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President of Jubbaland Ahmed Madoobe Arrives Nairobi to Meet President Hassan, Faroole

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Madaxweyne Axmed Madoobe oo si heersare ah loogusoo dhaweeyey Nairobi


Madaxweynaha Dowlada Jubaland ee Soomaaliya Mudane Axmed Maxamed Islaam (Axmed Madoobe) ayaa si heersare ah loogusoo dhaweeyey Magaalada Nairobi.


Madaxweyne Madoobe ayaa saaka wwaabarigii kasoo duuley Kismaayo wuxuuna Nairobi u yimid arimaha Jubooyinka isagoo la kulmi doona Masuuliyiin ay ka mid yihiin Madaxweyne Faroole iyo Madaxweyne Xasan Sheikh.


Faahfaahinta warkaan goor dhow naga filo

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@Gheelle ---yes, that is the logical step to defuse this manufactured, political crisis by Hassan


Madaxweyne Maamul Goboleedka Jubbaland Axmed Maxamed Islam Madoobe iyo wafdi uu hogaaminayo ayaa manta ka dhoofay Garoonka Calamiga ah ee Magaalada Kismaayo.


Safarka Madaxweynaha Jubbaland ayaa waxaa lagu macneeyay Kulamo uu la so kala qaadanayo Madax ka tirsan Dowladaha Kenya iyo Somalia waxaana kulamadaasi diirada lagu saaridoona Aqonsiga iyo dhamaystirka Dowlad Goboleedka Jubbaland State.


Safarka Axmed Madoobe ayaa maalmahaan waxaa laga dareemaya Xarunta uu ka dagan yahay Magaalada Kismaayo waxaaana halkaasi ka socday Wadatashi ku adan Qodabadi uu kala soo hadli lahaa Madaxweynaha Somalia Xasan Sheikh Maxamuud oo ay ku kulmayaan Magaalada Nairobi maalmaha na soo adan.

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Magaaladda Nairobi ee Caasimadda Kenya waxaa soo gaaray daqiiqado ka hor Madaxweynaha Jubbaland-State Sayid Axmed Madoobe,waxaana Garoonka ku soo dhaweeyay Xildhibaano ka tirsan Dalka Kenya iyo Wefdi Puntland ka tirsan oo maalmahan Nairobi joogo.


Madaxweynaha ayaa la filayaa inuu Magaaladda Nairobi kulan fool ka fool ah la yeesho Madaxweynaha Dawladda Federaalka Soomaaliyeed Xasan Culusoow,waxaana kulankooda dhex-dhexaadin-doona Madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Faroole.

Dhinaca kale Wasiradda Arimaha Dibadda ee Kenya Aamino Jabriil ayaa galabta la filayaa inay qado u samayso Wefdiga Madaxweynaha Jubbaland iyo wefdigii horey u sii joogay ee Puntland ka yimid,waxaana la filayaa inay ka waad hadlaan sidii la loo dhex-dhexaadin lahaa Madaxweyne Xasan Culusoow iyo Sayidka,iyadoo gogoshaan uu dhigay Madaxweynaha Puntland C/raxmaan Faroole,lamana yaqaan in Madaxweyne Xasan aqbali-doono nabadoonimada uu ku baaqay Odayga Faroole oo u tafa-xeytay inuu heshiisiiyo Jubbaland iyo Maadxweyne Xasan.

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Madaxweynaha Jubaland Axmed Madoobe oo Nairobi lagu soo dhaweeyey




Madaxweynaha lagu doortey shirkii Jubaland Axmed Maxamed Islan iyo wefdi la socdey ayaa maanta lagu soo dhaweeyey magaalada Nairobi ee xarunta dalka Kenya, Soo dhaweynta Madaxweynaha waxaa ka qaybqaatey boqol dadweyne ah uu u badnaa taageerayaasha Jubaland iyo ergooyin kale oo ka socda qaar ka mid ah maamulada dalka Soomaaliya ka jira.


Booqasha wefdiga Jubaland ayaa ku soo beegmeysa xili ay halkaas ku sugan yihiin qaar ka mid ah asaasayaashii Jubaland iyo madaxweynaha Puntland kuwaas oo kulan la qaatey Madaxweynaha dalka Kenya Uhuru Kenyatta.


Warar Horseed Media heleyso ayaa sheegaya in maalinta berri ah ee Arbacad uu tegi doono Nairobi Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaaliga ah ee Soomaaliya Xassan Shiikh Maxamuud, waxana wararku sheegayaan in ay kulan wada qaadan doonaan Madaxweynaha Puntland iyo Madaxweynaha dhawaan la doortey Axmed Madoobe, kulankan ayaa ah mid la isku deyaayo in Dowladda iyo Jubaland la isku fahamsiiyo.


Dhanka kale Madaxweynaha Jubland Axmed Madoobe ayaa kulamo la qaadan doona madax ka tirsan dalalka IGAD oo ku hawlan xal u helida xiisadda Jubbooyinka.


Waa safarkii u horeeyey ee Madaxweynaha Jublanad ku tago Kenya tan iyo markii xilka ergooyin u doorteen 15 May 2013.


Horseed Media

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Oh, look, look, they're going to actually talk.


Xaaji Xunjuf;958852 wrote:
Nairobi is the new addis ababa for Somalia:D

Bal maxaa u diiday dalkoodii?

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^^Ahmed does not think Mogadishu is neutral , Hassan Sheekh does not think Kismayo is neutral and Garoowe is not politically feasible for Hassan.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;958891 wrote:
Djibouti is the best place a Somali country

Djibouti is most certainly not neutral when it comes to J/land. Waa ku sidee sxb, you're slacking :D

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Kenya is not neutral either we know Kenya supports a bufferstate and is against hassans policies towards his own regions. ,or Asmara if you dont trust Djibouti.

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Game on! What a game...and so far no soul has been lost because of it. There was a time when this blood sport (particulary in that neck of the wood) required human sacrifice. No more :) It's a beauty!


This is a high poker game. The entire system of governance the country will be adopting is at stake. Some folks tried to tweak it to their liking but Faroole is not having any of that :) I would have liked Gandi better as a partner in this tango but hey you take what you have and see how it pans out. Hope Madoobe is as solid as Gandi in understanding the depth of the dispute.


Ganaane river in its entirety with Kismayo as its hub forming a federal member state within federal Somalia is something no one could have predicted a couple of years ago. It looks like it is has arrived (with minor tweaking at the prephery north of Luuq district).


Get this one right and you could attract Somali assets in East Africa. You could also bring refugee to home and that my friends is blessing from Allah.


Could Madoobe deliver the goods?

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Baashi;958903 wrote:
Game on! What a game...and so far no soul has been lost because of it. There was a time when this blood sport (particulary in that neck of the wood) required human sacrifice. No more
It's a beauty!


This is a high poker game. The entire system of governance the country will be adopting is at stake. Some folks tried to tweak it to their liking but Faroole is not having any of that
I would have liked Gandi better as a partner in this tango but hey you take what you have and see how it pans out. Hope Madoobe is as solid as Gandi in understanding the depth of the dispute.


river in its entirety with Kismayo as its hub forming a federal member state within federal Somalia is something no one could have predicted a couple of years ago. It looks like it is has arrived (with minor tweaking at the prephery north of Luuq district).


Get this one right and you could attract Somali assets in East Africa. You could also bring refugee to home and that my friends is blessing from Allah.

Could Madoobe deliver the goods?

I sure hope so Baashi ---from I what have gleaned the man understands what is at stake, otherwise he would have taken the tempting offers from Mogadishu as he publicly said. Like you said the game is on, and there is a profound questions that deserves an answer from Hassan Sheekh: With D block community entirely expelled from Mogadishu and the presidency being held by a man from those who retained the capital city, is he willing to risk his presidency by tinkering with the current federal arrangement to the liking of Mogadishu community?


That is the raw politics at play here , only if the commons could understand it

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What’s up with Faroole! Why is he committing with all these unforced gaffes a la Biden? He talks too much awoowe. Why in the world would you table your grievances in public, make a case for them, examine all the shortcomings on of your political opponent, and – listen this – state unequivocally your bottom line in the outcome of a meeting yet to be held???


Awoowe odaygu waxba ma hambeyn waxa na moodaa in uu khatif ka galay xeerka Somalida ee ahaa in aan fagaaraha lagu garnaqsan. Waxay ku haboonayd in uu yiraahdo “anniga iyo madaxda SFG-da wax badan baan ka wada hadalnay, waxna waa noo laaban yihiin. Waa jiraan meelo aan ku kala aragti duwan nahay oo aan isku diidnay haatan waxa rajeynaynaa in aan wax badan isla gorfeyno oo aan isla meel dhigno. Waxaa naga go’an in aan Somaliya dib loo celin oo xoogaaga yar eee nasoo dhex-galay si dhawso ah dawo laagu helo

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