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Jubbaland President Meets with Nickolas Kay of UN

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Axmed Madoobe iyo Nickolas kay oo Nairobi ku kulmay

June 11, 2013

Wakiilka Qarmada Midoobay u qaabilsan Somalia Nickolas Kay ayaa maalintii shalay ahayd la kulmay madaxweynaha dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland Axmed Madoobe.Si rasmi ah looma oga waxyabihii kulanka lagu soo qaaday iyo natiijadii kulanka balse waxaa la hubaa in kulanku uu ku saabsanaa xal uhelida khilaafka u dhaxeeya dowlada dhexe iyo dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland.

Ergayga khaaska ah ee Qaramada Midoobay oo xalinta arinta Jubbaland darteed Nairobi ujooga ayaa wareysi uu siiyay Aljazeera ku sheegay in waxa la isku hayo uu yahay fasiraada qodobka Federaalka ee Dastuurka DFS isagoo dhanka kale soo jeediyay in maamulka Kismaayo loo daayo in arimahooda si nabad ah kusii wataan inta laga xalinayo arimaha federaalka ee Somalia.


Hadalka maanta kasoo yeedhay ergayga gaarka ee Qaramada Midoobay ee Somalia Nickolas Kay ayaa meesha ka saaraya in arinta Kismaayo ama Jubbaland ay tahay arin ku salaysan khilaaf beeleed oo ah sida ay u muujiyaan madaxda DFS balse taas bil cagsigeed ay tahay arin la xidhiidha fahanka qodobka federaalka ee Dastuurka DFS.

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Nikolaas Keey soo kii maalin dhaweed President Hassan la kulmey ma ahan, wiiiiiiiw if he said that

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^^Of course the whole region and the IC are unhappy about Mogadishu's laser like focus on a city that is safe and secure , and under 'reasonable' administration .


Listen to Hassan's speech yesterday, and you could feel that man has collapsed under his weight

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Irrespective of which interpretation is correct, the constitutional dictates on the formation of regional states was predicated on the attainment of a national leadership, accepted and trusted by all clans, which will implement it. It is now clear that one clan in Somalia has no trust on President Hassan. That clan therefore is suspicious of the national government, mainly because the national government is dominated by one man. Any person, or think-tank who looks for answers to the current stalemate from the pages of the constitution is either a certifiable or simply does not want to accept the ugly reality on the ground. The problem we face needs a radical solution. The Constitution is just a plain paper. It is the consent that its followers place on it, that makes it a useful paper which helps society to govern itself. In the absence of that consent, the paper remains a paper. This is true for the constitutions of the USA, Jamaica, Brunei, Barbados and Lesotho, countries where the government is capable of enforcing the constitution. In Somalia, where the Government has no power whatsoever to enforce the constitution, the constitution becomes not only a paper, but a trash paper. That is why President Hassan and the leadership must re-engineer the whole politics and find a solution that addresses the trust factor, rather than mindlessly talk about what the constitution says and what it does not say.


Hadii sidaa la yeeli waayo, dee markaa dawladu constitution keeda ha iska wadato, anaguna heestii Kacanka ayaan la qaadaynaa:


Kacaanku gaabin maayo

Gadal u laaban maayo

Geesna u leexan maayo

Geed kaana gaadhi maayo....

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The provincial constitution is important in moving the country forward--particularly constitution's intent and spirit is crucial. Federal States based on two or more regions of the last legitimate government (Mohamed Siyaad AUN) mus the basis for the rebirth of a unified, federal, and democratic Somalia. That is a crucial understanding is why many capable political entities did not participate in Mogadishu's election. They made sure they had a safeguard in the constitution that supports that understanding.


For the next four years, President Hassan will either show a keen respect on that understanding or he will face and be consumed a political stalemate which no Nickolas Kay will help him to resolve

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Abtigiis;960937 wrote:
Irrespective of which interpretation is correct, the constitutional dictates on the formation of regional states was predicated on the attainment of a national leadership, accepted and trusted by all clans, which will implement it. It is now clear that one clan in Somalia has no trust on President Hassan. That clan therefore is suspicious of the national government, mainly because the national government is dominated by one man. Any person, or think-tank who loos for answers to the current stalemate from the pages of the constitution is either a certifiable or simply does not want to accept the ugly reality on the ground. The problem we face needs a radical solution. The Constitution is just a plain paper. It is the consent that its followers place on it, that makes it a useful paper which helps society to govern itself. In the absence of that consent, the paper remains a paper. This is true for the constitutions of the USA, Jamaica, Brunei, Barbados and Lesotho, countries where the government is capable of enforcing the constitution. In Somalia, where the Government has no power whatsoever to enforce the constitution, the constitution becomes not only a paper, but a trash paper. That is why President Hassan and the leadership must re-engineer the whole politics and find a solution that addresses the trust factor, rather than mindlessly talk about what the constitution says and what it does not say.


Hadii sidaa la yeeli waayo, dee markaa dawladu constitution keeda ha iska wadato, anaguna heestii Kacanka ayaan la qaadaynaa:


Kacaanku gaabin maayo

Gadal u laaban maayo

Geesna u leexan maayo

Geed kaana gaadhi maayo....

Offside baad ku jirta warya. :D


If it is as you say, then that "one clan" is in the wrong and does not understand what politics is. The whole point of politics is about ensuring that your interpretation of events prevails over the interpretation of others. In the case of Somalia, all sides agreed on the roadmap and the deals of Garowe I & II. The rules were put in place even when ALL sides fully knew that sooner or later someone was going to throw a spanner in the works (that someone being the smiling Hassan, today).


Still, to sulk and choose to take your ball home just because Hassan's stubbornness seems to have halted the Jubbaland process is shameless conduct and is against the rules you signed up to (i.e. OFFSIDE).


Of course, Jubbaland & PL can choose to "take their ball home" but that would still leave us with the twenty-two year old question of, what should be done with Somalia? Another roadmap? Another TNG/TFG? What?


War play the game and stop this nihilist nonesense.

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NGONGE;960949 wrote:
Offside baad ku jirta warya.


If it is as you say, then that "one clan" is in the wrong and does not understand what politics is. The whole point of politics is about ensuring that your interpretation of events prevails over the interpretation of others. In the case of Somalia, all sides agreed on the roadmap and the deals of Garowe I & II. The rules were put in place even when ALL sides fully knew that sooner or later someone was going to throw a spanner in the works (that someone being the smiling Hassan, today).


Still, to sulk and choose to take your ball home just because Hassan's stubbornness seems to have halted the Jubbaland process is shameless conduct and is against the rules you signed up to (i.e. OFFSIDE).


Of course, Jubbaland & PL can choose to "take their ball home" but that would still leave us with the twenty-two year old question of, what should be done with Somalia? Another roadmap? Another TNG/TFG? What?


War play the game and stop this nihilist nonesense.

NGONGE waa laacib ---the slip of our professor is quite obvious . Xaluuse gabar reer dhanaan ah teleefoon kula hadlo , maanta wabxa laga qori maayo

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I am not saying Somalia ha kala tagto. I am saying for at least four years, there will be no progress. Of course, the answer to the 22 year question is not another TFG, FG, PFG, KGG, but COMPETENT and VISIONARY POLITICAL LEADERSHIP. Hassan is not competent. Period. Maybe it is fair to give him time, but as the Amharas say "ye miya tagib injera ka midaadhu yastawiqal" (you can know which injecra will make you contented by looking at it while it is still on the cooking pan".


Xinn, you say the constitution says this, Hassan is saying it does not say so. Interpretation. I am talking to Hassan and telling him this issue is not about interpretation, for I believe as long as Hassan is saying 'we nominate a governor and then regions will form their own states", and you are saying "no, we form ourselves and come for validation", there is enough loophole in the constitution to make both of you feel right. The point is even Hassan nominating Governors would not have been a problem if the people (clans who suspect Hassan) feel the governor nominated will not be favouring a particular outcome. So, it is a matter of trust. Hassan baan leeyahay kalsoonida ka shaqee, laakiin waa runtaa waxaa laga yaaba in arintaasi hadda tahay SANBUUSE LAGA EEDAAMAY.

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^^Abtigiis, hala kala tago maadan oran, ee waxaad tiri Hassan reingineering ha sameeyo oo dastuurkii dib ha ugu noqdo


a big NO NO awoowe


EDIT: you are right the next four years if he does not follow the intent of the provincial constitution will be a zero progress particularly for Benaadir politics . Jubbaland, Puntland, & Somaliland can and should still move forward with bottom up governance provided the neighborhood and geopolitics remain conducive

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ma odhan, Xinnow. I did not say Hassan constitution wax ka badalo. He has no right to do that. I mean wax ka badalo qaabka uu rabo inuu wax u maamulo oo sheekadan raqiiska ka ee Governor ayaan magacaabaya ha iska daayo. Taas haduu sameeyo, kalsoonidii inay soo noqoto ayaa laga yaaba. And he should apply this principle not only to Kismaayo but to all regions. Today, I met a very senior government guy and while we talked about a work related matter, I would shocked to learn about HIS INTERPRETATION of Federalism. Wuxuu ku leeyahay "Gobol kasta waaxaa loo samayn Maamul oo Xamar ayaa laga magaabaya. Afar qof ayaa loo diraya oo la odhanayaa kala doorta. IYAGAA kala dooranaya *(emphasis on IYAGAA kala dooranaya....maxay kala dooranayaan ma rag doorran?). Markaa ayaa ay sida ay rabaan isu raacayaan...


Kolkaa maxaa Federal ah inaan ku idhaa ayaan damcay? Waa fadaree!


Still I have no problem with that if it works for some regions. But I expect Lower Shabelle will be the next bomb. Dadka meesha ku nool inay shiraan oo markaa ay go'aansadaan waxay rabaan oo ay dawlada ula yimaadaan baa ka fiican. Dad 100% wax isku raacayaa ma jiraan, laakin intii wada socota ee meesha maamusha hala aqoonsado, dawladuna wixii ay ka tageen ama qaldeen ha la saxdo. But it seems Hassan wants to sit on the DRIVING SEAT of the formation of the states. I think he is generally a micro-manager. Two days ago, he went to Bakaara market personally and said "wixii dhulka ay dhisteen sharcigooda haystaa, ha ii keenaan, anigaa kala saarayee". The other day he told someone every morning he is solving about 50 cases of land disputes in Mogadishu. You look at this and realize the guy does not understand what the roles of a President are and that of a Mayor or a District magistrate are! Wax badan ayaa ka qaldan. And this is not to paint him with a bad brush. I really empathize with him.

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LOL@ Waa fadaree!


Najjaasuu rimanyahay, and I say it with a marked reservation.


Awoowe ninkani waa nin buul caaro ku nool, mardhow xargaha caarada dabayshu marin oo isaga sidii shalay xabeebsan si quman u hadlin , ee dastuurka halagu mintido un

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mid baa shalay igu yidhi, anigu ninkan Xassan ah waxaan u arkaa "nin jeebasha masas nooc walba ah...cobra, black mamba, scorpion...ay uga buuxaan oo hadana qalyaya oo daqsi wajigiisa ku war wareegay ku mashquulsan siduu isaga eryi lahaa". :D :D yacni wrong priority!

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Dadkinan waad isdaalinaysaan hasan sheikh go'aankisa wuu cadyahay. Hadaad leedihiin 4 sano soo socoto ayaan sugaynaa ee ha dhamaysto. ogaada qofka xigidoono waa another HAG. Marka waad isdaalinaysaan ee somaliland oo kale Waan go'nay iska dhaha.

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