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Bosaso - Iftin Bank Officially Opens. PIC

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Boosaaso[RBC Radio] Waxaa maanta si rasmi ah looga furay magaaladda Boosaaso ee xarunta gobolka Bari xarunta dhexe ee Iftin Group,waxaana xariga ka jaray Madaxweyne Kuxigeenka Dawladda Puntland Gen Cabdisamad Cali Shire.


Furitaanka Iftin Group ayaa waxaa ka qeybgalay Madax ka tirsan Puntland sida Madaxweyne Kuxigeenka Puntland Gen Cabdisamad Cali Shire,Wasiirka amniga Khaliif Ciise Mudan,Wasiirka Dekedaha iyo Gaadiidka Badda Eng Siciid Maxamed Raage,Wasiirka Maaliyadda Faarax Cali Shire,Maamulaha Guud ee Iftin Group Aadan Cabdullaahi Ilkacase,Issimo,Nabadoono,Aqoonyahano,Ganacsato iyo marti sharaf kale.


Sidoo kale Madasha furitaanka iyana waxaa goob joog ka ahaa Shaqaalaha Iftin Group oo ka kala yimid gudaha dalka Soomaaliya iyo dibada.


Madaxweyne Kuxigeenka Puntland Gen Cabdisamad Cali Shire oo furintaanka Iftin Group kalmado kooban ka jeediyey ayaa sheegay in ay ku faraxsanyihiin furitaanka Iftin Group isla markaana waxa uu soo dhaweeyey dhismaha cusub ee Bankiga oo noociisa aan laga dhisin Puntland.


Maamulaha Guud ee Iftin Group Aadan Cabdullaahi Ilkacase ayaa isna sheegay in marka hore uu soo dhaweynaayo Martida kasoo qeybgashay furitaanka Bangiga Iftin Group,wuxuuna intaas ku daray in dhismahan sida casriga ah loo dhisay ay ku baxday kharash badan.


Mudane Aadan Cabdullaahi Ilkacase ayaa ka dhawaajiyey iney u ballanqaadayaan Shacabka Puntland in Bangigu si hufan ugu shaqeyn doono isla markaana gacmo furan kusoo dhaweynayaan.waxaana mid mid loo tusay Marti sharaftii kasoo qeybgashay qeybaha uu ka koobanyahay dhismaha cusub ee Iftin Group.



Furitaanka Bangiga Iftin Group ka dib,waxaa qado sharaf loogu sameeyey Madaxdii ka socotay Puntland,Issimad,Aqoonyahanada,Ganacsatada iyo marti sharaftii kaleba Hotel International Village.


Shirkadda dhismaha ee Mubaarak Group ayaa ahayd Shirkada ku guuleystaya Qandaraaska dhismaha Iftin Bank,wuxuuna noqonayaa kan ugu bilicda qurxoon deegaanada Puntland ee Bangi yeesho,waxana sida dadka qaar ay sheegeen uu ka qeybqaadanayaa bilicda magaaladda Boosaaso


Cismaan Turaabi












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Other projects are on the way for Bosaso. Im looking forward to these two




I think all the telecommunication and banking sectors should lift up they're game in Bossaso. We are surely lacking behind mogadishu and hargeisa in that aspect. Big projects worth multi million dollars. Its mainly our business community abroad who are not returning to invest which is very sad. I hope the new group iftimiin can change this and bring awareness to the diaspora and business community it's time to invest.

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Mashaa Allah this is a good development. I hope the other projects materialise too so Boosaaso becomes a well built city.

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Tallabo, Puntland architecture has a long way to go. Especially Bosaso and Galkayo who seem to just copy the next business building style and not come with something original. I want to see more glass towers in bosaso and galkayo

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Dr_Osman;956315 wrote:
Tallabo, Puntland architecture has a long way to go. Especially Bosaso and Galkayo who seem to just copy the next business building style and not come with something original. I want to see more glass towers in bosaso and galkayo

You are right. Glass and steel towers are more modern, maybe less expensive, and certainly more beautiful. So yeah all Somalis should learn how to construct modern glass and steel buildings and ditch the bricks and tiles which I find ugly and cumbersome.

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