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welcome to Ximan iyo Xeeb election , heavy weapons on displayed equal to Somaliland army

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Wasaarada ammaanka maamul goboleedka Ximan iyo Xeeb ayaa maanta sheegtay inay qaadayso talaabooyin ammaanka lagu xaqiijinayo , kuwaasi oo ku wajahan dhammaan deegaanada maamulka Ximan iyo Xeeb.


Shir jaraa’id oo uu maanta magaalada Cadaado ku qabtay Taliyaha ciidamada ammaanka Ximan iyo Xeeb Maxamuud Axmed Shuuriye ayaa waxa uu ku sheegay inay ciidamadu bilaabi doonaan hawlgalo ay kula soconayaan xasiloonida deegaanka si looga hortago cid walba oo carqalad ku ah nabadgalyada.


Taliyaha ayaa ugu baaqay dadwaynaha inay ciidamada kala shaqeeyaan ammaanka ayna soo wargaliyaan hadii ay arkaan wax nabadgalyada dhaawacaya si looga hortago waqtiga ku haboon.


Dhawaan ayaa la filayaa inay magaalada Cadaado ka dhacdo doorashada madaxtinimo ee Ximan iyo Xeeb, iyadoo deegaanka laga dareemayo dhaqdhaqaaqyo arrintaasi la xiriira.










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These boys are not Khaatumist odweyn , they will teach Somaliland lesson if their was to be conflict ,look closer on the outfit SAF is heading your way




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Oodweyne, If few boys from a small town can chase away your 'army', than I am sure these boys from Ximan can handle their business.


Malistar. Where's your Somali arrogance, just say you are best. Don't compare your self to anyone.haha

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Nune puntland has tanks, has bms, has technicals, has armed f450s, has soldier moving trucks, has a coastal guard, has an airforce consisting of jet fighters, armed warplanes and helicopters. Has sophiscated military, police and naval command centers. Its the strongest at the moment but I think with the shipment that hamar recieved recently plus its ongoing developments in the security sector Puntland could be left behind.


As for somaliland sxb your talking about yesteryears when ppl didnt have pics of other states army and only somaliland did. These fellas only have one section of what puntland possesses which is soviet made stuff iskaba daa inta kale hada puntland haysato

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Ignoring Puntland capability is just insane, but like I said I am bit worried about the lifting of the arms embargo on mogadishu because this could allow for more sophisticated weaponry to enter mogadishu. But as for puntland and now boys its armed to teeth and well trained

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gnoring Puntland capability is just insane, but like I said I am bit worried about the lifting of the arms embargo on mogadishu because this could allow for more sophisticated weaponry to enter mogadishu. But as for puntland and now boys its armed to teeth and well trained

with all those weapons LA and Mahkir state are still occupied by somaliland ? why is that

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