wada hadleen sidii lagu dhamayn lahaa ismari waaga taagan, waxna meel isla dhigeen.

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Excellent move from Ahmed Madoobe. As I noted in another thread , this Conference will be a mere face saving exit for Hassan. Those who opposed Jubbaland will be disappointed.

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Excellent move from Ahmed Madoobe. As I noted in another thread , this Conference will be a mere face saving exit for Hassan. Those who opposed Jubbaland will be disappointed.


xiin why do you sound negative and disappointment

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xiinfaniin;961430 wrote:
Excellent move from Ahmed Madoobe. As I noted in another thread , this Conference will be a mere face saving exit for Hassan. Those who opposed Jubbaland will be disappointed.

The Conference aint about Hassan, Ahmed iyo Faarax. You take it to personal. Its about the Central Goverment taking her responsibility to facilitate the construction of Regional admins, as the constitution dictates and has been underlined by IGAD in her recent Mission Report.


In other words, no clan states in Somalia. Only real admins facilitated by the Central goverment. :D

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Carafaat, you make valid points but at the end you spoil it with a laughter, this makes many people think that you don't care for anything, and this is when I say Virus baad tahey laakiin ku dhihi maayo maanta waayo my president, that is president Hiiraale of Jubbaland Raaso State is now forming his cabinet ministers and I am happy wih that, and you should be happy too since we both support him.

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Nuune, I will cut down on the smillies if it bothers you.


Regarding President Hiiraale. I didnt You support him, I thought Baasto was to your liking. For I really dont care who is/will become President of Jubbaland. As long as the process is inclusive and transparent. And in order to prevent diffrent competing clan maamuls and diffrent Presidents in same region, it is a must that this process is facilitated by an arbiter( the central goverment in this case).

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^^ Waligeyba wax Baasto la baxey maan taageerin, but I don't mind supporting qof la baxxo Boobe, Xaamsade and Raamsade kuwan waan la qaraaban karaa, laakin Baasto maxaan ka faa'iidi.


The smillies brothers everyone in this forum and you throw it where it is not necessasry, waxaad oran tusaale ahaan: "dowlada ha looga dambeeyo maamul u sameynta gobolada ;)" bal Ilaah baan kugu dhaarshee qofka akhrisanayo intaa muxuu kaa dareemayaa, marka dib iskugu laabo meelaha humourka and jokeska waa ok and we still have xididka qosolka and shactirada.


President Hiiraale will finish his cabinet later tonight, tune to VOA on hirarka gaagaaban.

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Carafaat the SOL kid,


The conference in Mogadishu is nothing more than a face saving exit for the federal government to step back and let Jubbaland be. Ahmed Madoobe will participate in it as a the dully elected president of Jubbaland , Faroole will be there as well :D . So if there is any disappointment with respect to this, it is NOT mine :D . I am content with with Jubbaland status under the circumstances.


The political conflict between Jubbaland and Mogadishu was never about opposing Hassan's government. It was about defending the federal political framework ...and on that account , the president has been humbled.

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xiinfaniin;961568 wrote:
Carafaat the SOL kid,


The conference in Mogadishu is nothing more than a face saving exit for the federal government to step back and let Jubbaland be. Ahmed Madoobe will participate in it as a the dully elected president of Jubbaland , Faroole will be there as well
. So if there is any disappointment with respect to this, it is NOT mine
. I am content with with Jubbaland status under the circumstances.


The political conflict between Jubbaland and Mogadishu was never about opposing Hassan's government. It was about defending the federal political framework ...and on that account , the president has been humbled.

Lool hot air as usual....your ilks theivery is not working xiin, and the very same mogadishu confrence you were swearing like an inebriated sailor would never happen, is going to happen and the legitimate and free residents of the three provinces of jubba will take part, and as for madoobe being there as a "legitimate" president so will hiiraale, basto, and which ever other warlord will care to join :), spin as you wish as that is the only thing you or the shop keepers you represent can do in their effiminate rage, lakiin the machine called SFG is grinding on....oh and please add the usual buraanbuur in your reply :)

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give it up sxb , stop the negative propaganda , Sh Modaba is no longer taking advice from the pirate state .... everything will be solved in the nation Capital Xamar ......Farole is irrelevant

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To correct brothers Malistar2012 & Daqane aka Liqaye's interpretation of Mogadishu conference, Jubbaland Administration issued clarification of the conditions under which they admin will participate in Mogadishu conference


Kismaayo[RBC Radio]Maamulka Jubba-land ee dhawan lugu dhisey magaaladda Kismaayo ee xarunta gobolka Jubbada Hoose ee uu hogaamiyo madaxweyne Axmed Maxamed Islaam “Axmed Madoobe”ayaa marki ugu horeysey ka hadley shir ay dowladda faderaalka Soomaaliya ku baaqdey in lugu qaban doono magaaladda Muqdisho logana hadli doono arrimaha ka dhex taagan gobolka Jubbooyinka iyo Gedo ee salka ku haya dhismaha maamul.


Afhayeenka maamulka Kismaayo Cabdinaasir Seeraar ayaa sheegey in maamulkoda aysan tagi dooni shirka Muqdisho dowladdu sheegtey inay ku qaban doonto.


Seeraar ayaa sidoo kale sheegey inay shirkaasi ka qeyb gali doonan oo kaliya haddi ay dowladdu aqoonsato maamulka Jubbaland iyo madaxweyne Axmed Madoobe.


“Anagu shirkaasi kama qeyb gali doono,waxan kaliya shirkasi an uga qeyb gali doona markii dowladda sheegto inay aqoonsan tahay maamulka ay dhisteen shacabka gobollada Jubbooyinka iyo Gedo ee Jubbaland” ayuu yiri afhayeenka Jubbaland Cabdinaasir Seeraar.


Sidoo kale waxaa uu sheegay Seeraar in maamulka ka dhisan Kismaayo uu yahay mid si sax ah lugu dhisey aysan jiri karina ciid arqaladeen doona,maadama sidaa uu sheegey shacabka gobaladaasi iyagu ay dorten.


Axmed Madoobe shir jaraaid oo uu ku qabtay magaalada Nairobi ku sheegay in uu maamulkiisa tagi doono shirka Muqdisho lagu qaban doono isaga oo sharuud uga dhigay in shirkaas maamulkiisa iyo dowlada fedraalka oo kaliya uu quseyn doono uusan ogalaan doonin wax aan taas aheyn.


“Waxa wada hadlaya waa Dowlada Fedraalka iyo Maamul Goboleedka Jubbaland laakiin kaalay isku kalaya oo dad suuqa laga soo ururinayo isku kaalaya jirimeyso waxyaabaha Madaxweynaha aanu kawada hadalnay ayey kamid aheyd IGAD beyna u taalaa ” ayuu ku yiri Madaxweyne Axmed shirkaas jaraaid


Halkaan ka akhriso


Hadalkaan ayaa imanayaa kadib markii dhawaan madxaweynaha Soomaaliya Xassan Sheekh Maxamuud uu sheegey in dhawaan Muqdisho lugu qaban doono shir la doonayo in lugu xalliyo khilaafka Kismaayo,balse hadalkaan ayaa waxaa liid kunoqonaya midka kasoo baxey maamulka Kismaayo.


Arrimahaan ayaa ku soo adeya iyadoo wali dowladda faderaalka Soomaaliya aysan aqoonsan maamulka Jubbaland ee Axmed Madoobe sheegtana dowladdu inuu yahay mid an sidii saxda ahaa lugu dhisin.


Waxa Jubbaland ay qoonsatay ilaa hada banaanka uma soo bixin.

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