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Tigraionline:Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn says we will defend Somaliland

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Mr Lax, as citizen of Sodomland, you want to make an enemy of out all Somali people? Internal strife is more threat to you but hang on phantom enemies and dance to Tigray tunes which makes you, well you know what.


You seem to lack the capacity to understand anything, who said anything about Soomaalinimo? Pay attention!

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Safferz;953798 wrote:
Zoomalia, Saalax? Is deji :mad:


Typo , I wrote the Z in the place of S. :D

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Listen Al shababi boy, I couldn't care less about the other Somali people, they were destroying their

nation for 22 years after attacking the Somaliland people and their lands between 1981-1991, we

are already enemies.



Somalia is not a friend of Somaliland.

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Salax you are talking about the short term interests, in the long term interests Somaliland and Somalia need each other to protect and safeguard their political and economic interest in the horn.What Somaliland has with Somalia is a political disagreement currently on their future relations the TPLF junta on the other hand does not favor Somaliland over Somalia nor does it care about Somaliland interests as you want to believe. It doesn't even care about those Somalis under Ethiopian rule including ethnic Somalilanders. Somaliland should also not side with Ethiopia when it comes to the Ethio Egyptian conflict. Because lets be honest what has Ethiopia done for Somaliland, it should stay away from these affairs. The short term interests will fade away, but Somaliland has a long term interest, the political disagreement should not be translated that Somaliland and Somalia are enemies we are not enemies. The Xabashis on the other hand have their own interests, if you read what those bug eyed wrote on that website you posted they said Somaliland was part of their Abyssinia once thus they should claim it. We have no shared values with those people and its in our very own interests that that ill conceived empire disintegrates.

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Saalax;953801 wrote:
Listen Al shababi boy, I couldn't care less about the other Somali people, Somalia is not a friend of Somaliland.

Your honesty is appreciated! Your parents must have phucked up feeding a steady diet of hate.

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Better be honest than hide behind fake Somalinimo and the blue flag like some folks and the next day invite

Kenya for lunch in Jubbaland or waving pictures of Uhuru Kenyatta in Taleex. :D No one is falling for

your fake crocodile tears. Take it to where the sun doesn't shine, I am a Somaliland nationalist

firstmost political wise.

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Xaaji Xundjuf That is only if Somalia respects Somaliland independence, otherwise there is no any

shared long term interests. Stop thinking too local and think about how you can benefit from relations

with other nations in order to have Somalia put in its place forever if it ever tries to get out of line,

Somalia can be an enemy while some other country can have some similar interests in line with you.

I am not saying Ethiopia is a friend, however there is some shared interests such as no union

between Somaliland and Somalia.

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Saalax;953805 wrote:
Better be honest than hide behind fake Somalinimo and the blue flag like some folks and the next day invite

Kenya for lunch in Jubbaland or waving pictures of Uhuru Kenyatta in Taleex.
No one is falling for

your fake crocodile tears. Take it to where the sun doesn't shine, I am a Somaliland nationalist

firstmost political wise.

You can be an SL nationalist and recognize that you are still a Somali and your future (and that of Somaliland) is intertwined with that of all Somali territories in the Horn. I also do not understand the hatred and extremism of your political positions.

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Mr.Lax. No tears here, pay attention kid! As for the rest stuff, you have more in common with Jubbalanders you mention, both easily excited by foreigners and willingly to do their bidding. We will see how Tigrays pay you back for your d@b@dh!l!fnimo.


Stop opposing the word nationalist, like everything else, you can't comprehend it.

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Safferz We are not really intertwined, the average Joe in Somaliland doesn't get much affected by what

happens in Jubbaland Or Mogadishu. Likewise the people of Somalia did not get affected when hired

South African jets were bombing Somaliland cities to ruins. The people of Somalia have no right to

cry for unity or any sort, they killed it in the first place as Hon President Siilaanyo put it.





Che -Guevara Al shababi You're too emotional, all over the place and have leaks everywhere,

get a tissue. It is clear you're not cut out for this kind of discussions which requires realism.

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Al Shabab Boy I don't need Tigrays or so. Remember at the end of the day it is you who needs Ugandans

and Burundians, without them your so called president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud would be homeless. :D

I am a descendant of SNM, I liberated my land with my own blood and sweat, I don't need protection from

from foreigners. Don't mistake me for you, don't forget to thank your Ugandan, Burundian guards..

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Saalax;953812 wrote:
Al Shabab Boy I don't need Tigrays .

A minute ago, you did. Make up your mind. SNM like other tribal rebels were tools mase you start believing dining table stories.


p.s. N you haven't liberated anything kid, you are probably sitting somewhere in the west living off people's hard earned taxes-a bit of reality dose kid.

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No I did not, it is all in your head Al shabab boy. If you hate Tigrays so much get them out of your homes

in Gedo, Beledweyne etc. Don't cry to me, I am a man who lives in dignity in his homeland of Somaliland :).

Living off taxes? Do you think I am a Boli Qaran kid like you? That use to live off the hard earned money of

the Somali people through Siad Bare? :) Or perhaps living off welfare in Boston now? :D

Many of my close uncles were part of the SNM and even I as a younger use to help my uncles

with the weapons that liberated Sland, so watch your words Al shabab boy, waxan ahay raga leh wadanka kid ;) .



I know the concept of "wadanka ana leh" might not exist in your dictionary since you and along

with your president are homeless guarded by Ugandans, Burundians etc.

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